




發布於 2023年03月25日12:16


(3432)台端公告有關本公司接獲所投資基金(Spectra SPC Powerfund)之更新通知事宜(112/03/06已公告收到基金之通知,112/03/25公告收到基金之更新通知)

(1)公告有關本公司分別於112.03.03及112.03.24接獲所投資基金(Spectra SPC Powerfund)以email通知事宜。
Deferral of Redemption of Participating Shares until Further Notice We are writing to inform you that the Board has declared a suspension
of calculation of Net Asset Value of the Company attributable to the Fund and a deferral of redemption of Participating Shares with immediate
effect until further notice.The Board considers that there exists circumstance where remittance ortransfer of monies upon redemption of Participial
Shares is not reasonably practicable, and more time is required for handling any redemption request which may be incoming and to determine the latest
Net Asset Value. As such, the Board relied on the terms of the Offering Memorandum to declare a suspension of calculation of Net Asset Value and
that no Participating Shares shall be redeemed on the upcoming Redemption Day, i.e.l March 2023.
The Investment Manager, in its opinion, also believe that such postponement of the Redemption Day is in the best interest of the Participating
Shareholders as a whole.Further notice will be issued to the Participating Shareholders in relation to the Redemption arrangement as and when
Spectra SPC Powerfund董事會依據基金發行備忘錄之遞延條款,宣布自2023年3月1日起將暫停基金的資產淨值計算並且遞延基金的贖回,直至進一步通知。此決定是由於該基金董
事會認為,在處理收回Spectra SPC Powerfund基金運作交易的資金,以支應全部贖回款,在現有情形下並不可行,故需要更多時間處理可能收到的贖回申請及計算最新的資產淨值。
Deferral Provisions
If on any Redemption Day, Redemption Forms are received for the redemption of Participating Shares which, together with Redemption Forms
received during the previous 20 Business Days, have an aggregate value of more than 10% of the latest available Net Asset Value of the Company
attributable to the Fund, the Board may declare that no Participating Shares in excess of 10% of the Net Asset Value shall be redeemed on that
Redemption Day and such Redemption Forms shall be carried forward for redemption on the next Redemption Day, or such later day as the Board may
determine (being not more than one calendar month hence) and such intermediate days shall not be Redemption Days for the purpose of redemption,
in which event the number of Participating Shares of each Shareholder to be redeemed on such Redemption Day shall be reduced, pro-rata, provided
that, on any subsequent Redemption Day priority shall be given to requests for redemption carried forward from a previous Redemption Day, according to
the length of time for which they have been carried forward. Payment of redemption proceeds may be suspended during any period in which the
determination of the Net Asset Value is suspended in accordance with the Articles.
條款,之後贖回日,自前一個贖回日遞延贖回的請求將按照遞延的時間順序處理。根據細則,在暫停確定資產淨值的任何期間內,可暫 停支付贖回所得款項。
The Board wishes to further update that, as at the date hereof,despite repeated requests made by the Fund to City Credit Capital(Labuan)
Limited (”CCCL”) and City Credit Capital (UK) Limited (”CCCUK”) which the Fund deposited the Funds fund as well as undertaking foreign exchange
trading for and on behalf of the Fund, CCCL and CCCUK have failed to execute the withdrawal instruction of the Fund to release and return the
moneys to the Fund. As at the date of this notice, the funds deposited with the CCCL and CCCUK were US$337,877,859.25 and US$464,786.84 respectively.
The Board has instructed legal representatives in the respective places to advise and handle the situation and demand letters have been sent to
CCCL and CCCUK. Up to today, no positive response has been received by the Fund and the Fund will instruct the relevant legal representatives to
take further actions to protect the interests of the Fund, which may include making complaints to the relevant financial industry monitoring
authorities, and to commence legal action if appropriate, for the purpose of recovering the funds.
Further notice will be issued to the Participating Shareholders inrelation to the abovementioned situation as soon as practicable.
基金董事會希望進一步更新上述通知,截至本文日期,儘管基金一再向City Credit Capital(Labuan)Limited (CCCL)和City Credit Capital(UK)Limited (CCCUK)提出
基金名稱 簡稱 USD仟元 (NTD仟元) 交易 發行 

機構 單位

Spectra SPC Powerfund (PF) 21,984 670,080 AA STI
Asian Strategic Long Term Fund (GP) 8,164 248,826 AA CCIB
Asian Strategic Orient Fund (GH) 9,116 277,873 AA CCIB
Longchamp Absolute Return Unit
Trust Fund(112.03.23已申請贖回)(LC) 14,252 434,394 CCAM-N CCAM
------ ---------

合計 53,516 1,631,173

(1)AA:Ayers Alliance Financial Group Ltd.
(2)STI:STI PF Limited
(3)CCIB:City Credit Investment Bank Limited
(4)CCAM-N:City Credit Asset Management Nominee Co., Ltd.
(5)CCAM:City Credit Asset Management Co., Ltd.
(三)本公司及子公司已於112.03.23已申請贖回上列(一)明細內之全部Longchamp Absolute Return Unit Trust Fund(預計交易日112.04.03,請參閱112.03.23公告),
(四)本公司截至目前有兩筆尚未收回款項之應收基金贖回款金額計美金2,041仟元 (折合新台幣62,201仟元),佔112.02.28自結報表合併總資產之3%,明細如下:

基金簡稱 交易日 USD仟元 (NTD仟元) 交易機構 發行單位

PF 112.02.15 1,032 31,445 AA STI
LC 112.02.20 1,009 30,756 CCAM-N CCAM
------ ---------

合計 2,041 62,201

7.其他應敘明事項(若事件發生或決議之主體係屬公開發行以上公司,本則重大訊息同時 符合證券交易法施行細則第7條第9款所定對股東權益或證券價格有重大影響之事項):有關於本公司


台端子公司擬贖回Longchamp Absolute Return Unit Trust Fund,估952萬美元(第一階段)

台端擬贖回Longchamp Absolute Return Unit Trust Fund,估約470萬美元準(第一階段)


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