have the inside track (phr.) 靠關係
Track 有「軌道」的意思,have the inside track 可以解讀為跑在操場的內圈,一定可以跑得比外圈快,所以就是形容人在某個方面佔有一些優勢,可以翻成「佔優勢;有利」,可以用來表示某人「靠關係」。
He has the inside track for the job because his Dad is the Chairman of the Board.
be (made) a / the scapegoat for sth. (phr.) 背黑鍋
Scapegoat 是「替死鬼;代罪羔羊」,所以如果說 sb. be made a scapegoat for sth. 就是指他「背了某件事的黑鍋」為被動式,而其中 made 是可以省略的。另外也可以用 throw sb. under the bus 這個有趣的說法來表示讓某人背黑鍋唷!
His brother was made a scapegoat for breaking the vase.
cook the books (phr.) 作假帳
Cook the books 可不是要焚書坑儒,books 在職場上,通常會用來表示「帳簿」,而 cook the books 想要表達的是針對帳簿進行「烹調」,也就是進行加油添醋、修修改改的意思。記得 books 要用複數。
By cooking the books, the company attracted a lot of investment.
take credit (for sth.) (phr.) 搶功勞
Credit 除了「信用」,還有「榮譽;讚揚」的意思,而前面加上 take 這個動詞就表示把全部的讚揚都拿走了,也就是所謂的「搶功勞」。
Instead of taking credit for the project, the CEO expressed his gratitude to the employees that contributed to its success.
sexual harassment (at work) (n.) 職場性騷擾
Sexual harassment 是「性騷擾」,在後面加上 at work 就是「職場性騷擾」,也可以替換成其他地點,而 harassment 就是「騷擾」的意思。
We often underestimate the impact of sexual harassment at work.
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