


【港式經典】西檸雞 Deep fried chicken with lemon sauce in H

Cook1Cook 煮一煮

發布於 2023年02月24日18:00 • Cook1Cook

雞扒 Chicken fillet 2塊/pcs
檸檬 Lemon 1個/pc
蜜糖 Honey 1湯匙/tbsp
吉士粉 Custard powder 2茶匙/tsp
檸檬汁 Lemon juice 4湯匙/tbsp
砂糖 Sugar 適量/Some
白醋 Vinegare 適量/Som
雞蛋 Chicken 2隻/pcs
薯粉 Sweet potato starch 適量/Some
【醃料】生抽 Soy sauce 1湯匙/tbsp
【醃料】砂糖 Sugar 1茶匙/tsp
【醃料】胡椒粉 Pepper powder 少許/Some
【醃料】紹興酒 Shaoxing wine 1茶匙/tbsp
【醃料】生粉 Corn starch 2湯匙/tbsp
1 :

雞扒一開二,用醃料醃30分鐘 Cut each chicken fillet into 2 pieces. Marinate with marinade for 30 minutes.
2 :

雞扒先沾薯粉,再沾上蛋漿,再沾一層薯粉 Coat chicken fillets with sweet potato starch, then egg liquid, then sweet potato starch again.
3 :

中火半煎炸至金黃熟透 Semi deep fry over medium heat until golden brown and cooked.
4 :
放涼切件上碟備用 Cut into pieces and set aside.
5 :

檸檬用刨刨出黃色最外層,然後榨汁,如不夠可加樽裝檸檬汁 Zest then juice a lemon.
6 :

將檸檬皮、檸檬汁與蜜糖拌勻 Mix well with honey.
7 :
下鍋煮熱,可酌量加糖及醋調味 Heat in a pan. Season with sugar and vinegar.
8 :

加入以暖水拌勻的吉士粉,將西檸汁煮至琉璃狀 Mix custard powder with warm water. Add in the sauce and cook until a little thicken.
9 :

淋在雞扒件上即成 Pour on chicken fillet pieces. Done.

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