


林珮淳新作《夏娃克隆巴別塔I》、《夏娃克隆萬湖會議I 》展於紐約、台北、歐美各大重要國際影展


更新於 2024年10月01日04:19 • 發布於 2024年09月29日16:00 • 非池中藝術網編輯整理



此作品名稱發想源自希特勒召開滅絕猶太人的『萬湖會議Wannseekonferenz in 1942』,林珮淳在創作中運用更進階的AI機器學習演算法和3D 建模軟體,為「夏娃克隆」打造更加仿真的人臉特徵,與政治、科技代表性人物,包括:普丁、金正恩、習近平、祖克伯和拜登等人的臉部結合,透過語音辨識系統,將這些人的演講聲音轉換為相對應的臉部表情。另外也展出了《夏娃克隆創造計畫I 》(Making of Eve Clone I)的擴增實境(AR)作品,觀者並可手持平板電腦與之互動,成為了總督島今年夏天驚豔各國觀眾、來自台灣的作品。

在2024 年夏季開始同時有三组跨三個世代的台灣新媒材科技藝術家被規劃安排於總督島ldquoTAAC house 7brdquo展覽;其中如由林珮淳親自指導的胡縉祥/黑川互動多媒體團隊,裝置了大型《山海之間》的户外LED影像作品;以及由林珮淳學生的學生指導的年輕藝術家莊慶怡,聯合建築背景的楊鈞凱繪製了台灣工業地圖,並將動態影像投影在針筆畫的地圖上,映射台灣為一個領先世界的科技島的意象。其他在展出的作品也以環繞總督島以及台灣島國的歷史、文化、地理及現今的世界的文化趨勢鏈结。在這台美藝術協會的ldquoTaiwan Houserdquo,TAAC精心規劃的跨领域藝術呈現,在29個駐島機構中尤為突出與受到瞩目。

紐約總督島的「夏娃克隆」將展出到11月3日,驚喜的是林珮淳同時獲台灣主辦單位邀約,以《夏娃克隆巴別塔I》系列參與由王玉齡策展的「她的藝想世界-新媒體跨域創作展」展覽,即日起至11月2日在中正紀念堂第三展廳展出,意外地讓「夏娃克隆」於紐約和台北跨國雙城同行! 林珮淳與不同世代的藝術家陳韻如、陳依純、徐乙白、王子欣及洪伊攜手合展的「她的藝想世界」,熱情邀請民眾一同體驗虛實互動、跨域創作的藝術魅力,親身體驗科技對日常生活及文化帶來的滲透性長遠影響,由其這幾位傑出的台灣女性藝術家們如何透過數位科技,突破傳統藝術的性別界限,展現藝術驚人的能量和感動。


2024 「林珮淳個展」、島嶼晨曦、紐約總督島、紐約、美國






日期:2024/08/26~ 2024/11/02





媒材: 3D動畫、數位聲響、古圖、舞者與動作捕捉系統


長度: 4:06



《夏娃克隆萬湖會議 I 》,






Lin Pey-Chwen new works quotEve Clone Babel Iquot and quotEve Clone Wannsee Conference Irdquopresented in New York, Taipei, and at major international film festivals in Europe and America.

New York-Taipei: Eve Clone in Two Cities

In 2023, the first year TAAC participated in the Governors Island residency program, most of the featured artists were New York locals. However, due to the six-month-long series of performances and the related media coverage, it quickly caught the attention of the art community in Taiwan. TAAC, hoping to invite more Taiwanese artists to showcase their work in New York, the worldrsquos art capital, has significantly increased the number of Taiwanese creators in this yearrsquos artist lineup. Among them is Lin Pey-Chwen, the first Asian artist to win the prestigious quotNew Media Artquot global grand prize at the 2019 Florence Biennale. Known as a pioneer of digital art in Taiwan, Lin has been creating art for over 40 years. In July, she was invited by TAACrsquos Executive Director, Luchia Meihua Lee, to showcase her latest AI-integrated work, Eve Clone: Wannsee Conference I, at Governors Island.

The title of the piece draws inspiration from Hitlerrsquos infamous 1942 Wannsee Conference, where the details of the plan to exterminate the Jewish people was devised. In her creation, Lin Pey-Chwen uses advanced AI machine learning algorithms and 3D modeling software to enhance the human facial features of Eve Clone. She merges the faces of political and technological leaders, including Putin, Kim Jong-un, Xi Jinping, Zuckerberg, and Obama. Through a voice recognition system, the speeches of these figures are converted into corresponding facial expressions. In addition, Lin exhibits the augmented reality (AR) piece Making of Eve Clone I, where viewers can interact with the work using a tablet. This Taiwanese masterpiece stunned international audiences at Governors Island this summer.

Starting in the summer of 2024, three generations of Taiwanese artists working in new media and technology art have been arranged to exhibit at Governors Island#39s quotTAAC House 7b.quot These include the Between Mountains and Seas outdoor LED installation by Hu Chin-Hsiang and the Kurokawa Interactive Multimedia Team, under Lin Pey-Chwen#39s guidance. The young artist Chuang Ching-Yi, mentored by Lin#39s students, and artist Yang Chun-Kai. who has a background in architecture, collaborated to create a dynamic projection of Taiwan#39s industrial map, depicting Taiwan as a leading global technology island. The other exhibited works link the history, culture, and geography of both Governors Island and Taiwan, while reflecting current global cultural trends. The meticulously curated interdisciplinary art display by TAAC has become one of the most distinguished and notable among the 29 residency organizations on the island.

The Eve Clone exhibition on Governors Island will run until November 3. Meanwhile, Lin Pey-Chwen has also been invited by a Taiwanese organization to present her Eve Clone: Babel Tower I series at the Her Artistic Imagination: New Media Cross-disciplinary Creation Exhibition, curated by Wang Yu-Ling. This exhibition is being held at the third exhibition hall of the Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall and runs until November 2, creating an unexpected cross-city journey for Eve Clone between New York and Taipei. In Her Artistic Imagination, Lin Pey-Chwen will showcase her work alongside artists from different generations, including Chen Yun-Ju, Chen Yi-Chun, Hsu Yi-Bai, Wang Zi-Hsin, and Hung Yi. This exhibition invites the public to experience the charm of virtual and real interactive, cross-disciplinary creations, offering a firsthand look at how technology permeates daily life and culture. These exceptional Taiwanese female artists have used digital technology to break through traditional gender boundaries in art, demonstrating the incredible power and emotional impact of their work.

New York:

quot2024 Lin Pey-Chwen Solo Exhibitionrdquo, lsquo Island Sunrisersquo , TAAC house 7b, Nolan Park, Governors Island, New York, USA

Curator: Luchia Lee Mei-Hua

Dates: 2024/07/18 ~2024/11/30


quotHer Fabulous ImaginationmdashNew Media Cross-Disciplinary New Media Art Exhibitionrdquo, Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall, Taipei, Taiwan

Curator: Wang Yu-Ling

Dates:2024/08/26 ~2024/11/02

Major International Film Festivals in Europe and America:

Cannes Film Festival, Cannes Art Film Festival, European Short Film Festival, Paris International Short Festival, Berlin Short Film Awards, Rome International Film Festival, Hollywood Best Indie Film Awards, LA Independent Women Film Awards, Los Angeles Short Film Awards, Los Angeles Movie and Music Video Awards, Best Short Competition, One Real Shorts

ldquoEve Clone Babel Irdquo

Media: 3D animation, digital sound effects, ancient images, dancers, and motion capture systems

Length: 4:06



ldquoEve Clone Wannsee Conference Irdquo

Media:3D Animation, AI Software, Photos, YouTube Videos

Length: 4:43




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