


一頓餐要四萬二?米其林密探是只用吃的全職員工?關於《米其林指南》的 5 個迷思與趣事!


更新於 2022年08月24日03:02 • 發布於 2022年08月22日12:36 • Weian L

各位饕客準備好了嘛!2022《臺北、臺中、臺南 & 高雄米其林指南》將在本月公開台灣四座城市美食摘星名單,讓不管是北部、中部、南部的你都有口福啦。暖身準備大吃一波的同時,先跟著GQ搞懂《米其林指南》到底怎麼一回事。米其林到底是誰?為什麼它的評鑑這麼有名呢?來來來,不要到時候訂到餐廳講不出個所以然,奉上考前重點總整理,讓你立刻成為米其林小達人。



PARIS, FRANCE - FEBRUARY 09: Illustration picturres with the 2017 Michelin Guide, the little red book that confers the highest gastronomic accolades for his restaurant Le 1947 at Courchevel in Savoie on February 9, 2017 in Paris, France. Chef Yannick Alleno recuperated a third star for his restaurant Le 1947 at the Hotel le Cheval Blanc at Courchevel who had already been distinguished of three stars for his Parisian restaurant Le Pavillon Ledoyen in Paris. (Photo by Frederic Stevens/Getty Images)
PARIS, FRANCE - FEBRUARY 09: Illustration picturres with the 2017 Michelin Guide, the little red book that confers the highest gastronomic accolades for his restaurant Le 1947 at Courchevel in Savoie on February 9, 2017 in Paris, France. Chef Yannick Alleno recuperated a third star for his restaurant Le 1947 at the Hotel le Cheval Blanc at Courchevel who had already been distinguished of three stars for his Parisian restaurant Le Pavillon Ledoyen in Paris. (Photo by Frederic Stevens/Getty Images)

安德烈與愛德華兩兄弟以姓氏米其林為名,在其位於法國克勒蒙費朗(Clermont-Ferrand)的家鄉創立了同名企業。本業是做輪胎的米其林,起初為了幫助輪胎的推銷,1900年開始在其法國經銷店鋪內,免費發送結合了旅館與餐廳的開車指南;並於1926年始設星級制度、1931年確認三星評等,自此開啟美食評選新篇章。如今的《米其林指南》中,有三種耳熟能詳的美食評鑑制度:米其林星星(Michelin Star)、米其林餐盤(Michelin The Plate)、米其林必比登推薦(Michelin Bib Gournand);不管獲得何者殊榮,皆表示受到米其林評審員的品質認可。


TORONTO, ON - MAY 10: A press conference today announced Toronto will get a Michelin Guide for restaurants. On hand for the announcement was Gwendal Poullennec, international director of the MICHELIN Guides, (2nd from right), Toronto Mayor John Tory who shares a laugh with Chefs Daniel Boulud as the Michelin man hams it up for a photo. CORONAPD Toronto Star/Rick Madonik (Rick Madonik/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
TORONTO, ON - MAY 10: A press conference today announced Toronto will get a Michelin Guide for restaurants. On hand for the announcement was Gwendal Poullennec, international director of the MICHELIN Guides, (2nd from right), Toronto Mayor John Tory who shares a laugh with Chefs Daniel Boulud as the Michelin man hams it up for a photo. CORONAPD Toronto Star/Rick Madonik (Rick Madonik/Toronto Star via Getty Images)




Michelin chef serving food for guests in the kitchen, french cuisine, close up, crop on hands
Michelin chef serving food for guests in the kitchen, french cuisine, close up, crop on hands



也許你可能會想米其林評審員聽起來就是一個爽缺,到處吃盡美食的工作有夠好。No No No,米其林評選員又被稱為密探、秘密調查員,為了瞭解餐廳真正的樣貌,米其林評審員需事先受過訓練,查訪過程也需如一般顧客無異地進行完整用餐流程,從自行訂位至用餐結帳。米其林評審員一般不會輕易表明身分,若因特殊情況需與餐廳交流,表明身分者則將不得再次造訪該餐廳進行複評。

VALENCIA, SPAIN - FEBRUARY 18: An elaborate dish from Restaurante Fierro, on February 18, 2022 in Valencia, Comunidad Valenciana, Spain. The chefs, of Argentine origin, have won one of the highest gastronomic awards, a Michelin Star. Their establishment, opened in 2015 in Valencia, has obtained the distinction for its fusion of Argentine and Mediterranean food. (Photo By Rober Solsona/Europa Press via Getty Images)
VALENCIA, SPAIN - FEBRUARY 18: An elaborate dish from Restaurante Fierro, on February 18, 2022 in Valencia, Comunidad Valenciana, Spain. The chefs, of Argentine origin, have won one of the highest gastronomic awards, a Michelin Star. Their establishment, opened in 2015 in Valencia, has obtained the distinction for its fusion of Argentine and Mediterranean food. (Photo By Rober Solsona/Europa Press via Getty Images)




A Shinto maiden (L) leads Michelin mascot Bibendum (2nd L), director of the Michelin Guides Jean-Luc Naret ® and other employees of Michelin Tire to the main building of Kanda Myoujin shrine in Tokyo, 21 November 2007 to pray for success of
A Shinto maiden (L) leads Michelin mascot Bibendum (2nd L), director of the Michelin Guides Jean-Luc Naret ® and other employees of Michelin Tire to the main building of Kanda Myoujin shrine in Tokyo, 21 November 2007 to pray for success of
HONG KONG, CHINA - 2013/03/25: Kuroge wagyu beef with white asparagus and morel mushrooms at Tenku Ryu-Gin. Tenku Ryu-Gin is the fine dining kaiseki restaurant of Seiji Yamamoto in Hong Kong. Mr Yamamoto is the chef of Nihonryori RyuGin in Tokyo, which has three Michelin stars and ranks on the World's 50 Best Restaurants. (Photo by Leisa Tyler/LightRocket via Getty Images)
HONG KONG, CHINA - 2013/03/25: Kuroge wagyu beef with white asparagus and morel mushrooms at Tenku Ryu-Gin. Tenku Ryu-Gin is the fine dining kaiseki restaurant of Seiji Yamamoto in Hong Kong. Mr Yamamoto is the chef of Nihonryori RyuGin in Tokyo, which has three Michelin stars and ranks on the World's 50 Best Restaurants. (Photo by Leisa Tyler/LightRocket via Getty Images)


法國一代名廚侯布雄(Joël Robuchon)在其60年的職業生涯中,引領餐廳摘下了32顆星星,其中他的Joël Robuchon餐廳與姐妹品牌L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon,拿下超過20顆米其林星,是目前記錄上摘星最多的主廚。侯布雄身為美食界的師匠,一生作育英才,培育了無數廚師後輩,包含地獄廚神Gordon Ramsay、法國名廚Eric Ripert。很可惜現已無法親眼見識一代名廚的烹調身影,但不妨前往去年榮獲二星評級的L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon Taipei一嚐法式菜餚的美味。

上海餐廳Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet是亞洲第一高價米其林餐廳,人均用餐費用達台幣42,000。用餐過程就像是身心靈經過一場歌劇表演的洗禮,每道菜品都有量身設計的情境,讓人的多重感官沉浸到碗盤中的故事。Ultraviolet自2018的評鑑起,連年獲得米其林三星評鑑,其獨樹一幟的用餐風格讓許多人趨之若鶩!

Haute cuisine dish on a transparent plate.
Haute cuisine dish on a transparent plate.

在月底正式公開2022指南前,也不妨回憶一下2021《臺北臺中米其林指南》的箇中好手。不論是連續四年獲得三星殊榮的君品酒店頤宮中餐廳,其令人拍案叫絕的精緻粵菜、火焰片皮鴨三吃;在由江振城主廚引領的米其林二星RAW,一品台灣食材變身的法式創意料理;周末在台北天母老牌餐廳的金蓬萊遵古台菜與親朋好友齊聚台菜好滋味;或是來到台中俺達の肉屋吃下肥美的和牛燒肉,來一趟兩個小時的偽出國。不管是連年摘星,亦或新入榜的優質餐廳們,一次囊括台灣四座城市美食的2022《臺北、臺中、臺南 & 高雄米其林指南》,將在本月底正式公開啦!

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