



Cook1Cook 煮一煮

發布於 2023年02月09日18:00 • CookMaggieCook

雞翼 10隻
麵粉 ¼杯
生粉 ¼杯
南乳 3小磚
腐乳 1小磚
糖 ½茶匙
紹興酒 1湯匙
生粉 1茶匙
薑粒 1茶匙
1 :

急凍雞中翼用淡鹽水浸30分鐘,清洗乾淨,印乾。 Soak frozen chicken wings in slightly salted water for 30 minutes. Rinse and pat dry.
2 :

把醃料混合好。 Prepare the marinade.
3 :

將醃料加入雞翼拌勻,放雪櫃醃過夜。 Mix all the marinade ingredients. Add the wings and marinate overnight.
4 :

混合生粉和麵粉,撲在雞翼上。 Combine potato starch and flour, press wings into flour mixture to coat.
5 :

燒熱油,用中小火煎炸雞翼,先煎有雞皮的一面,每邊煎約5分鐘至雞翼全熟即成。 Heat oil, pan fry chicken wings skin side down in the pan over medium low. Cook about 5 minutes each side. Poke the chicken wings with the tip of the chopstick and if the juices run clear, the wings are done.

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