




更新於 2023年12月19日15:50 • 發布於 2023年12月18日14:51 • Tish Weinstock

精靈短髮(Pixie Cuts)展現出一種雌雄同體、或柔和或活潑,恰似精靈般可以適應任何心情。1950 年代,女演員奧黛麗赫本Audrey Hepburn和珍茜寶Jean Seberg,獨排眾議把一般認為是性感美女象徵的長髮剪成超短髮,卻因此廣受歡迎,從那個時候開始,超短髮就是不墨守成規的象徵。法國髮型師 Julien d’Ys ,更大膽而顛覆的超短髮,他用精靈短髮開啟了 80 年代末超模 Linda Evangelista 的職業生涯。而2023年底,剛選出來的法國小姐選美比賽,評審把冠軍給了帶有雌雄同體精靈短髮的伊芙吉爾斯Eve Gilles。事實證明,這是一部適合所有人的剪裁作品,包括天真無邪的女性,看看艾瑪華森Emma Watson和蕾雅賽杜Lea Seydoux,證實了大家都可以剪這個超短髮。

Happy young fashion woman in leather jacket walking in city street
Happy young fashion woman in leather jacket walking in city street

2024 精靈短髮流行嗎?

髮型師George Northwood說:「多年來,精靈短髮一直是一種標誌性風格,現在,又到了這個時刻。我們在 2023 秋冬時裝秀上看到了很多不同款式髮型的出現。在 Miu Miu,Emma Corrin 的精靈髮型是生硬而嚴肅的,而在 Gucci,我們看到的是具有質感和動感的精靈短髮,搭配更長的瀏海。」 就Northwood個人而言,他是90 年代精靈短髮的粉絲,比如薇諾娜·瑞德(Winona Ryder) 和戴安娜王妃(Princess Diana),她們都有非常耐看的髮型,瀏海稍長,更有質感。


雖然「短」是精靈髮型的關鍵特徵,但並非所有短髮髮型都被歸類為精靈。 John Frieda Salon 的創意造型師 Kumi Bella 說:「小精靈具有羽毛般的質感,它是靠近頭部裁剪的,並不是所有的精靈髮型看起來都一樣,這取決於瀏海的長度,無論是微型的la Mia Farrow 還是像《Vogue》前封面明星塞爾瑪·布萊爾(Selma Blair) 那樣成熟的髮型。


與任何髮型一樣,在剪髮之前需要考慮一些事項。 髮型師Andrew Fitzsimons說:「考慮一下你的臉型、髮質,以及一旦你選擇精靈髮型,在平日穿搭方面會發生多大的變化,這些都是影響你新髮型的因素。」 最好的精靈短髮是需要用最少力氣去維護,並且可以輕鬆切換以適合你所有外觀的髮型。

IG@nothingbutpixies \


一般來說,這種風格通常適合那些稜角分明的臉型和精靈般的特徵。 不過,它也適用於橢圓形、圓形和心形臉,一剪完之後,臉部就變平衡了。 如果你有非常明顯的特徵,可以選擇更柔和的髮型;如果你有一張娃娃臉,可能就能演繹出更直率、更犀利的精靈短髮的版本;或者,如果你喜歡更雌雄同體的氛圍,則有稜角的版本可能適合你。


小精靈髮型最大優點是它擁有多功能性,並且適用於所有年齡層。 它可以為精緻的天真無邪增添幾分成熟,也可以為50 歲以上的人帶來青春優雅的感覺。Brooks 的藝術總監Marlon Hawkins 說:「就我個人而言,我覺得老/年輕的意識形態是一個很大的誤解,這與髮型無關,而是與風格、質感和感覺有關。 最重要的是讓個人保持現代和舒適,同時賦予自信。」

IG@nothingbutpixies \

以下,是VOGUE盤點有史以來最美的精靈短髮圖鑑 法國小姐Eve Gilles



Photo by Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images
Photo by Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images

Angela Bassett

Photo by Jamie McCarthy/WireImage
Photo by Jamie McCarthy/WireImage

Léa Seydoux

Karwai Tang
Karwai Tang

Helen Mirren

Halle Berry

Halle Berry during The 74th Annual Academy Awards - Press Room at Kodak Theater in Hollywood, California, United States. (Photo by Jeff Kravitz/FilmMagic, Inc)
Halle Berry during The 74th Annual Academy Awards - Press Room at Kodak Theater in Hollywood, California, United States. (Photo by Jeff Kravitz/FilmMagic, Inc)

Daisy Ridley

Rebecca Hall

Rebecca Hall at the BAFTAs 2022. 
Rebecca Hall at the BAFTAs 2022. 

Linda Evangelista



LOS ANGELES, CA - DECEMBER 12: Rihanna is seen at LAX Airport on December 12, 2012 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by JB Lacroix/WireImage)
LOS ANGELES, CA - DECEMBER 12: Rihanna is seen at LAX Airport on December 12, 2012 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by JB Lacroix/WireImage)

Mia Farrow

Mia Farrow
Mia Farrow

Kris Kardashian

Kris Jenner keeps it chic with a pixie cut
Kris Jenner keeps it chic with a pixie cut

Anne Hathaway安海瑟薇

Princess Diana黛安娜王妃

Florence Pugh

Zoë Kravitz

Zoë Kravitz attends the Golden Globes, 5 January 2020.
Zoë Kravitz attends the Golden Globes, 5 January 2020.

Kristen McMenamy

Kristen McMenamy in 1995 sporting a blonde pixie cut.
Kristen McMenamy in 1995 sporting a blonde pixie cut.

Audrey Hepburn

American Actress Audrey Hepburn,  10.01.1968.   (Photo by Avalon/Getty Images)
American Actress Audrey Hepburn, 10.01.1968. (Photo by Avalon/Getty Images)

Winona Ryder

Winona Ryder attends the 51st Annual Golden Globe Awards, 22 January 1994.
Winona Ryder attends the 51st Annual Golden Globe Awards, 22 January 1994.

Kate Moss

Jamie Lee Curtis

Jamie Lee Curtis keeps it cool with a pixie cut
Jamie Lee Curtis keeps it cool with a pixie cut

Agyness Deyn

Her rebellious pixie crop was a key part of what made Deyn, seen in 2008, such a breath of fresh air in fashion circles
Her rebellious pixie crop was a key part of what made Deyn, seen in 2008, such a breath of fresh air in fashion circles

Elizabeth Taylor

More often seen with a halo of raven curls, in 1955 Liz flirted with the pixie crop
More often seen with a halo of raven curls, in 1955 Liz flirted with the pixie crop

Emma Watson

She posted this black and white image on her own Facebook page, to debut her new pixie crop.
She posted this black and white image on her own Facebook page, to debut her new pixie crop.

Charlize Theron

Charlize Theron complemented her blonde pixie crop with glossy pink lips and defined eyes.
Charlize Theron complemented her blonde pixie crop with glossy pink lips and defined eyes.

Cara Delevingne

For Longchamp's Fifth Avenue store opening in New York, Delevingne sported a textured platinum pixie crop.
For Longchamp's Fifth Avenue store opening in New York, Delevingne sported a textured platinum pixie crop.

Kate Hudson

Growing out a dramatic haircut is never easy and with [2017 the unofficial year of the buzz cut](http://www.vogue.co.uk/article/how-to-maintain-a-buzz-cut), there are plenty of stars navigating short styles on the red carpet currently. Kate Hudson has mastered it with this platinum pixie crop.
Growing out a dramatic haircut is never easy and with 2017 the unofficial year of the buzz cut, there are plenty of stars navigating short styles on the red carpet currently. Kate Hudson has mastered it with this platinum pixie crop.

Jennifer Lawrence

A brand new pixie crop, worn choppy and mussed-up for a *The Hunger Games: Catching Fire* press conference in Los Angeles.
A brand new pixie crop, worn choppy and mussed-up for a The Hunger Games: Catching Fire press conference in Los Angeles.


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