


母親節卡片內容怎麼寫?45句動人心弦的「母親節祝福語」中英文一次看,快寫下你對媽媽的愛! | Women's Health

Women’s Health

更新於 05月16日09:14 • 發布於 05月09日06:46 • Sophie Ku, WH US

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為什麼?「卡片是一種告訴別人你愛他們的方式,分享快樂給他們的方式。」專業性治療師、性學家Jenni Skyler博士說。檀香山的臨床心理學家和性治療師Janet Brito博士說,在母親節卡片上寫漂亮的祝福語可以發展「積極性的互動和雙方難忘經歷」。表達自己的感受和誠實溝通是一種很好的做法,它可以讓人們建立更親密的聯繫。


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PHOTO CREDIT: fotostorm


COPYRIGHT: Hearst Owned

Wishing you the best Mother’s Day. You deserve all the best!

Wishing you a relaxing, calming Mother’s Day this year.

Hope you have your best Mother’s Day yet!

Wishing I could be by your side this Mother’s Day. Sending you a hug!

Hoping you have a Mother’s Day that’s as lovely as you.


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You are an inspiration, and I admire all that you do.

Thank you for being there for me through everything. I appreciate you.

Thank you for being the best mother a person could ask for.

I appreciate everything you’ve done for me. Thank you!

I hope you know how special you are to me.

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COPYRIGHT: Hearst Owned

I’m so glad to have you in my life. Happy Mother’s Day!

You are the best mother-in-law a person could ask for.

Thank you for raising such a beautiful, wonderful person. You did an amazing job.

I’m so lucky to have married into your family.

You are the best mother I know. Thank you!


COPYRIGHT: Hearst Owned

I’m so lucky to have you in my life, Grandma.

Thank you for teaching me so much about the world. I love you and your wisdom.

You are the heart of this family. Thank you, Grandma!

Thank you for always making me feel loved and safe, Grandma.

Grandma, you gave me the best [insert parent] on Earth. Thank you.

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PHOTO CREDIT: DragonImages


COPYRIGHT: Hearst Owned

Mom, you’re one of my favorite parents.

You raised the best child ever. (It's me!)

Thank you for raising a genius!

I love you more than [sibling’s name]!

Thanks for putting up with me during my teenage years. You deserve a medal.


COPYRIGHT: Hearst Owned


"To describe my mother would be to write about a hurricane in its perfect power. Or the climbing, falling colors of a rainbow." —Maya Angelou


"I believe the choice to become a mother is the choice to become one of the greatest spiritual teachers there is." —Oprah Winfrey


"When you look into your mother's eyes, you know that is the purest love you can find on this earth." —Mitch Albom


"A mother's arms are more comforting than anyone else's." —Princess Diana


"Mother's love is peace. It need not be acquired, it need not be deserved." —Eric Fromm

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PHOTO CREDIT: eggeeggjiew


COPYRIGHT: Hearst Owned

Congratulations on your first Mother’s Day of many!

You are going to be an amazing mother.

Your baby is so lucky to have you as their mother.

I always knew you’d be the loveliest mother, and your baby is so blessed to have you.

Happy Mother’s Day! Let me know if you ever need a babysitter. I’m here for you!


COPYRIGHT: Hearst Owned

You were always a mother to me. Thank you for all you do!

Thank you for always being there for me. I love you!

You are an inspiration to me, and I am so appreciative of your presence in my life.

Thank you for being a shoulder to cry on. You are everything to me!

I wouldn’t be here without you. Thank you for everything.

COPYRIGHT: Getty Images


COPYRIGHT: Hearst Owned

Thank you for being the most amazing mother to our children.

I’m thankful every day that I started a family with you.

Being your partner and watching you become a mother has been the greatest joy of my life.

I couldn’t have taken on parenthood with anyone else. I love you!

Thank you for staying by my side through everything. I appreciate all you do for our family.

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