




發布於 2020年03月05日05:38 • Charles Yeh

經國際事實查核聯盟(IFCN,International Fact-Checking Network)審核認可,MyGoPen 在美國時間 2020/3/4 正式成為符合事實查核準則的全球 80 位完成簽署成員之一,繼「台灣事實查核中心」後,第 2 家在台灣獲得該組織認證的單位。


最早自 2015 年開始,MyGoPen(台語諧音:麥擱騙)就是一個台灣在地化的自發性志工服務,成立目的是協助長輩提升媒體素養,建立查證訊息的態度。

後續 MyGoPen 結合了志工夥伴的專業背景,建構了事實查證網站、LINE 真人一對一服務、在學校與社區宣講,更設計了 LINE 快速查證聊天機器人來提升服務效率。

為了持續推動正確的資訊識讀,並且秉持透明化的精神,MyGoPen 會針對不實訊息進行明確的查核作業,並用簡單的方式傳達給民眾


做了許多的準備,在 2019 年底 MyGoPen 向 IFCN 申請成為該組織守則的簽署成員,經過約兩個多月的審查後,在美國時間 2020/3/4 接獲 IFCN 通知,正式成為國際事實查核組織的簽署成員,目前 MyGoPen 是 80 個全球獲驗證通過的簽署成員之一,非常榮幸能成為其中的一員。

國際事實查核聯盟(IFCN,International Fact-Checking Network)是目前全球唯一的事實查核國際組織,每年都會舉辦全球事實查核會議(Global Fact-Checking Summit),而加入這個組織並簽署的成員,都是需要經過組織的詳細審查,且作業符合其嚴謹的事實查核守則(code of principles)。

目前 MyGoPen 正式獲得 IFCN 的認可,取得國際事實查核組織的認證標章,置放於官方網站提供識別,並將遵照國際標準進行公共事務的查核。


接下來 MyGoPen 將串連國際事實查核網路資源,積極和國內外網路平台溝通並尋求合作,協助台灣在地公民團體宣講推動資訊識別,並持續接觸學校、社區努力推動提升媒體素養,相信藉由教育的方式,能夠改善虛假訊息對社會的影響。

認證介紹:IFCN - MyGoPen

MyGoPen is one of the official verified signatories of the IFCN code of principles!

March 4th, 2020, MyGoPen has been officially verified by IFCN(International Fact-Checking Network) as an verified signatory of totally global 80 signatories until now. In Taiwan, MyGoPen is the 2nd fact-checking organization got approved by IFCN after 「Taiwan FactCheck Center」.

The Things MyGoPen has been working on-

Since 2015, MyGoPen is a local volunteer organization in Taiwan, and in the beginning its goal of establishment has been to help elders improve their media literacy for building the fact-checking intention and the correct attitude when facing the information.

Continuously, MyGoPen recruited research and technical experts as volunteer partners to build a fact-checking website, and to develop LINE's(a popular communication phone app) one-on-one service for publics to have the friendly conversation of fact-check. In the meantime, MyGoPen also has hold numerous lectures in schools and into local communities. Furthermore, MyGoPen has built a LINE quick-checking chatbot to improve fact-checking service to be more efficient for publics.

MyGoPen also provides the service to broadcast the fact-checking reports daily or even more frequently via LINE to publics regarding to the most popular rumors. MyGoPen is always devoting in making the fact-checking reports not only correct but also friendly and easily to be understood by publics.

IFCN approves MyGoPen as an international verified SIGNATORY of the IFCN code of principles.

It is a great honor of MyGoPen to be officially verified as a signatory by IFCN, and MyGoPen is one of totally global 80 signatories until now. MyGoPen has done many preparation to apply to IFCN since end of year 2019.On March 4th, 2020, MyGoPen finally got the announcement of approval from IFCN after rigorous reviews. Again, it is a great honor.

About IFCN.

Now MyGoPen has been approved by IFCN, and the issued badge will be presented on its website for publics』 identification that MyGoPen follows the IFCN code of principles for fact-check.

Continuous Efforts

MyGoPen will continuously connect international fact-checking online resources, actively communicate and seek cooperation with different recognized international organizations, develop together with local citizen groups in Taiwan to apply information identification, and continuously contact schools and local communities to build up verification of media literacy. The core value of MyGoPen is always base on contribution for social stability, and the goal for protecting kind publics. MyGoPen believes all its works will bring positive influence to stabilize the society and ease the impact of false information.


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