


美國務卿布林肯確診 「密切接觸者」曝光


更新於 2022年05月05日00:56 • 發布於 2022年05月05日00:56
美國務卿布林肯確診 「密切接觸者」曝光
美國務卿布林肯確診 「密切接觸者」曝光

美國新冠疫情近日升溫,單日新增超過9.5萬例,就連國務卿布林肯(Antony Blinken)也染疫,發言人普萊斯(Ned Price)表示,目前布林肯的症狀輕微,只是原定講述拜登政府對中政策的演講也將無限期延宕。



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留言 5

  • 🌱Chloe🌱
    Buddhas and Bodhisattvas🙏🏻 The mutated virus in the world today comes from China. Their country, Xi Jinping, came to power, and the virus came out of the Wuhan P4 laboratory. Chinese high-level officials deliberately did not see it. Continue to hide the virus The virus continues to mutate and spread around the world China's Xi Jinping hides virus spread and kills many
  • 🌱Chloe🌱
    There are two very bad old people in this world Xi Jinping conceals global spread of virus Killed a lot of people, the virus is still mutating Xi Jinping really killed too many people Putin, he killed a lot of Ukrainians in the war Both are hurting people's own control over power These two are the most vicious old men in history. All Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and gods🙏🏻 have also seen the actions of these two people
  • 🌱Chloe🌱
    Buddhas and Bodhisattvas🙏🏻 Please see Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping on Earth These two really killed too many people🙏🏻😭 Please all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas 🙏🏻 Please let Putin and Xi Jinping on this earth quickly let them lose all political and military rights Please all gods
  • 🌱Chloe🌱
    Buddhas and Bodhisattvas🙏🏻 Please see Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping on Earth These two really killed too many people🙏🏻😭 Please all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas 🙏🏻 Please let Putin and Xi Jinping on this earth quickly let them lose all political and military rights Please all gods
  • neo
    全民正為買不到快篩試劑所苦,但吃下衛福部16億快篩訂單的「高登環球生醫公司」,前身是「順益屋食品有限公司」。這家公司完全沒有醫療背景,卻能搶下快篩採購訂單。 疫情爆發以後,衛福部拿到8400億紓困預算,招標採購與很多限制人民自由的行政命令都超越原本的法令規定,立法院願意大開方便之門,是希望不要受制於行政流程,耽擱了防疫效率,沒想到衛福部決策卻多次啟人疑竇。對高登環球公司取得快篩試劑被質疑,陳時中輕描淡寫的說「大公司也會賣小東西,其他販售什麼不關我們的事情」。 ,高登公司資本額只有200萬,卻取得16.5億元的快篩訂單,高登環球負責人在2020年,連62萬欠債都還不出來,因此被法院強制執行,才一年半,就可以吃下衛福部這筆大訂單,真是令人大開眼界。 陳時中說「只要符合緊急狀況就用交貨做審查,而非事前審查」,對照郭董想免費捐疫苗,衛福部還不斷要永齡出示各種文件,送件、補件等行政流程耽誤採購進度,連鴻海永齡這樣的公司都被刁難,快篩採購卻不選擇有信譽、有醫療專業及政府採購經驗的公司,如果又耽誤了快篩試劑進口時程,怎麼對得起每天上街大排長龍買快篩的民眾? --趙少康臉書