4 種英文自我介紹範本
Situation 1|求職信
Dear Hiring Manager,
My name is OO. I came across your job posting online.① I'm interested in this job position of reporter.② I believe I'm the right candidate you are looking for.
I have more than 5 years of experience in journalism.③ I major in Economics and hold a bachelor's degree as the company requires.
I have attached my resume for your consideration. Thank you for your time.
Respectfully Yours,
人事經理 敬啟:
我是 OO。我從線上看到您的徵才資訊,對於記者職位非常感興趣。我相信我正是您在找的人。
第一,我做記者已經超過 5 年了。第二,我主修經濟並且擁有學士學位。
① 告知如何得知這個職位。如果是透過朋友轉介紹,也是寫在這個位置,甚至可以直接在主旨寫 Our mutual friend / client(姓名)thinks we should chat.(我們的共同朋友 OO 推薦我們談談。)
② 提及你要應徵的工作項目,實用句型:
- I am interested in the job position of + 職缺
③ 介紹自己與職缺相符之處,實用句型:
- I have 時間長度 years of experience in + 產業/職位
- I major in + 學位
Situation 2|書面自我介紹
Hello AA,
My name is OO, and I'm the new engineer at DEF Panel Company to take charge of machine operation and maintenance.④ Starting from March 1st, I will be taking the role of BB.⑤ I would like to introduce myself. You will also find my contact information in this email, and do contact me if you need any assistance. I look forward to working with you soon.
All the best,
Engineer, DEF Panel
AA 先生 您好:
我是 OO,DEF 面板公司新來的工程師,負責機器操作與維護。從 3 月 1 日起,我將接替 BB 的工作。藉由此封電子郵件,我要向您介紹自己。隨信附上我的聯絡資訊,如果需要任何協助,請聯絡我。期待未來與您合作。
DEF 面板公司工程師
④ 介紹自己的職務,實用句型:
- I am the new(新來的)職位 at 公司 to take charge of 工作內容
⑤ 替代哪一位窗口,實用句型:
- Starting from 日期,I will be taking the role of + 人名/職位
- I'll be taking over as your new point of contact for 專案 moving forward.(未來我將成為你在__專案的聯絡人)
Situation 3|口頭自我介紹
Dear Colleagues,
My name is OO. I am the new engineer at DEF Panel. I will be working alongside all of you for machine operation and maintenance.⑥
Before I joined here, I worked at ABC Panel.⑦
I will be working at the shop floor most of the time, and my extension is 3241. Do reach me whenever you need me. Outside of work, I enjoy doing yoga and going to the beach.⑧
I'm excited to work with you all. Thank you.
我是 OO,DEF Panel 新來的工程師,負責機器操作與維護。
在加入 DEF Panel 之前,我在 ABC Panel。
我大部分的時間都會在現場,我的分機是 XXXX。只要有需要,請聯絡我。
⑥ 簡要說明你的職稱與工作內容,透過簡要介紹,能讓同事知道未來有什麼事,能找你幫忙。
⑦ 簡單地介紹自己的優勢或貢獻。在此例中,因為說話者已經有相關工作經驗,能告知同事,自己是即戰力。
⑧ 最後也可以用自己工作以外的興趣,期望與大家相處愉快當結尾。
Situation 4|口頭介紹他人
OO, I'd like to introduce to you AA.⑨ from the Accounting Department. AA, OO is our new Vice president of Public Relations. Like you, she's a runner.⑩
OO,我想為你介紹會計部的 AA。AA,OO 是我們公司公關部新任副總,他跟你一樣都很愛跑步。
⑨ 我想為你介紹,實用句型 I would like to introduce to you + 被介紹者,句中的 you 通常是高位者。另一個說法是
- I would like you to meet+被介紹者(我想讓你認識),句中的 you 是低位者,適合非正式場合。
⑩ 介紹兩人認識時,結尾務必添加一、兩句「聊天線索」,讓對方得以延續。
資料來源:《不失禮的技術》,商業周刊出版;《翻轉人生的 15 堂英語課》,不求人文化出版;《Fast company》〈The Best Way To Introduce Yourself In Five Potentially Awkward Situations〉;《Indeed》〈How to Introduce Yourself to New Coworkers〉;《The Muse》〈7 Email Templates You Need When You Start a New Job〉
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