


2021 ART TAIPEI 台北國際藝術博覽會 涵藝術以「三個主題式策展」探討美學感知上的永恆的靈光


更新於 2021年10月12日07:00 • 發布於 2021年10月04日16:00 • 涵藝術/非池中藝術網編輯整理


第一個展區是《看不見的通道mdash岑龍與西洋藝術史的對話》。岑龍將於2022年3月在威尼斯一座十五世紀的古蹟mdash蝸牛府,進行一場與西方藝術名作對話的展覽。涵藝術選擇今年的Art Taipei,作為全球首發的預展,之後這些作品將前往義大利展出,進行歐洲巡迴。





Cen Long, 2021, Siesta, 100x80cm



迪波爾,2015,泡澡池 No.3,153x91cm

Tibor SImon-Mazula, 2015,Hot Tub No.3, 153x91cm




Yasuko Hayashi, 2021, Silent Rain, 97x160cm




Alberto Alvarez, 2020, Libertad Interior, 82x156cm




Essence and Existence: an exploration through the joint exhibition of five painters

For ART Taipei 2021, Hann Art Agency will curate the space around three independent themes to deliver an exciting visual experience to our clients.

The first theme is ldquoInvisible passages, a Conversation Between Cen Longrsquos Art and the Western Artistic Tradition.rdquo This is the debut of a collection of Cen Longrsquos paintings that will be exhibited across Europe in 2022, starting at Venicersquos historical palazzo, Palazzo Contarini del Bovolo, in March 2022.

The second theme centers on the philosophical discussion, ldquoEssence and Existence, which is the source of things?rdquo Does existence predicate essence, or does essence arise a posteriori from the facts of existence? Such are questions central to philosophical inquiries. Hann Art proposes a possible solution by expanding on the works of five artists of distinct nationality.

Cen Longrsquos art sails towards a metaphysics. Beneath realist techniques, the life of fictional characters depicted in his work and the ideals embodied and represented, communicates a spiritual language to the audiences. His work conveys a religiosity that touches the heart of the audience through means, such as the depiction of ordinary lives and the leveraging of mundane experiences, that are inherently humane.

Tibor Mazula, hailing from Hungary, seeks to capture the aesthetics of stillness inherent in motion. He opines that stillness, or poise, exists within everyday life, and whenever one is graced by its presence, it is one of sublime beauty. Mazula believes that this beauty is sustained in the liminality where time interrelates with space, and his works represent his effort in capturing all the accidental moments when the beauty of stillness exudes from scenes of everyday life.

Yasuko Hayashi, from Japan, shows reverences and affinity to the world through her art. She believes that fauna and flora alike possess spirituality. Natural life conveys to us truths that are imperceivable yet highly impressive and emotive. She has attempted to approach these truths by perceiving the different modalities of existence in nature by adhering to her unbiased heart and soul. Hayashirsquos paintings reflect a unique spiritual perspective that convey abstract sentiments in her portraits of reality.

Argentinian Alberto Alvarez takes the inner world as his artistic object. His style combines impressionism and abstract techniques with an architectonic of details borrowed from realism and architecture. His insightful leveraging of this motley combination of stylistic conventions is to the benefit of the distinct parts composing the whole, which is a highly unique visual representation of memories and narratives.

Taiwanese artist Qiu Doursquos earlier methodology aimed at exploring the balance and clashing of the horizon, physical dimensionality, and surfaces with the visuals of black, white, and grey colors. Recently, Dou sought to reserve space, in his collection on colors, for sentiments in geometric abstract paintings, so as to amplify the emotive potentials of his work and to lessen the gap between the soul of the artist and his audiences.

The final area is reserved for collections from The Crux. The philosophy of The Crux, a sub brand of Hann Art Agency, emphasizes creativity and flexibility in art medium, thus introducing an experimental dimension to collecting art.

We cordially invite you to visit us at ART Taipei to experience this carefully coordinated show that we are so excited to share with you.

Art Taipei 2021 台北國際藝術博覽會|涵藝術




Cen Long 岑龍/Alberto Alvarez 阿爾維托/Tibor SImon-Mazula 迪波爾/Yasuko Hayashi 林靖子/Chiu Dou 邱掇

Hann Art Co., Ltd. 涵藝術


No. 35, Sec. 1, Guohua St., South Dist., Tainan City 702006, Taiwan

Tel: +886-6-295-5161/Fax: +886-6-295-3345



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