每到聖誕節,動物收容所總會想辦法讓等待領養的狗狗們感受到節日的溫暖。澳洲維多利亞州的 Save-A-Dog Scheme, Inc. 今年舉辦了一場特別的活動,讓收容犬們自己挑選聖誕禮物,展現了溫馨又有趣的一幕。
像這樣的聖誕活動,不僅僅限於澳洲。世界各地的動物收容所,從愛爾蘭都柏林的 Dog Trust 到美國的小型地方收容中心,都舉辦過類似活動,讓流浪動物們感受到人類的關愛。從萬聖節變裝派對到生日慶祝會,這些活動不僅讓收容動物開心,也吸引更多人關注領養的重要性。
▼ 收容所讓所有的狗狗都來選擇自己喜歡的聖誕禮物 Pt.1
@save.a.dog.scheme They’ve chosen their toys, now they’re waiting for someone to choose them. The best gift they could ever get? A forever family to share it all with. #saveadogscheme #adoptdontshop #dogsforadoption #adoptdontshop #rescuedog #animalshelter #santapaws #melbourne ♬ All I Want For Christmas Is You – 瑪麗亞凱莉
▼ 有些狗狗興奮到模糊,迫不急待把禮物帶回房間 Pt.2
@save.a.dog.scheme Since you all loved the first TikTok, we’re back with Part 2! The shelter dogs are picking their Christmas presents, and it’s safe to say they’re pretty excited. #saveadogscheme #adoptdontshop #dogsforadoption #rescuedog #animalshelter #santapaws #melbourne #dogsoftiktok #shelterdog ♬ Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree – Brenda Lee
▼ 挑到禮物後直接就開始玩XD Pt.3
@save.a.dog.scheme And we’re back with Part 3! Thank you all so much for the love and support on the previous videos. We’ve filmed every shelter dog having their turn choosing their own Christmas present, and it’s been so heartwarming to see. If you’d like to see the other parts, let us know what you want to see more of and if we should keep making more! If you can, please consider donating to help us this holiday season. With bills piling up each week, we’re truly struggling to keep up. Anything you can give to our Paws and Claus donation drive would mean the world to us and the animals in our care. Just copy this link: https://www.givenow.com.au/sadspawsandclaus Thank you so much for your kindness and support! #saveadogscheme #adoptdontshop #rescuedogs #dogrescue #fosteringsaveslives #animalrescue #donate #supportrescues #shelterdogs #dogsoftiktok #pawsandclausdonationdrive #animalshelter #christmaspresents ♬ Christmas MashUp – Christmas
動物 ,暖心新聞 ,可愛趣聞
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