


冬日栗香滋味!Afternoon Tearoom @K11 Musea


更新於 2022年11月21日05:40 • 發布於 2022年11月21日05:39 • Miu

位於K11 Musea 的 Afternoon Tearoom 全新秋冬餐單登場!兩款甜品散發栗香氣息,充滿菇菌或海洋氣息的主食,讓大家好好品味秋日豐收的滋味!

兩款秋冬特飲限定登場,Apple Ginger Tea 是經典冬季特飲,加入肉桂、八角、薑等香料讓暖意滿瀉。而 Green Herb Tea with Honey Grapefruit Syrup 在香草氣息間散發獨特果香,充滿清新氣息!

Apple Ginger Tea
Apple Ginger Tea
Green Herb Tea with Honey Grapefruit Syrup
Green Herb Tea with Honey Grapefruit Syrup

選擇餐籃裝盛載的 Afternoon Tea Set 或原件裝甜品,都不可錯過兩款充滿栗味的美食!透明杯裝上場的是 Mont-Blanc Parfait with Chestnut and Apple,件裝的是 Marron Tiramisu Shortcake,芭菲加入脆脆和啫喱,栗香之間還有豐富味覺層次與口感,而 Marron Tiramisu Shortcake 夠 fluffy 幼滑,加入咖啡冧酒和栗子忌廉,讓人回味無窮!

Afternoon Tea Set
Afternoon Tea Set
Mont-Blanc Parfait with Chestnut and Apple
Mont-Blanc Parfait with Chestnut and Apple
Marron Tiramisu Shortcake
Marron Tiramisu Shortcake

三款限定主菜包括 Roast Chicken and Mushroom Pasta with Soy Sauce、 Bisque Sauce Pasta with Shrimp and Asari Clams 以及 Soy Meat Gratin with Eggplant and Potatoes。加入舞茸與嫩雞肉的意粉 Roast Chicken and Mushroom Pasta with Soy Sauce ,襯上加入磨菇和松茸調味過的自家製鮮奶油,滿載秋日豐收滋味;而充滿海洋風味的 Bisque Sauce Pasta with Shrimp and Asari Clams ,加入了巴馬臣芝士以及一點檸檬香調味。焗香的 Soy Meat Gratin with Eggplant and Potatoes,利用十款不同口味的蔬菜瓜果以及植物肉碎製成,加入以豆奶製成的白汁,搭配沙律菜以及黑麥包,是素食人士的好選擇。

Roast Chicken and Mushroom Pasta with Soy Sauce
Roast Chicken and Mushroom Pasta with Soy Sauce
Bisque Sauce Pasta with Shrimp and Asari Clams
Bisque Sauce Pasta with Shrimp and Asari Clams
Soy Meat Gratin with Eggplant and Potatoes
Soy Meat Gratin with Eggplant and Potatoes

Afternoon Tea TEAROOM K11 MUSEA
地址:尖沙咀梳士巴利道18號K11 MUSEA B1樓B112B號舖

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