


【家常食譜】咖喱牛腩Stewed Beef Brisket in Curry Sauce

Cook1Cook 煮一煮

發布於 2022年05月11日18:00 • Cook1Cook

牛腩 Beef brisket 900克/g
薯仔 Potato (Cut into pieces) 3個/pcs
洋葱 Onion (Cut into pieces) 1個/pc
薑 Ginger 8片/slices
葱 Sectioned spring onion 1棵/stalk
香葉 Bay leaf 4片/pcs
八角 Star anise 2粒/pcs
桂皮 Cinnamon 1條/roll
冰糖 Rock sugar 20克/g
柱侯醬 Chu Hou paste 1湯匙/tbsp
咖喱醬 Curry paste 3湯匙/tbsp
沙嗲醬 Satay paste 1湯匙/tbsp
蒜蓉 Minced garlic 1湯匙/tbsp
乾葱蓉 Minced shallot 1湯匙/tbsp
淡奶 Evaporated milk 適量/some
椰奶 Coconut milk 適量/some
1 :
牛腩加4片薑出水,洗淨備用 Blanch beef brisket with 4 ginger slices. Rinse and set aside.
2 :
爆香4片薑、葱、冰糖、柱侯醬 Stir fry 4 ginger slices, spring onion, rock sugar and Chu Hou paste until fragrant.
3 :
下牛腩爆香 Add beef brisket and stir fry.
4 :
加滾水、香葉、八角、桂皮,炆1小時 Add Some hot water to cover the beef brisket. Add Bay leaves, star anises, and cinnamon stick. Stew for 1 hour.
5 :
牛腩撈起,湯留用 Take out beef brisket. keep the soup.
6 :
爆香乾葱蓉、蒜蓉、洋葱件、薯仔 Stir fry minced shallot, garlic, onion pieces and potato pieces.
7 :
爆香咖喱醬及沙嗲醬 Stir fry curry paste and satay paste.
8 :
下牛腩炆及湯,炆45分鐘 Add beef brisket and soup then stew for 45 minutes.
9 :
下花奶及椰奶,完成 Thicken the sauce with evaporated milk and coconut milk. Done.

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