


申請加拿大移民 NOC 等級及職業列表 (2019更新)


發布於 2019年07月02日09:52 • Cherie Man

申請加拿大移民,不少情況均須查核申請人的職業類別以審核工作技能。加拿大移民局便使用了National Occupational Classification(簡稱NOC)系統作分類。系統按職業種類、技能水平、工作職責等,分為5個等級。如何可得知個人的NOC?不同的NOC又適合申請哪類移民?MoneySmart即向大家解說。

申請加拿大移民 NOC職業等級分類

NOC由0至D,共分5級。當中,0、A及B主要為高級技術管理職業。0級中,又可細分為較高級的NOC 00級。C及D則為低級技術類職業。 申請加拿大移民 NOC職業等級分類 等級 代表職業 0 管理層職位如餐廳經理、船長、煤礦經理等 A 需要大學學歷的專業職位如醫生、牙醫、建築師等 B 需要專科學歷或曾接受相關職業訓練的技工類職位如廚師、機電工、水管、保養維修等 C 高中學歷或曾接受相關職業訓練的服務性職位如貨車司機、屠宰、餐廳侍應等 D 接受在職培訓的勞動力職位如清潔工人,油田工人、水果採摘工人等 如大家的職業屬於0、A及B類職業,大家可經快速移民通道(Express Entry,簡稱EE)申請移民加拿大。C類職業則只符合大西洋省份移民試點計劃(Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program,簡稱AIP)的資格,而D類職業雖暫時未符合任何永久居住計劃資格,但可申請臨時工作許可證,到加拿大獲取工作經驗。

加拿大移民 職業分類須符合工作內容

如不清楚自己的職業屬於那個等級,大家可參考加拿大官網提供的「Find Your NOC」,不過亦須留意,職業名稱並不代表一切。重點是大家必須確認工作職責與官網列表相同,即是尋找與自己工作性質相近的職業名稱作準。

加拿大移民 NOC職業列表

由於大部分人均以0、A或B類職業作出移民申請,MoneySmart將以上3類所涉及的職業名稱列表如下。如大家想了解各職業名稱的具體職責,則可到「Find Your NOC」尋找。 跳至:職業分類 0/A/B NOC 職稱(英文職稱) 職業分類:0級 0011 立法會議員(Legislators) 0012 政府高級管理層及政府官員(Senior government managers and officials) 0013 財務、傳訊及其他商務 高級經理(Senior managers - financial, communications and other business services) 0014 醫療、教育、社區服務及會員組織 高級經理(Senior managers - health, education, social and community services and membership organizations) 0015 貿易、廣播及其他業務 高級經理(Senior managers - trade, broadcasting and other services, n.e.c.) 0016 建築、運輸、生產及公眾事務 高級經理(Senior managers - construction, transportation, productiona and utitlities) 0111 財務經理(Financial managers) 0112 人力資源經理(Human resources managers) 0113 採購經理(Purchasing managers) 0114 其他行政服務經理(Other administrative service managers) 0121 保險、地產及金融經紀經理(Insurance, real estate and financial brokerage managers) 0122 銀行、信貸及其他投資經理(Banking, credit and other investment managers) 0124 廣告、市場營銷及公共關係經理(Advertising, marketing and public relations managers) 0125 其他業務服務經理(Other business service managers) 0131 電訊商經理(Telecommunication carries managers) 0132 郵政及快遞服務經理(Postal and courier services managers) 0211 工程部經理(Engineering managers) 0212 建築及科學部經理(Architecture and science managers) 0213 電腦及資訊系統經理(Computer and information systems managers) 0311 醫療保健經理(Managers in health care) 0411 制定健康及社會政策、計劃管理之政府管理人員(Government managers - health and social policy development and program administration) 0412 經濟分析或計劃管理之政府管理人員(Government managers - economic analysis, policy development and program administration) 0413 教育政策及計劃管理之政府管理人員(Government managers - education policy development and program administration) 0141 其他公共管理經理(Other managers in public administration) 0421 大專教育及職業培訓 管理層(Administrators - post-secondary education and vocational training) 0422 初高中學校校長及管理層(School principals and administrators of elementary and secondary education) 0423 社區及懲教服務經理(Managers in social, community and correctional services) 0431 警察(Commisioned police officers) 0432 高級消防人員及長官(Fire chiefs and senior firefighting officers) 0433 加拿大武裝部隊軍官(Commissioned officers of the Canadian Armed Forces) 0511 圖書館、檔案室、博物館、畫廊經理(Library, archive, museum and art gallery managers) 0512 出版、電影、廣播、表演藝術經理(Managers - publishing, motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts) 0513 娛樂、運動及健身項目服務主任(Recreation, sports and fitness program and service directors) 0601 公司銷售經理(Corporate sales managers) 0621 零售及批發貿易經理(Retail and wholesale trade managers) 0631 餐廳及食品服務經理(Restaurant and food service managers) 0632 住宿服務經理(Accomodation service managers) 0651 客戶及個人服務經理(Managers in customer and personal services, n.e.c.) 0711 建築經理(Construction managers) 0712 家居裝修經理(Home building and renovation managers) 0714 設備操作及維修經理(Facility operation and maintenance managers) 0731 運輸經理(Managers in transportation) 0811 天然資源及漁業經理(Managers in natural resources production and fishing) 0821 農務經理(Managers in agriculture) 0822 園藝經理(Managers in horticulture) 0823 水產養殖經理(Managers in aquaculture) 0911 製造業經理(Manufacturing managers) 0912 公共事務經理(Utilities managers) 職業分類:A級 1111 核數師及會計師(Financial auditors and accountants) 1112 財務及投資分析員(Financial and investment analysts) 1113 證券代理、投資交易經紀(Securities agents, investment dealers and brokers) 1114 其他財務人員(Other financial officers) 1121 人力資源專業人士(Human resources professionals) 1122 企業管理諮詢職業(Professional occupations in business management consulting) 1123 廣告、市場營銷及公關職業(Professional occupations in advertising, marketing and public relations) 2111 物理學家及天文學家(Physicists and astronomers) 2112 化學家(Chemists) 2113 地質學家及海洋學家(Geoscientists and oceanographers) 2114 氣象學家及氣候學家(Meterorologists and climatologists) 2115 物理科學其他專業職業(Other professional occupations in physical sciences) 2121 生物學及相關科學家(Biologists and related scientists) 2122 林業專家(Forestry professionals) 2123 農業代表、顧問及專家(Agricultural representatives, consultants and specialists) 2131 土木工程師(Civil engineers) 2132 機械工程師(Mechanical engineers) 2133 電器及電子工程師(Electrical and electronics engineers) 2134 化學工程師(Chemical engineers) 2141 工業及製造工程師(Industrial and manufacturing engineers) 2142 冶金及材料工程師(Metallurgical and materials engineers) 2143 礦業工程師(Mining engineers) 2144 地質工程師(Geological engineers) 2145 石油工程師(Petroleum engineers) 2146 航天工程師(Aerospace engineers) 2147 電腦工程師(軟件工程師及設計師除外)(Computer engineers except software engineers and designers) 2148 其他專業工程師(Other professional engineers, n.e.c.) 2151 建築師(Architects) 2152 景觀建築師(Landscape architects) 2153 城市及土地規劃師(Urban and land use planners) 2154 土地測量師(Land surveyors) 2161 數學家、統計學家及精算師(Mathematicians, statisticians and actuaries) 2171 資訊系統分析員及顧問(Information systems analysts and consultants) 2172 數據庫分析師及數據管理員(Database analysts and data administrators) 2173 軟件工程師及設計師(Software engineers and designers) 2174 電腦程式設計師及互動媒體開發人員(Computer programmers and interactive media developers) 2175 網站設計師及開發人員(Web designers and developers) 3011 護理協調員及主管(Nursing co-ordinators and supervisors) 3012 註冊護士及註冊精神科護士(Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses) 3111 專科醫師(Specialist physicians) 3112 全科醫生及家庭醫生 practitioners and family physicians) 3113 牙醫(Dentists) 3114 獸醫(Veterinarians) 3121 視光師(Optometrists) 3122 脊醫(Chiropractors) 3124 專職醫療人員(Allied primary health practitioners) 3125 其他健康診斷及治療相關專業職業(Other professional occupations in health diagnosing and treating) 3131 藥劑師(Pharmacists) 3132 營養師及營養學家(Dietitians and nutritionists) 3141 聽力學家及語言治療師(Audiologists and speech-language pathologists) 3142 物理治療師(Physiotherapists) 3143 職業治療師(Occupational therapists) 3144 其他專業的職業治療及評估(Other professional occupations in therapy and assessment) 4011 大學教授及講師(University professors and lecturers) 4012 大專教學及研究助理(Post-secondary teaching and research assistants) 4021 大學及其他職業培訓教師(College and other vocational instructors) 4031 中學教師(Secondary school teachers) 4032 小學及幼稚園教師(Elementary school and kindergarten teachers) 4033 教育輔導員(Educational counsellors) 4111 法官(Judges) 4112 律師及魁北克省公證人(Lawyers and Quebec notaries) 4151 心理學生(Psychologists) 4152 社工(Social workers) 4153 家庭、婚姻及其他相關輔導員(Family, marriage and other related counsellors) 4154 宗教專業職業(Professional occupations in religion) 4155 緩刑及假釋官及相關職業(Probation and parole officers and related occupations) 4156 就業輔導員(Employment counsellors) 4161 自然及應用科學政策研究員、顧問及項目幹事(Natural and applied science policy researchers, consultants and program officers) 4162 經濟學家、經濟政策研究員及顧問(Economists and economic policy researchers and analysts) 4163 業務發展主任、市場營銷研究員及顧問(Business development officers and marketing researchers and consultants) 4164 社會政策研究員、顧問及項目幹事(Social policy researchers, consultants and program officers) 4165 醫療政策研究員、顧問及項目幹事(Health policy researchers, consultants and program officers) 4166 教育政策研究員、顧問及項目幹事(Education policy researchers, consultants and program officers) 4167 娛樂、體育及健身政策研究員、顧問及項目幹事(Recreation, sports and fitness policy researchers, consultants and program officers) 4168 政府計劃官員(Program officers unique to government) 4169 其他社會科學專員(Other professional occupations in social science, n.e.c.) 5111 圖書管理員(Librarians) 5112 保管員及館長(Conservators and curators) 5113 檔案管理員(Archivists) 5121 作者及作家(Authors and writer) 5122 編輯(Editors) 5123 記者(Journalists) 5125 翻譯、術語學家及傳譯員(Translators, terminologists and interpreters) 5131 製片人、導演、編舞及相關職業(Producers, directors, choreographers and related occupations) 5132 指揮家、作曲家及編曲人(Conductors, composers and arrangers) 5133 音樂家及歌手(Musicians and singers) 5134 舞者(Dancers) 5135 演員及喜劇演員(Actors and comedians) 5136 畫家、雕塑家及其他視覺藝術家(Painters, sculptors and other visual artists) 職業分類:B級 1211 辦公室行政支援人員及主管(Supervisors, general office and administrative support workers) 1212 金融保險業人員及主管(Supervisors, finance and insurance office workers) 1213 圖書館、通信及相關資訊工作者及主管(Supervisors, library, correspondence and related information workers) 1214 郵政及信息發布工作者及主管(Supervisors, mail and message distribution occupations) 1215 供應鏈、追蹤及安排協調工作者及主管(Supervisors, supply chain, tracking and scheduling coordination occupation) 1221 行政主任(Administrative officers) 1222 行政助理(Executive assistants) 1223 人力資源及招聘顧問(Human resources and recruitment officers) 1224 物業管理員(Property administrators) 1225 採購代理人員(Puchasing agents and officers) 1226 會議及活動策劃(Conference and event planners) 1227 法院人員及治安法官(Court officers and justices of the peace) 1227 就業保險、移民、邊境服務及緝私員(Employment insurance, immigration, border services and revenue officers) 1241 行政助理(Administrative assistants) 1242 法律行政助理(Legal administrative assistants) 1243 醫療行政助理(Medical administrative assistants) 1251 法院記錄員、醫療轉錄員及相關職業(Court reporters, medical transcriptionists and related occupations) 1252 醫療信息管理職業(Health information management occupations) 1253 記錄管理技術員(Records mangament technicians) 1254 統計官員及相關支持研究職業(Statistical officers and related research support occupations) 1311 會計員及簿記(Account technicians and bookkeepers) 1312 保險理賠師(Insurance adjusters and claims examiners) 1313 保險核保人(Insurance underwriters) 1314 陪審員及估價師(Assessor, valuators and appraisers) 1315 海關、船舶及其他經紀(Customs, ship and other brokers) 2211 化學技師及技術員(Chemical technologists and technicians) 2212 地質及礦產技師及技術員(Geological and mineral technologists and technicians) 2221 生物技師及技術員(Biological technologists and technicians) 2222 農業及魚製品檢查員(Agricultural and fish products inspectors) 2223 林業技師及技術員(Forestry technologists and technicians) 2224 保育及漁業主任(Conservation and fishery officers) 2225 園林及園藝技師及技術員(Landscape and horticulture technicians and specialists) 2231 土木工程技師及技術員(Civil engineering technologists and technicians) 2232 機械技師及技術員(Mechanical engineering technologists and technicians) 2233 工業工程技師及技術員(Industrial engineering and manufacturing technologists and technicians) 2234 建築估價師(Construction estimators) 2241 電器及電子工程技師及技術員(Electrical and electronics engineering technologists and technicians) 2242 家用及商用電子設備維修技師(Electronic service technicians (household and business equipment)) 2243 工業儀器技師及技工(Industrial instrument technicians and mechanics) 2244 飛航設備、電子及航空機械技師及視察員(Aircraft instrument, electrical and avionics mechanics, technicians and inspectors) 2251 建築技師及技術員(Architechtural technologists and technicians) 2252 工業設計師(Industrial designers) 2253 起草技師及技術員(Drafting technologists and technicians) 2254 土地測量技師及技術員(Land survey technologists and technicians) 2255 地理學及氣象學技術職業(Technical occupations in geomatics and meteorology) 2261 非破壞性測試人員及檢驗技術員(Non-destructive testers and inspection technicians) 2262 工程監督及事務人員(Engineering inspectors and regulatory officers) 2263 公眾及環境健康及職業安全監督(Inspectors in public and environmental health and occupational health and safety) 2264 建築監督(Construction inspectors) 2271 機師、飛行工程師及飛行教官(Air pilots, flight engineers and flying instructors) 2272 空中交通管制及相關職業(Air traffic controllers and related occupations) 2273 水上運輸甲板人員(Deck officers, water transport) 2274 水上運輸工程人員(Engineer officers, water transport) 2275 鐵路交通管制員及海上交通監督(Railway traffic controllers and marine traffic regulators) 2281 電腦網絡技術員(Computer network technicians) 2282 用戶支援技術員(User support technicians) 2283 信息系統測試技術員(Information systems testing technicians) 3211 醫學實驗室技師(Medical laboratory technologists) 3212 醫學實驗室技術員及病理學助理(Medical laboratory technicians and pathologists’ assistants) 3213 動物健康技術員及病理學助理(Animal health technologists and veterinary technicians) 3214 呼吸治療師、臨床灌注及心肺技師(Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists) 3215 醫療放射技師(Medical radiation technologists) 3216 醫療超聲波技師(Medical sonographers) 3217 心臟病學技師及電生理學檢查技師(Cardiology technologists and electrophysiological diagnostic technologists, n.e.c.) 3219 其他醫療技師及技術員(牙醫除外)(Other medical technologists and technicians (except dental health)) 3221 鑲牙技師(Denturists) 3222 牙齒衞生師及牙科師(Dental hygienists and dental therapists) 3223 牙科技師、技術員及實驗室助理(Dental technologists, technicians and laboratory assistants) 3231 配鏡師(Opticians) 3232 自然癒合從業人員(Practitioners of natural healing) 3233 職業護士(Licensed practical nurses) 3234 醫護人員(Paramedical occupations) 3236 按摩師(Massage therapists) 3237 治療及評估相關的技術職業(Other technical occupations in therapy and assessment) 4211 法律助理及相關職業(Paralegal and related occupations) 4212 社會及社區服務工作者(Social and community service workers) 4214 幼兒教育工作者及助理(Early childhood educators and assistants) 4215 殘疾人士指導員(Instructors of persons with disabilities) 4216 其他指導員(Other instructors) 4217 其他宗教職業(Other religious occupations) 4311 警察(現役除外)(Police officers (except commissioned)) 4312 消防員(Firefighters) 4313 加拿大軍隊無軍銜等級軍官(Non-commissioned ranks of the Canadian Armed Forces) 5211 圖書館及公共檔案館技術員(Library and public archive technicians) 5212 博物館及美術館相關技術職業(Technical occupations related to museums and art galleries) 5221 攝影師(Photographers) 5222 電影及攝影師(Film and video camera operators) 5223 印藝技術員(Graphic arts technicians) 5224 廣播技術員(Broadcast technicians) 5225 錄音及錄影技術員(Audio and video recording technicians) 5226 電影、廣播及表演藝術相關技術及協調職業(Other technical and co-ordinating occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting and the performing arts) 5227 電影、廣播及表演藝術相關支援職業(Support occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting, photography and the performing arts) 5231 播音員及其他廣播員(Announcers and other broadcasters) 5232 其他表演者(Other performers, n.e.c.) 5241 平面設計師及插畫師(Graphic designers and illustrators) 5242 室內設計師及裝修師(Interior designers and interior decorators) 5243 劇院、時裝、展覽及其他相關設計師(Theatre, fashion, exhibit and other creative designers) 5244 工匠(Artisans and craftspersons) 5245 布料、皮革及毛皮產品紙樣設計員(Patternmakers - textile, leather and fur products) 5251 運動員(Athletes) 5252 運動員教練(Coaches) 5253 體育官員及裁判(Sports officials and referees) 5254 娛樂、運動及健身指導教練(Program leaders and instructors in recreation, sport and fitness) 6211 零售銷售主管(Retail sales supervisors) 6221 技術銷售專員-批發貿易(Technical sales specialists - wholesale trade) 6222 零售及批發採購員(Retail and wholesale buyers) 6231 保險代理及經紀(Insurance agents and brokers) 6232 地產代理及經紀(Real estate agents and salespersons) 6235 金融銷售代表(Financial sales representatives) 6311 食物服務主管(Food service supervisors) 6313 住宿、交通、旅遊及相關服務主管(Accommodation, travel, tourism and related services supervisors) 6314 客戶及資訊服務主管(Customer and information services supervisors) 6315 清潔主管(Cleaning supervisors) 6316 其他服務主管(Other services supervisors) 6321 主廚(Chefs) 6322 廚師(Cooks) 6331 屠夫、肉類切割員及魚販-零售及批發(Butchers, meat cutters and fishmongers - retail and wholesale) 6332 麵包師傅(Bakers) 6341 髮型師及理髮師(Hairstylists and barbers) 6342 裁縫、皮草商及造帽工匠(Tailors, dressmakers, furriers and milliners) 6343 修鞋人及鞋匠(Shoe repairers and shoemakers) 6344 珠寶、首飾、鐘錶修理及相關職業(Jewellers, jewellery and watch repairers and related occupations) 6345 家具維修員(Upholsterers) 6346 禮儀師及防腐師(Funeral directors and embalmers) 7201 機械加工、金屬形成承辦商及主管(Contractors and supervisors, machining, metal forming, shaping and erecting trades and related occupations) 7202 電子行業、電訊商職業承辦商及主管(Contractors and supervisors, electrical trades and telecommunications occupations) 7203 管道行業承辦商及主管(Contractors and supervisors, pipefitting trades) 7204 木工行業承辦商及主管(Contractors and supervisors, carpentry trades) 7205 建築行業、安裝、維修、服務承辦商及主管(Contractors and supervisors, other construction trades, installers, repairers and servicers) 7231 機械師、機械加工及制模主管(Machinists and machining and tooling inspectors) 7232 工具及模具技師(Tool and die makers) 7233 金屬板工人(Sheet metal workers) 7234 鍋爐工人(Boilermakers) 7235 結構金屬及金屬板製造商及裝配工(Structural metal and platework fabricators and fitters) 7236 鐵工(Ironworkers) 7237 焊工及相關機器操作員(Welders and related machine operators) 7241 電工(工業及電力系統相關除外)(Electricians (except industrial and power system)) 7242 工業電工(Industrial electricians) 7243 電力系統電工(Power system electricians) 7244 電源線及電纜工人(Electrical power line and cable workers) 7245 電訊線路及電纜工人(Telecommunications line and cable workers) 7246 電訊安裝及維修工人(Telecommunications installation and repair workers) 7247 有線電視服務及維修技工(Cable television service and maintenance technicians) 7251 水喉匠(Plumbers) 7252 蒸氣管技工、管道及自動噴水系統安裝技工(Steamfitters, pipefitters and sprinkler system installers) 7253 氣體燃料安裝技工(Gas fitters) 7271 木匠(Carpenters) 7272 製造木櫃技工(Cabinetmakers) 7281 砌磚工(Bricklayers) 7282 混凝土整理工(Concrete finishers) 7283 磚瓦工(Tilesetter) 7284 泥水工、石膏板安裝工及整理工(Plasterers, drywall installers and finishers and lathers) 7291 屋頂工(Roofers and shinglers) 7292 玻璃工(Glaziers) 7293 絕緣工(Insulators) 7294 畫家及裝飾人員(室內裝修除外)(Painters and decorators (except interior decorators)) 7295 地板安裝工(Floor covering installers) 7301 機械行業承辦商及主管(Contractors and supervisors, mechanic trades) 7302 重型設備操作人員承辦商及主管(Contractors and supervisors, heavy equipment operator crews) 7303 印刷及相關職業主管(Supervisors, printing and related occupations) 7304 鐵路運輸業務主管(Supervisors, railway transport operations) 7305 汽車運輸及其他地面交通營運商主管(Supervisors, motor transport and other ground transit operators) 7311 建築技工及工業技工(Construcion millwrights and industrial mechanics) 7312 重型設備技工(Heavy-duty equipment mechanics) 7313 採暖、製冷及空調技工(Heating, refrigeration and air conditioning mechanics) 7314 鐵路檢修工(Railway carmen/women) 7315 飛機機械師及檢查員(Aircraft mechanics and aircraft inspectors) 7316 機器安裝工(Machine fitters) 7318 電梯建造商及技工(Elevator constructors and mechanics) 7321 汽車維修技工、貨車及巴士機械師及修理工(Automotive service technicians, truck and bus mechanics and mechanical repairers) 7322 汽車車身維修工(Motor vehicle body repairers) 7331 油及固體燃料加熱技工(Oil and solid fuel heating mechanics) 7332 家電服務及維修工(Appliance servicers and repairers) 7333 電器技工(Electrical mechanics) 7334 電單車、全地形車及其他相關車類技工(Motocycle, all-terrain vehicle and other related mechanics) 7335 其他小型引擎及設備維修工(Other small engine and small equipment repairers) 7361 鐵路及鐵軌工程師(Railway and yard locomotive engineers) 7362 鐵路指揮及列車服務員(Railway conductors and brakemen/women) 7371 起重機操作員(Crane operators) 7372 露天採礦、採石及建築 鑽工及炮工(Drillers and blasters - surface mining, quarrying and construction) 7373 水井鑽探工(Water well drillers) 7381 印刷機操作員(Printing press operators) 7384 其他行業及相關職業(Other trades and related occupations, n.e.c.) 8211 伐木及林業主管(Supervisors, logging and forestry) 8221 採礦及採石主管(Supervisors, mining and quarrying) 8222 石油及天然氣鑽探服務承辦商及主管(Contractors and supervisors, oil and gas drilling and services) 8231 地下發展及開發礦工(Underground production and development miners) 8232 石油及天然氣井鑽探工、服務商、測試及相關人員(Oil and gas well drillers, services, testers and related workers) 8241 伐木機械營運商(Logging machinery operators) 8252 農業服務承辦商、農場主管及專業家畜養殖人(Agricultural service contractors, farm supervisors and specialized livestock workers) 8255 園景美化、場地維護、園藝服務承辦商及主管(Contractors and supervisors, landscaping, grounds maintenance and horticulture services) 8261 釣魚船長及船員(Fishing masters and officers) 8262 漁民(Fishermen/women) 9211 礦物及金屬加工主管(Supervisors, mineral and metal processing) 9212 石油、天然氣、化工及公眾事務主管(Supervisors, petroleum, gas and chemical processing and utilities) 9213 食品及飲品處理主管(Supervisors, food and beverage processing) 9214 塑膠及橡膠製品製造主管(Supervisors, plastic and rubber products manufacturing) 9215 林木產品處理主管(Supervisors, forest products processing) 9217 紡織、布料、毛皮及皮革製品處理及製造主管(Supervisors, textile, fabric, fur and leather products processing and manufacturing) 9222 機動車輛組合主管(Supervisors, motor vehicle assembling) 9223 電子產品製造主管(Supervisors, electronics manufacturing) 9224 電器製造主管(Supervisors, electrical products manufacturing) 9226 家具製造主管(Supervisors, furniture and fixtures manufacturing) 9226 其他機械及金屬製品製造主管(Supervisors, other mechanical and metal products manufacturing) 9227 其他產品製造及組合主管(Supervisors, other products manufacturing and assembly) 9231 礦物及金屬處理 中央控制及操作員(Central control and process operators, mineral and metal processing) 9232 石油、天然氣及化工處理 中央控制及操作員(Central control and process operators, petroleum, gas and chemical processing) 9235 製漿、造紙及塗料操作員(Pulping, papermaking and coating control operators) 9241 電子工程師及電力系統營運商(Power engineers and power systems operators) 9243 水及廢物處理設施操作員(Water and waste treatment plant operators) 想知道更多理財心得及最新優惠 ,請瀏覽 blog.moneysmart.hk,及追蹤我們的Facebook Page 主頁:www.moneysmart.hk

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