


MOD愛爾達與中信兄弟合作 英文轉播CTBC Brothers主場賽事


更新於 2020年05月12日06:29 • 發布於 2020年05月01日07:39 • 愛爾達電視/綜合報導
MOD愛爾達與中信兄弟合作 英文轉播CTBC Brothers主場賽事
MOD愛爾達與中信兄弟合作 英文轉播CTBC Brothers主場賽事

領先全球開打的中華職棒受到全球棒球迷關注,中信兄弟主場賽事也跟上潮流,將在5月5日正式推出英文轉播,服務全球關心台灣棒球賽事的球迷,並且選擇和遍及最多平台的MOD愛爾達電視合作,將由愛爾達主播吳昇府和洪志瑋,搭配中信農場主管特助阮柏緯及國外球探艾迪頓上陣,為英語球迷提供講評服務。 5/5傳統好戲象獅戰 愛爾達雙頻道「雙語」專業聯播 中信兄弟首場國際化轉播,將選定於傳統好戲「象獅大戰」向世界發聲。 5/5、5/6中信兄弟對上統一7-EleveN獅隊的比賽,觀眾可透過觀眾可透過MOD愛爾達體育1台,愛爾達體育台官方Twitter「ELTA Sports」以及中信兄弟官方Twitter「CTBC Brothers」收看中信兄弟主場賽事的英文轉播,體育2台仍舊堅守崗位,為國內觀眾帶來中文即時專業播報。
Phil & Max首度英文轉播 坦言壓力大但樂於接受挑戰
不是在英語系國家出生長大,也沒有國外留學或長住經驗,吳昇府(Phil Wu)和洪志瑋(Max Hung)對於英文轉播中信主場賽事雖然感受到無比的壓力,但也躍躍欲試。「求學階段開始收看國外的賽事轉播,入行後因為工作需要,必須閱讀相當多英文網站的報導,對於比賽用語會特別留意。」吳昇府說:「但實際上要用英文轉播,當然擔心自己的反應夠不夠快,不過接下任務後就一定會全力以赴!」而洪志瑋則說,以前轉播美國職棒時,的確能在耳機裡聽到英文主播的用語,「但實際要用上還是未必會那麼容易,畢竟沒在英語系國家長住過,希望能即時反應過來,不要一不小心又在轉播時說出國語」。
中信推出自家大將 阮柏緯&艾迪頓最了解兄弟
為了幫助境外球迷快速了解中華職棒和中信兄弟,球團力推出農場主管特助、也是多年外籍總教練翻譯的阮柏緯(Papa)打頭陣,讓英文球迷能快速了解台灣棒球文化以及中信兄弟。另外,目前人在美國的國際球探艾迪頓,也將在下半季回台灣,屆時也將加入講評陣容,為觀眾們帶來最有話題的英文轉播,和全球棒球迷一起了解中信兄弟! 特別來賓部分,球團將邀請到中信兄弟二軍投手教練鄭錡鴻(Chi-hung Cheng)及備受球迷愛戴的「萊公主」萊福力(Mitch Lively)。鄭錡鴻曾於小聯盟奮戰六年,返台後仍多次於季後前往美國自主訓練,擁有豐富的國際觀及棒球經驗可以與大家分享;來台打球已進入第三年的萊福力,受訪時曾多次表達他非常喜歡台灣的生活,與隊友相處融洽,也常在個人社群媒體分享生活,備受球迷喜愛。
愛爾達體育台節目表查詢: https://eltaott.tv/mod/program_detail
【電視平台】 中華電信 MOD 愛爾達體育1台(CH200)、2台(CH201)
【網路/行動平台】 - Hami Video http://hamivideo.hinet.net/ - ELTA TV 愛爾達電視 http://elta.tv/
Collaborating with CTBC Brothers, MOD ELTA brings you broadcasts of Brothers' home games in English Commentary.
Being the very first league to play baseball worldwide, CPBL has received attention from baseball fans all over the world. To keep up with the trend and serve global fans who have interest in Taiwanese baseball, Brothers will be teaming up with ELTA Sports Channel, a sport program that reaches multiple platforms, in an effort to launch English Commentating service on May 5th. ELTA announcers Phil Wu and Max Hung will be paired with Brothers' coordinator of international operations Papa Juan and international scout Nicholas Scott Additon. Together they will bring English commentated games to all fans.
A classic matchup between rival Elephants and Lions is due on May 5th. ELTA will be broadcasting the game in two languanges on two channels simultaneously.
The first ever global broadcast of a CTBC Brothers' game will be showcasing the classic rivalry of Elephants and Lions to the world. On May 5th and May 6th, audiences can enjoy two games between CTBC Brothers and Uni 7-ELEVEn Lions in English commentary by tuning into ELTA Sports 1, ELTA Sports Twitter, CTBC Brothers' Twitter account. ELTA Sports 2 will broadcast the games in Mandarin for domestic audiences as usual.
Phil and Max accept the stressful challenge as they are set to debut in English commentating.
Born and raised in a non- English- speaking country, and with no experience of studying abroad or longstaying in a foreign country, Phil Wu and Max Hung are still willing to give it their best shot despite facing great pressure being the English announcers of CTBC Brothers' home games. "Since I started watching sporting broadcast as a kid, I've always been curious about how media members outside the country view our own players, and also vice versa. As I became a sports announcer, I've developed the habit of reading English sport articles on western websites, and absorbing English sporting terms along the ride." Phil Wu also says that "When it's time to put all preparation into fulfillment, I still worry whether I can find the correct term for certain situations in time. But since I've accepted the task, I will give it my all." Max Hung recalled that when he used to announce MLB games, he would hear all kinds of baseball terms from the English announcer through his earpiece. He says that "It wouldn't be that easy announcing games in English. I just hope that not being a native English speaker wouldn't hinder my play-to-play announcement, and that Chinese wouldn't just slip out my mouth during broadcast." 
CTBC's own Papa Juan and Nicholas Additon know themselves best.
In view of the global audiences being relatively new to CPBL and the Brothers, CTBC is bringing out their own coordinator of international operations Papa Juan as the leadoff color commentator, in effort to let our English fans have a better understanding of CTBC Brothers and also Taiwanese baseball culture. Also joining the commentator desk in the bottom half of the season is Nicholas Scott Additon, who is currently in the states serving as CTBC Brothers' international scout. He'll be sharing various topics with the audiences during broadcast, providing a different aspect of CTBC Brothers to all global baseball fans. Also, CTBC Brothers' power pitcher Mitchy Lively and pitching coach Chi-hung Cheng will be special guest for the team's first ever English broadcasting.
For more MOD ELTA broadcast information, go to: https://eltaott.tv/mod/program_detail
ELTA Sports Twitter:https://twitter.com/ELTASports
HOW to watch ELTA TV 
【TV Platform】
Chunghwa Telecom MOD ELTA Sports 1(CH200)、ELTA Sports 2(CH201)
【Internet/Mobile Platform】
- Hami Video http://hamivideo.hinet.net/
- ELTA TV  http://elta.tv/ 
- ELTA Sports Twitter:https://twitter.com/ELTASports

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