




更新於 2018年11月03日17:49 • 發布於 2018年11月03日17:49 • 十八桐人
FNC 0-3 被輾壓,iG 奪得S8總冠軍(圖片來源:LoL Esports Flickr)
FNC 0-3 被輾壓,iG 奪得S8總冠軍(圖片來源:LoL Esports Flickr)

2018世界賽全部的賽程在今(3日)正式宣告終結,最終以 iG 以 3-0 的比分迅速解決掉了S1冠軍 FNC ,創下了歷屆世界賽決賽最快結束的紀錄。本屆的賽況相當奇怪,小組、八強賽都打得有來有回十分精彩,然而四強和決賽都是一面倒的直落三收場,讓歐美網友不禁認為這屆真的很虎頭蛇尾:


I didn't think that I can be let down after yesterdays Diablo Mobile announcement
Boy I was wrong


Possibly the most anticlimactic semifinals and finals results.

I fucking knew it was over once that Eyes On video got released.
當 Eyes On 影片出來的時候,我就他媽的知道比賽結束了

6 years later at the Season 14 League of Legends World Championship, Doublelift, sOAZ, and Rekkles are casting in the current Final match-up between TSM and SKT. SKT is down 2 games to 0.
Doublelift: "I'm sure you guys have experienced being down by a big margin. Would you like to share your experience?"
Rekkles: "Actually, I remember one time we were playing against Invictus Gaming and it was 0-2 to iG. sOAZ asked: 'Guys, if you think we are good, let's prove it now, 0-2"
sOAz: "Did we comeback?"
Rekkles: "Of course not. 0-3."

六年過後,Doublelift、sOAZ 和 Rekkles 正在主播臺上轉播著 TSM 對上 SKT 的S14世界賽決賽,KT 目前 0-2 落後。
Rekkles:「我確實記得有一次我們對上 iG 處於 0-2 落後,sOAZ 就說:『夥伴們,如果你們都覺得我們很棒的話,那現在就來證明一下吧,就在這個0-2的情況下。』」

im disappointed because they were outclassed, not because they lost

IG showing that rekkles can’t carry if his team doesn’t get him to late game. And jihn EZ made no sense for picks.
iG 向大家演示了 Rekkles 沒撐到後期就沒辦法出來Carry,完全沒理由去選燼和伊澤瑞爾啊

This series is now the quickest grand final series at 85:33, with the second quickest being season 3 SKT vs Royal at 89:26
這系列賽打了 85 分 33 秒,是史上最快結束的總決賽,第二快的則是S3KT打皇族的 89 分 26 秒

China/LPL has won every single international tournament this year. A new king has risen.

Ah yes. Put Soaz in game three just to remind him what it's like to lose the world finals.
是啊,第三場給 sOAZ 上只是要讓他回憶起總決賽輸掉的感覺
(sOAZ 在S1決賽敗給 FNC 以亞軍作收)

Damn, that baron steal really made me believe…

Caps was so underwhelming this game, just like crown on Gen G
Caps 這場的表現真的很爛,跟 Gen.G 的 Crown 一樣

Bwipo: "Honestly, watching this Worlds, I feel like there's so much int. It's insane. There's so much int everywhere. It just feels like people are playing worse".
(這段是 Bwipo 在四強賽前的訪問)
Bwipo: "And now let me prove it"

I guess IG vs KT was the real finals all along
我覺得 iG 打 KT 那場才是真正的決賽

Wtf were Bwipo,Hyllisang and Caps even doing this series.
Bwipo、Hyllisang 和 Caps 這幾場到底在幹嘛?

引用 C9 Licorice 之前的推特:

I guess this is what a main region vs wildcard should look like 😅

— C9 Licorice (@Licorice) October 2, 2018


"I don't think Jackylove can stop me" - Rekkles 2018
「我不認為 JackyLove 能擋住我。」-Rekkles 2018

soaz should have started tbh, wasn't as bad as bwipo
老實說 sOAZ 應該打先發的,至少不會跟 Bwipo 一樣爛
Wouldn't have mattered, Caps and Hyllisang just inted all series..
應該沒差啦,Caps 和 Hyllisang 送整場

Duke quietly getting another world championship lul
Duke 默默地拿下了第二座冠軍 LUL

Ouch, that hurts. 3/4 western team in semis, and an eastern team wins it all.
They died the same way C9 and G2 died. A 3-0 stomp.

跟 C9 和 G2 一樣的死法:3-0

Another week of waiting for an hour of gameplay…

All i wanted was a beautiful bo5, semins and finals was very disappointing series




Rekkles FailFish

他已經沒救了,Dylan(FNC 教練),他現在很痛苦,不如…



鋼鐵殘影無所不在 iG 風馳電掣取首勝

QQPR大顯神威 Ning各種帶風向助iG奪得聽牌分

iG火速推平比賽 登上S8世界冠軍寶座


iG TheShy:對線期的我是無敵的!​

iG TheShy:不想選菲歐拉當冠軍造型 這會讓我想起不好的回憶​


韓網鄉民看總決賽:只有LCK像是被各國羞辱 遊街示眾般的輸光光


延伸閱讀:【2018世界賽】韓網鄉民看總決賽:只有LCK像是被各國羞辱 遊街示眾般的輸光光

延伸閱讀:【2018世界賽】iG TheShy:不想選菲歐拉當冠軍造型 這會讓我想起不好的回憶

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