


食物片語》You'd better butter him up! 拿奶油出來就糗了


更新於 2017年10月29日16:00 • 發布於 2017年10月29日16:00 • 世界公民文化中心


文/Claire Wang

Brandon過年邀請了朋友來家裡聚餐,飯桌上大家無話不談,也談起了一些生活上的瑣事,Brandon擔心廠商要漲價,這時候朋友說了一句: You'd better butter him up! 吃著義大利麵的Brandon緊張地說: Butter?? But I'm a pretty bad cook. If I baked a cake it would probably be horrible. 朋友差點沒把食物從嘴裡噴出來,原來butter sb up的意思跟烤蛋糕用的butter完全沒關係!而是去巴結對方,拍個馬屁,給對方留一個好印象。

說到食物的片語,你腦袋浮現了哪幾種食物?幾年前記憶猶新的電影,那些年我們一起追的女孩,英文片名就是You're the Apple of My Eye,字面上是你是我眼中的那顆蘋果,其實the apple of sb's eye意思是指某人的唯一、珍愛的人或事物,現在我們就來介紹幾個從食物延伸出來的英文吧!

to butter sb up/to butter up sb 巴結某人/釋出善意給某人,希望得到有利的回應

e.g. You'll have to better butter her up a bit before she'll agree.你得巴結一下她,她才會答應

be in a jam 處於困境中

e.g. I think I'm sort of in a jam. My car overheated and won't start now. Would you mind giving me a drive home?

to go bananas 發瘋、抓狂、歇斯底里 

e.g. That lady has gone bananas. 那位小姐已經抓狂了

to put all your eggs in one basket 把雞蛋放同一個籃子

e.g. Never put all your eggs in one basket. You might be left with nothing.

to buy a lemon 買一部狀況很多的車

e.g. How to save money by not buying a lemon? 要怎麼節省買車費用又不買到車況差的?

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