


2020 IG富豪榜Top 10!女星搶下6席,第1名發一張照片就有3000萬入賬


發布於 2020年07月14日07:50 • 山抓
2020 IG富豪榜Top 10!女星搶下6席,第1名發一張照片就有3000萬入賬

KOL風潮大熱,全球都能看得到他們的身影,就連明星也開始網紅化,而好萊塢明星們又以IG為伸展台,在上頭創造千萬價碼的驚人商機。Hopper HQ近日就發布2020 Instagram富豪排行榜,快來看看你愛的明星有沒有上榜吧!




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Training today 🤙🏽

ene10ta Érre 🇧🇷 👻 neymarjr(@neymarjr)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2020 年 7月 月 13 日 上午 5:01 張貼

巴西球星內馬爾(Neymar)成功擠進Instagram Rich前10名,成為繼C羅之後,榜內唯二的體育明星,從球場上假動作不斷,被網友封為「被足球耽誤的演員」,到超夯的辣模女友布魯娜、被爆出吃嫩草的媽媽成為熱議焦點,內馬爾自己是新聞熱點之餘,就連身邊女人都是話題,IG上照片一張張看起來健康又陽光,讓粉絲追蹤完整個心情都好了起來,僅在第10名實在是太可惜啦!




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Stoked to relive our Paris show tonight when the City of Lover concert airs at 10pm ET/ 9pm CT on @abcnetwork - then tomorrow on @hulu and @disneyplus 💕 It was the best album release party I could’ve wished for 😆✨💐🎆🕶 love you guys 💋

Taylor Swift(@taylorswift)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2020 年 5月 月 17 日 上午 10:11 張貼

美國樂壇小天后泰勒絲,是全世界最有影響力的歌手之一,不同於以往高調和轟轟烈烈的戀情,近期她與演員男友Joe Alwyn相戀後變得相當低調,IG也多半是音樂相關的照片,儘管如此一張照片的價碼還是落在72.2萬美元,只能說天后的身價真的不只這樣啊!




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Justin Bieber(@justinbieber)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2020 年 7月 月 10 日 下午 3:48 張貼

加拿大出身的小賈斯汀,同樣是婚後收斂許多,去年和星二代辣模海莉鮑德溫(Hailey Bieber)結婚之後,緋聞立馬減少許多,但最近仍被控告6年前性侵女粉絲的新聞,儘管小賈斯汀搬出當時的女友賽琳娜作證並堅決否認。現在的小賈斯汀IG上多半都是和海莉的放閃照,但粉絲就是愛看,平均一張照片落在74.7萬美元,仍是後勢看漲啊!




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I typically keep comments short and sweet, but I just watched the trailer with my family and I’m excited. 🎶please don’t get me hype🎶🤪 “Black Is King” is a labor of love. It is my passion project that I have been filming, researching and editing day and night for the past year. I’ve given it my all and now it’s yours. It was originally filmed as a companion piece to “The Lion King: The Gift” soundtrack and meant to celebrate the breadth and beauty of Black ancestry. I could never have imagined that a year later, all the hard work that went into this production would serve a greater purpose. The events of 2020 have made the film’s vision and message even more relevant, as people across the world embark on a historic journey. We are all in search of safety and light. Many of us want change. I believe that when Black people tell our own stories, we can shift the axis of the world and tell our REAL history of generational wealth and richness of soul that are not told in our history books. With this visual album, I wanted to present elements of Black history and African tradition, with a modern twist and a universal message, and what it truly means to find your self-identity and build a legacy. I spent a lot of time exploring and absorbing the lessons of past generations and the rich history of different African customs. While working on this film, there were moments where I’ve felt overwhelmed, like many others on my creative team, but it was important to create a film that instills pride and knowledge. I only hope that from watching, you leave feeling inspired to continue building a legacy that impacts the world in an immeasurable way. I pray that everyone sees the beauty and resilience of our people. This is a story of how the people left MOST BROKEN have EXTRAORDINARY gifts.❤️✊🏾 Thank you to Blitz, Emmanuel, Ibra, Jenn, Pierre, Dikayl, Kwasi and all the brilliant creatives. Thank you to all at Disney for giving this Black woman the opportunity to tell this story. This experience has been an affirmation of a grander purpose. My only goal is that you watch it with your family and that it gives you pride. Love y’all, B

Beyoncé(@beyonce)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2020 年 6月 月 28 日 下午 8:06 張貼

天后碧昂絲曾經以一張懷孕照片打破IG紀錄,讚數累積到超過9百萬人次,打破賽琳娜經典喝可樂的照片按讚人數,之後IG人數都是穩穩地成長,無論是炫目時尚照或是曬出愛女Blue Ivy的可愛照片,都吸引不少鐵粉追蹤,單篇IG價碼落在77萬美元,位居2020 Instagram Rich排行榜第7名。

延伸閱讀:連碧昂絲、Jennie都著迷的「彎月」風潮!超酷的「Marine Serre」正在崛起



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I had an urge to put my make up on. My papa noticed then proceeded to ask “why do you look like that?” He whistled as he walked away. So there’s that. Wearing all @rarebeauty 😉💋

Selena Gomez(@selenagomez)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2020 年 5月 月 17 日 下午 4:23 張貼

剛剛提到的小天后賽琳娜可是IG榜上的常勝軍,不過昔日的IG女王人數總量,今年滑落到全球第4名,位在亞莉安娜、巨石強森、C 羅之後,不過依照儂編看來現在單身的賽琳娜只要在發張放閃照,IG絕對能夠超越前面三位明星呀!




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☁️ thankful and here and very much 27

Ariana Grande(@arianagrande)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2020 年 6月 月 27 日 下午 1:41 張貼

逼退IG女王賽琳娜的就是身材、樣貌、歌聲,樣樣都不輸人的小天后亞莉安娜,從去年《Thank you, Next》專輯開始人氣急起直追,再到上個月與女神卡卡(Lady Gaga)轟動釋出新曲〈Rain On Me〉,亞莉安娜在音樂上的表現成功帶旺IG,成功殺進Instagram Rich排行榜前5名!

延伸閱讀:亞莉安娜攜手H&M推出〈Thank You, Next〉系列服飾!矮妹想穿成170必買



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SKIMS BODY — launching in 4 colors and in sizes XXS - 4X tomorrow, Tuesday July 14 at 9AM PT / 12PM ET exclusively at SKIMS.COM. Join the waitlist now to receive early access to shop. Photo: @indiana420bitch

Kim Kardashian West(@kimkardashian)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2020 年 7月 月 13 日 上午 8:16 張貼





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Recharge 🔋☀️😉💪🏼

Cristiano Ronaldo(@cristiano)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2020 年 7月 月 9 日 上午 10:27 張貼

葡萄牙足球巨星「C羅」羅納度(Cristiano Ronaldo)在今年初就傳來捷報,1月底他開心在IG宣佈自己的帳號追蹤人數已超過2億人,還特別製作影片慶祝,而他的貼文每則能賺進88.9萬美元,儂編認為他下半輩子其實不用辛苦踢球,光是靠IG就能賺飽飽啦!




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Kylie 🤍(@kyliejenner)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2020 年 7月 月 11 日 上午 10:22 張貼


延伸閱讀:【10Why個為什麼】憑什麼Kylie Jenner22歲成為女富豪?10個超狂事蹟讓人難忘!



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Happy 4th. Let’s work. #rage #beinspired⚡️

therock(@therock)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2020 年 7月 月 4 日 下午 11:37 張貼

巨石強森去年底將交往12 年的歌手女友蘿倫哈珊(Lauren Hashian)娶回家,當時曬出兩張甜蜜婚照,平均一篇IG可以賺進2千多萬元新台幣,如今2020年聲勢再度水漲船高,獲選2020 Instagram Rich排行榜第一名,現在一張照片突破100萬美元(2990萬元台幣),吸金程度真的讓人羨慕又忌妒呀!




板橋早午餐Top 10!網友激推10間CP值爆棚,好吃好拍早起也甘願!

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