


Tom Daley「跳水王子」5個溫暖金句:即便不是成為社會所期待的樣子,也一樣能夠成就所有事情 | Women's Health

Women’s Health

更新於 07月31日09:51 • 發布於 07月31日09:41 • Women's Health Taiwan

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2020東京奧運,跳水王子 Tom Daley 除了獲得金牌之外,也因為在場邊織毛衣而爆紅。東奧後原本打算退役的他,因為兒子的一句話:「我想看爸爸在奧運跳水」,而決定再度征戰奧運,最後也成功於巴黎奧運拿下男子雙人10公尺跳水銀牌!這同時還是他五度征戰奧運中的第五座獎牌!2013年公開出櫃,對身為公眾人物又身在體育界的他,是件很不容易的事。在奪下東奧金牌後,他也更是在記者會上對LGBTQ+族群信心喊話。那就讓我們往下滑看 Tom Daley 作為跳水運動員和LGBTQ+族群的5個溫暖金句!

Tom Daley 人生金句 1

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"No matter what happens, I am so grateful to have been able to really enjoy every second of this 5th Olympic journey!! Thank you to each and everyone one of you that has supported us on our journey to these games!"


Tom Daley 人生金句 2

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"I hope that any young LGBT person out there can see that no matter how alone you feel right now, you are not alone and that you can achieve anything and there is a whole lot of your chosen family out here ready to support you."


Tom Daley 人生金句 3

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"I feel incredibly proud to say that I am a gay man and also an Olympic champion."


Tom Daley 人生金句 4

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"If I do a bad dive, that’s in the past. Move on. The next dive is a completely separate thing. It’s just about being really present in a particular moment."


Tom Daley 人生金句 5

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"I don't think people should ever be afraid of evolving and forget getting who they once were, but it’s more about who are you now and who you want to be."


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