


英國電子天團The Prodigy主唱驚傳逝世 享年49歲


更新於 2019年03月04日15:15 • 發布於 2019年03月04日14:55 • KKBOX編輯室 - 魏哈利

90年代享譽盛名的英國傳奇電子天團The Prodigy,今天驚傳主唱Keith Flint被發現於自宅逝世,享年49歲。消息傳出,各方皆相當震驚。

據英國警方表示,他們於星期一早上8點10分接獲通報,在到達事故現場後,發現Keith Flint已無生命跡象。即便死因尚未被證實,但長年合作的團員Liam Howlett稍後透過官方IG,證實了Keith的死訊。除了表達自己當下震驚、憤怒與困惑的心情,同時他將Keith的死亡描述為「took his own life」,似乎顯示Keith是因自殺而辭世。

The Prodigy在九零年代初期成軍便立刻嶄露頭角,透過《Experience》、《Music for the Jilted Generation》和《The Fat of the Land》三張專輯奠定樂壇地位。創作主腦Liam Howlett和主唱兼舞者Keith Flint與Maxim的鐵三角組合,揉合搖滾和電子銳舞風格,造就出節拍強烈切黑暗兇猛的獨特音樂性格,更曾被英國知名音樂雜誌《Q》譽為死前必看的50組樂團之一。1997年發行的《The Fat of the Land》更締造英美兩地冠軍佳績,成為經典名盤。Keith Flint在舞台上的龐克裝扮以及隨著節拍暴力舞動的姿態,正反映出The Prodigy多變叛逆的創作精神。

Keith的死訊傳出後,包括同為電子天團的化學兄弟(The Chemical Brother)成員Ed Simons、曾經合作的龐克樂團Sleaford Mods以及知名樂團Enter Shikari主唱Rou Reynolds等人紛紛在社群媒體表達哀悼和懷念。

Oh gosh, so sad to hear about Keith Flint, he was always great fun to be around and very kind to Tom and I when we first started doing shows together..great man.

— ed simons (@eddychemical) March 4, 2019

Very sorry to hear of the passing of Keith Flint. Good night mate. Take it easy. ❤️

— Sleaford Mods (@sleafordmods) March 4, 2019

Keith Flint you bloody legend.
The Prodigy were one of the first big bands we supported years ago and Keith single-handedly shattered my presumption that big stars would have an arrogance and aloofness about them. He was so welcoming, sweet and passionate. ?

— Rou Reyno (@RouReynolds) March 4, 2019

Keith Flint, beautiful man, incredible pioneer. Remembering the special times we had together making Empire. Heartbroken. Rest in Peace Brother. X

— KasabianHQ (@KasabianHQ) March 4, 2019

Absolutely devastated to hear the tragic news that the legend Keith Flint from @the_prodigy has passed away. Our thoughts & condolences are with all his friends and family. We wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for Keith and the life changing music they made and championed. RIP ?

— Chase & Status (@chaseandstatus) March 4, 2019

RIP Keith Flint. Very sad to hear the news that he’s passed away. I wouldn’t do what I do without him and The Prodigy in my life. A huge inspiration to me and many others ? pic.twitter.com/gXb8cHJGbW

— Friction (@friction) March 4, 2019

RIP Keith Flint. We played a LOT of festivals with them in the 90s and i always loved the moment when this quiet, chatty guy from backstage stepped out onto the stage and just transformed into this kind of monstrous ringmaster.

— Mat Osman (@matosman) March 4, 2019

R.I.P Keith Flint. One of the best live performers and shows I’ve ever seen. Forever an inspiration.

— Theo Ellis (@SteadyTheo) March 4, 2019

The Prodigy目前仍在為去年發行的新專輯《No Tourists》進行巡迴演出,遭逢此番變故後要如何因應,也將是樂迷們關注的焦點。

延伸閱讀|THE PRODIGY:電子天團有史以來最具煽動性的重型回歸

緬懷英國電子天團The Prodigy主唱Keith Flint

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  • Rebecca (利百加)