



Madame Figaro

更新於 2021年04月21日02:43 • 發布於 2021年04月21日10:07

今日是英女王Queen Elizabeth II的95歲生日,也是女王在1947與菲臘親王結婚後,73年以來首個沒有丈夫陪伴左右的生日……由於女王及其他皇室成員仍在為期兩周的服喪期,因此今年英女王的生日慶祝一切低調從簡,有別於以往的盛大慶祝(鳴槍儀式、拍攝新肖像、皇室成員聚餐),今天英國皇室只在官方社交平台,發表一張女王的日常照片。

皇室今日公佈英女王獨照 Photo Credit: Instagram @theroyalfamily
皇室今日公佈英女王獨照 Photo Credit: Instagram @theroyalfamily


英女王首個沒有親王陪伴的日子 Photo Credit: Instagram @theroyalfamily
英女王首個沒有親王陪伴的日子 Photo Credit: Instagram @theroyalfamily

談起前香港「事頭婆」英女王,對於不少香港人來說都是充滿親切感的角色。活了差不多百歲依然精靈的英女王,不只是世界史上在位時間最長的女性君主,她的人生經歷絕對比電影更精彩(看看《The Crown》就知道)。

Photo Credit: Instagram @theroyalfamily
Photo Credit: Instagram @theroyalfamily
Photo Credit: Instagram @theroyalfamily
Photo Credit: Instagram @theroyalfamily


英女王上年的生活照 Photo Credit: Instagram @theroyalfamily
英女王上年的生活照 Photo Credit: Instagram @theroyalfamily



“To do nothing is often the best course of action, but I know from personal experience how frustrating it can be. History was not made by those who did nothing.”


Photo Credit: Instagram @theroyalfamily
Photo Credit: Instagram @theroyalfamily

photo by Bill Gibson-Patmore



“Good memories are our second chance at happiness.”

Photo Credit: Instagram @theroyalfamily
Photo Credit: Instagram @theroyalfamily



“If I wore beige, nobody would know who I am.”

Photo Credit: Instagram @theroyalfamily
Photo Credit: Instagram @theroyalfamily
Photo Credit: Instagram @theroyalfamily
Photo Credit: Instagram @theroyalfamily



“Grief is the price we pay for love.”

Photo Credit: Instagram @theroyalfamily
Photo Credit: Instagram @theroyalfamily



“And though self-isolating may at times be hard, many people of all faiths, and of none, are discovering that it presents an opportunity to slow down, pause and reflect, in prayer or meditation.”

Photo Credit: Instagram @theroyalfamily
Photo Credit: Instagram @theroyalfamily



Better days will return. We will be with our friends again, we will be with our families again, we will meet again.”

(《We will meet again》是二戰期間英國廣為傳唱的一首歌曲,撫慰眾多因戰亂被迫分離的家人與愛人,英女王以此溫情替人民加油打氣。)

Photo Credit: Instagram @theroyalfamily
Photo Credit: Instagram @theroyalfamily
Photo Credit: Instagram @theroyalfamily
Photo Credit: Instagram @theroyalfamily
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留言 1

  • Michelle
    god save the queen