




更新於 08月06日15:50 • 發布於 08月05日06:59 • Amber Chiu


PARIS, FRANCE - AUGUST 04: Chi-Lin Wang and Yang Lee of Team Chinese Taipei (not pictured) celebrate victory during the Badminton Men's Doubles Gold Medal match against Chang Wang and Wei Keng Liang of Team People’s Republic of China on day nine of the Olympic Games Paris 2024 at Porte de La Chapelle Arena on August 04, 2024 in Paris, France. (Photo by Michael Reaves/Getty Images)
PARIS, FRANCE - AUGUST 04: Chi-Lin Wang and Yang Lee of Team Chinese Taipei (not pictured) celebrate victory during the Badminton Men's Doubles Gold Medal match against Chang Wang and Wei Keng Liang of Team People’s Republic of China on day nine of the Olympic Games Paris 2024 at Porte de La Chapelle Arena on August 04, 2024 in Paris, France. (Photo by Michael Reaves/Getty Images)
PARIS, FRANCE - AUGUST 04: Yang Lee and Chi-Lin Wang of Team Chinese Taipei celebrate victory during the Badminton Men's Doubles Gold Medal match against Chang Wang and Wei Keng Liang of Team People’s Republic of China on day nine of the Olympic Games Paris 2024 at Porte de La Chapelle Arena on August 04, 2024 in Paris, France. (Photo by Michael Reaves/Getty Images)
PARIS, FRANCE - AUGUST 04: Yang Lee and Chi-Lin Wang of Team Chinese Taipei celebrate victory during the Badminton Men's Doubles Gold Medal match against Chang Wang and Wei Keng Liang of Team People’s Republic of China on day nine of the Olympic Games Paris 2024 at Porte de La Chapelle Arena on August 04, 2024 in Paris, France. (Photo by Michael Reaves/Getty Images)

而眼尖的我們也發現了場上的亮眼花邊!王齊麟自從本次出戰巴黎奧運開始,左手便一直配戴著一條簡單的手環,伴隨著他征戰賽事奪下五連勝的佳績衝到決賽。這條手鍊來自本次巴黎奧運的最大贊助商 LVMH 集團旗下最具年輕新意的現代珠寶品牌 FRED,FRED 標誌性的特色之一正是以精鋼鍊釦搭配尼龍纜繩的手鍊設計,而王齊麟手上這款是其具運動風格的「Force 10」系列手鍊,以精鋼鍊釦搭配藍白紅三色尼龍纜繩的標誌性元素,其精鋼鍊釦部分係由 316L 不鏽鋼打造,並鐫刻有「#gobeyond」字樣的特殊奧運限定款!

FRED「Force 10」系列「#GoBeyond」特殊奧運限定款手鍊,NT$49,100。
FRED「Force 10」系列「#GoBeyond」特殊奧運限定款手鍊,NT$49,100。
FRED「Force 10」系列「#GoBeyond」特殊奧運限定款手鍊,NT$49,100。
FRED「Force 10」系列「#GoBeyond」特殊奧運限定款手鍊,NT$49,100。
FRED「Force 10」系列「#GoBeyond」特殊奧運限定款手鍊,NT$49,100。
FRED「Force 10」系列「#GoBeyond」特殊奧運限定款手鍊,NT$49,100。
FRED「Force 10」系列「#GoBeyond」特殊奧運限定款手鍊,NT$49,100。
FRED「Force 10」系列「#GoBeyond」特殊奧運限定款手鍊,NT$49,100。

除了王齊麟配戴之外,這款手鍊在日前擔任本屆火炬手的 BTS 防彈少年團成員 Jin,也在 7 月 14 日法國國慶日的火炬儀式上當天佩戴,於羅浮宮前傳遞聖火給下一位跑者Sandra Laoura,別具世代傳承意義。

在 Instagram 查看這則貼文

FRED 長期以來致力於贊助公益活動和運動賽事,這條手鍊更是別具意義的以行動應援,「Force 10」系列手鍊的部分銷售收入捐助予「國際特殊奧林匹克運動組織」(Special Olympics)來幫助障礙人士運動員,此款專為2024巴黎奧運而生的「Force 10」手鍊僅在官網上販售,特別值得奧運迷及珠寶行家收藏紀念啦!

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