


價值驚人鉅額!初代《哈利波特:神秘的魔法石》印刷錯誤版本 750 萬台幣起拍競標中!


更新於 2022年06月10日15:54 • 發布於 2022年06月09日07:38 • Charlotte Chapuis


哈利波特在市面上周邊多到不清,而若是你有收藏初代哈利波特小說,那你可要好好珍藏啦!小說首集《哈利波特—神秘的魔法石》在 1997 年首次印刷500 本,當初的其中 200 本出現了印刷失誤,像是英文書名的 Philosopher’s 出現錯字,導致標題涵義大相逕庭,對於完美主義者而言可能根本是在開玩笑,但對哈利波特迷們可是絕無僅有的限量珍藏版本!

A pristine first edition hardback of JK Rowling's Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, one of only 500 produced in the first print run in 1997, on display at Hansons' Auctioneers at Bishton Hall, Staffordshire. The book has never been read and was kept in darkness for 25 years inside a protective sleeve and could fetch up to £100,000 when it goes under the hammer at Hanson's Library Auction on March 9. Picture date: Monday March 7, 2022. (Photo by Jacob King/PA Images via Getty Images)
A pristine first edition hardback of JK Rowling's Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, one of only 500 produced in the first print run in 1997, on display at Hansons' Auctioneers at Bishton Hall, Staffordshire. The book has never been read and was kept in darkness for 25 years inside a protective sleeve and could fetch up to £100,000 when it goes under the hammer at Hanson's Library Auction on March 9. Picture date: Monday March 7, 2022. (Photo by Jacob King/PA Images via Getty Images)

這限量中的限量,其中 1 本初版小說如今正出現於倫敦,在 6 月 7 日至 15 日所舉辦的佳士得文學藝術展覽(Christie’s “The Art of Literature” Exhibition)中進行拍賣,這本帶有作者簽名的版本得到了天價 25 萬美元(約 750 萬台幣)的起拍價格,像是呼應了距離初版發行已達 25 年,起拍價格令人嘆為觀止!

Auctioneer Jim Spencer holds a pristine first edition hardback of JK Rowling's Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, one of only 500 produced in the first print run in 1997, on display at Hansons' Auctioneers at Bishton Hall, Staffordshire. The book has never been read and was kept in darkness for 25 years inside a protective sleeve and could fetch up to £100,000 when it goes under the hammer at Hanson's Library Auction on March 9. Picture date: Monday March 7, 2022. (Photo by Jacob King/PA Images via Getty Images)
Auctioneer Jim Spencer holds a pristine first edition hardback of JK Rowling's Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, one of only 500 produced in the first print run in 1997, on display at Hansons' Auctioneers at Bishton Hall, Staffordshire. The book has never been read and was kept in darkness for 25 years inside a protective sleeve and could fetch up to £100,000 when it goes under the hammer at Hanson's Library Auction on March 9. Picture date: Monday March 7, 2022. (Photo by Jacob King/PA Images via Getty Images)

在過去的拍賣會當中,初版《哈利波特—神秘的魔法石》曾以 47.1 萬美元的天文數字售出,據世界知名拍賣會海瑞得(Heritage Auctions)的執行副總 Joe Maddalena 表示,這本小說已成為 20 世紀最昂貴的商業出版小說。如今,這本由 J.K. 羅琳所著的魔幻故事早已成為了全球最暢銷的書籍之一,佳士得聯合策展人 Mark Wiltshire 提及:「對哈利波特粉絲來說,這本小說就像是書中魔法故事似乎真實存在的實體象徵,這也是它如此受歡迎的原因」。事不宜遲,哈利波特粉絲們趕快回家翻翻積滿灰塵的陳年書櫃,說不定你也可能是擁有天價限量版小說的幸運兒!

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