今年的情人節將會很不一樣,情人隔罩談情,不再外出晚餐,避免肺炎危機。表露愛意,只靠眉目傳情?以前送花上office是情人節指定動作,今年多數人work from home,女士們不用借一束鮮花耀武揚威,不如花點心思想一份別出心裁的禮物!女生始終愛花,但再美的鮮花都不耐久,近年在手作圈大流行的紙花藝術(paper flower art)或可博紅顏一笑!
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After “can I do it?” is “can I teach someone else to?”. That’s the hard part! #paperflowers
Tiffanie Turner (@tiffanieturner)分享的帖子 於 PST 2019 年 12月 月 6 日 11:24 上午 發佈
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Favorite sunny outtakes from a portrait shoot with @ayabrackett for @sunsetmag back in my old studio in the Dogpatch.
Tiffanie Turner (@tiffanieturner)分享的帖子 於 PST 2019 年 11月 月 16 日 7:01 上午 發佈
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While I was laid up all day yesterday with a wicked stomach bug (much better today, thank you) I forgot that it was the two year anniversary of The Fine Art of Paper Flowers! The book is in its third printing, and has been published now in Korean and Italian, with the simplified Chinese edition coming at you in late 2020. As always, thank you for buying the book, working from it, gifting it, and sharing your work from it here. Thank you for sharing stories of how you’ve used it, and how it’s helped you. These stories sustain me so much. Tagging all the amazing women who helped bring the book to life. Keep posting your work to #thefineartofpaperflowers, I check it every week and love to see the flowers there. xoxoxo!
Tiffanie Turner (@tiffanieturner)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2019 年 8月 月 23 日 8:05 上午 發佈
1. Tiffanie Turner 現居美國三藩市的Tiffanie Turner,是一位具建築師背景的紙花藝術家。以大尺寸紙花著稱,作品可達1.5公尺寬。由於尺寸較大,所需的製作時間也較長,每件總工時平均250-400小時。Tiffanie自言:「對物品的製作過程和重複性的元素有極大興趣,花卉和植物速寫也一直是我的熱情所在。」
她在2017年出版紙花專書《The Fine Art of Paper Flowers》,也曾參與三藩市de Young Museum的藝術家進駐計劃,創作立體花朵,並開設紙花工作坊,是十分活躍的紙花藝術家。
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This is me posing in front of a giant paper flower Quynh (of @pinkandposey) made. But my face is next to it. So if you’re quickly scrolling, you might well think I actually made it. 🤞🏻#sorryquynh
Kate Alarcón (@cobralilyshop)分享的帖子 於 PST 2020 年 2月 月 2 日 7:29 下午 發佈
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Today’s the day! The book is out! I can’t believe it! I just want to thank my editor @rachelhiles , my agent, Cindy Uh @cincinn, @kiracorbin and @alice_gao for styling and photography, and my publisher @chroniclebooks . And I want to thank all of you guys for making this possible in the first place, for all your love and encouragement, and for the inspiration I find here every day. This was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, and it’s surreal to know that it’s going out into the world. It’s all my best stuff, and most of what I know how to do. It’s all there for you to learn and tweak and make your own. If you’d like to share images of your copy, or a copy spotted out in the wild, or, best of all, something you made from the book, you can use the hashtag #uncommonpaperflowers
Kate Alarcón (@cobralilyshop)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2019 年 10月 月 15 日 9:54 上午 發佈
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I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the hustle ethos I see on Instagram all the time—push yourself to the limit and you’ll succeed, girl boss! But that calculus is more complicated when you have a chronic health issue. Like, I’ll make this impossible thing happen no matter what, except the “what” for me is maybe reliving the worst experience of my life because I wouldn’t stop pushing myself, and now my kids have to deal with post-manic episode /post hospitalization mom. I’m taking good care, but it’s a scary tight rope. Anyway, I just wanted to put that out there in case anyone can relate, and to post this bouquet again for my ig buddies with chronic health issues and especially bipolar, and especially especially bipolar one. 👊🏻 #forkbipolar
Kate Alarcón (@cobralilyshop)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2018 年 10月 月 5 日 10:38 上午 發佈
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Reposting this guy because it’s time for some color over here! I love you, Seattle, but there are other colors besides gray. #I’mjustplayingbutimsaying
Kate Alarcón (@cobralilyshop)分享的帖子 於 PST 2019 年 1月 月 8 日 10:12 上午 發佈
2. Kate Alarcon 西雅圖紙花藝術家Kate Alarcon,手作紙花的技藝純熟,能將各式紙片變成栩栩如生的花兒。她習慣使用磅數不同的歐洲皺紋紙,做出精細的花瓣、花萼,即使是多肉植物也難不倒她。從2007年開始自學紙花藝術,她習慣先將小細節一一搞定,比如確認花瓣的上色方式、先試做半個花蕊,再將所有的零件組合起來。Kate Alarcon的紙花哲學是堅信紙花藝術的意義不在於徹頭徹尾地複製一朵鮮花,她常鼓勵新手,不要執著擬真度,應放手創作。
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Working on delicate tiny blossoms today. 🌸 I can see some real ones in our next door neighbour’s garden from our window, although there was a light dusting of snow here overnight too! 👀 ❄️ Do you have any first signs of Spring where you are? #paperflowers #papercraft . . #dspink #sweetdreamsdlf #abmlifeiscolorful #candygirlgang #livecolorfully #huffpostgram #RSlove #pantone #daily_artistiq #capturingcolour #pursuepretty #colorventures #psimadethis #flashesofdelight #papercreations #creativityfound #craftsposure #myunicornlife #upliftandinspire #createmakeshare #ihavethisthingwithpink #candyminimal #creativelife #rsblooms #nothingisordinary #paperart #createinspring
A Petal Unfolds (@apetalunfolds)分享的帖子 於 PST 2018 年 2月 月 7 日 5:46 上午 發佈
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Paper Allium update and its coming along nicely although not quite a full circle underneath yet! It’s definitely the most time consuming flower I’ve ever made, but maybe it’s one of the best ones too 💜🤔 #paperflowers . . #papercrafts #paperartist #paperflower #pantone #papercreations #allthingsbotanical #alltheflowers #paperartwork #seekinspirecreate #floralfix #pursuepretty #botanicaldreamers #colorfullife #colorinspiration #imsomartha #dstexture #petalperfection #daily_artistiq #makersgonnamake #makerspace
A Petal Unfolds (@apetalunfolds)分享的帖子 於 PST 2018 年 2月 月 28 日 5:48 上午 發佈
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Thank you to @jomalonelondon for having me make paper Poppies and teach customers in their Selfridges Birmingham store today, as part of the launch of their new fragrance Poppy & Barley. 🌾🌸🌾 I really enjoyed meeting everyone, the staff were lovely and the store was so beautiful to work in. 😍 Next Saturday I’ll have the pleasure of doing the same in Selfridges Manchester Exchange and then on Sunday I’ll be at Selfridges Trafford Centre. ✂️ #PoppyAndBarley . #papercreations #allthingsbotanical #alltheflowers #paperartwork #seekinspirecreate #paperlovers #paperartist #paperart #papercraft #paperlove #crepepaperflowers #botanicalartist
A Petal Unfolds (@apetalunfolds)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2019 年 8月 月 31 日 12:07 下午 發佈
3. Susan Beech Susan Beech是A Petal Unfolds的品牌創辦人,大學念藝術,現居英國。Susan作品裡柔和色調、甜美風格和細膩的做工,為她贏得Jo Malone、Cath Kidston等品牌的合作機會。粉紅櫻花、紫色繡球花,在Susan Beech的世界裡,每一刻都是繁花盛開的時節。當初因為閱讀手作雜誌而對紙花產生興趣,Susan在創作前,習慣觀察花朵的種種細節。除了個人創作之外,Susan也開設線上教學課程,帶領更多人加入紙花藝術的行列。
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Livia Cetti (@thegreenvase)分享的帖子 於 PST 2019 年 11月 月 18 日 11:43 上午 發佈
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There’s one spot left in tomorrow’s Garden Rose class @avondalearts in Watch Hill, RI! Visit avondalearts.com to register. 📸 @kate_mathis
Livia Cetti (@thegreenvase)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2019 年 6月 月 28 日 9:06 上午 發佈
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So excited to see my house and flowers in @ellefr ❤️🇫🇷 Beautiful pics by @julieansiau and @charlottehuguet 🦜
Livia Cetti (@thegreenvase)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2019 年 3月 月 12 日 5:55 上午 發佈
4. Livia Cetti Livia Cetti有多重身分,她因紙花而登上《紐約客》雜誌,同時也是靜物造型師、手作職人、藝術總監,紙花作品以高調繽紛的色系而知名。她在《The Exquisite Book of Paper Flowers》一書中分享了許多創作的秘密和提點。畢業自三藩市藝術學院(San Francisco Arts Institute),Livia有19年的花藝產業經驗,也曾經擔任美國生活風格雜誌Martha Stewart Living的撰稿人,是位多才多藝的手作人。
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