



English OK

發布於 2020年09月07日04:26 • A編
(Photo by Solen Feyissa on Unsplash)
(Photo by Solen Feyissa on Unsplash)


1. Absent hard proof, what’s left are more extrapolated dangers, like whether the Chinese government, which the US says was responsible for a notorious series of breaches at American institutions, would pilfer user data from TikTok, or censor content on the platform the way it tightly controls the internet within its own borders.

extrapolated dangers 推論的危險

extrapolate (v.)是推論的意思,藉由過去的經驗或現有的資訊來做合理的推斷,衍伸詞如extrapolation(n.)和extrapolative(adj.),都遵循字尾詞性變化的規則,「-tion」名詞、「-tive」形容詞。extrapolator(n.)在新聞英文上面算是常見單字,表示做出合理推論的人,同義詞有conclude、deduce等。

a notorious series of breaches 一系列惡名昭彰的入侵

a series of是多益常見片語,意思是一系列的,後面多加複數名詞,且帶有前後的順序意味;同義詞a variety of也是加上複數單字,意思則是各式各樣的、多種的,所以此二片語雖然都是加複數名詞,用法上還是有點差異。breach(n.)在這裡指的是網路入侵,它也有違法的、破壞、破裂等意思,有動詞同型breach。


censor content on the platform 在平台上審查內容


The movie was censored by the government.


2. Like other apps, security researchers have found bugs inside TikTok, which were later patched. More recently, some users were alarmed when they learned TikTok was requesting access to their clipboards, which could potentially expose sensitive data like passwords.

bugs were later patched 補強程式錯誤


potentially expose sensitive data 有可能會暴露敏感資訊


3. TikTok says the functionality was part of an anti-spam feature that detected when users tried to post the same comment on different videos over and over again, and that it never retained data from anyone’s clipboard. The feature has since been disabled.

an anti-spam feature 反垃圾郵件功能


The feature has since been disabled 此功能已被禁用

disable(v.)來自able(adj.)的變化,加上「dis-」字首代表否定,指的是使「無法做…」,因此延伸出有使殘廢之意,如disabled residents(身障人士)。名詞變化disability,如disability insurance(身障保險)。


Jacobs Office Depot
Details of purchase: 5 boxes of A4 paper – $1.50 per box
Total Cost: $7.50
Customer: John Goodman Solicitors
Tax Number: T1528711444
Details of payment: Payment received in cash. Direct debit has been set up on customer’s bank account as customer wishes to renew the order on a monthly basis.
Details of delivery: Customer collected in person. Subsequent orders to be delivered on the first of the month to the following address: 2 Appleby Road, Rhode Avenue, New York.
No delivery charge will apply.

1. Which of the following statements is accurate?
(A) Jacobs Office Depot placed an order for 5 boxes of A4 paper.
(B) John Goodman Solicitors purchased 5 boxes of A4 paper at a cost of $7.50 per box.
(C) John Goodman Solicitors invoiced Jacobs Office Depot for 5 boxes of A4 paper.
(D) John Goodman Solicitors paid $7.50 in cash for 5 boxes of A4 paper.

2. What method of payment will be used in future?
(A) Payment in cash
(B) Payment in cash on renewal of order.
(C) The customer’s bank account will be debited monthly.
(D) No charges will apply.


1. 正解為(D)。本文的內容與商業發票相關,因此要一個一個答案去確認細節是否完全符合。選項(A)是說「Jacobs Office Depot下了個5箱A4紙張的訂單」,不過很明顯這是搞錯對象,Jacobs Office Depot應該是開立發票的那方,當然就是賣方,而買方在後面提到顧客部分寫著Customer: John Goodman Solicitors,因此這選項不正確。選項(B)則可從第一行提到「購買明細:五箱的A4紙張,每箱$1.50」來判斷,因此「John Goodman Solicitors訂購5箱A4紙張,每箱$7.50」不對,$7.50應該是總數花費。選項(C)「John Goodman Solicitors開立5箱A4紙張給Jacobs Office Depot」,這題其實邏輯跟(A)一樣相反了,應該是後者(賣方)開立發票。如此一來,只剩選項(D)是正確的,「John Goodman Solicitors總共付了$7.50購買5箱A4紙張」,正好呼應了選項(B)的邏輯。

2. 正解為(C)。題意為「未來會採用什麼付款方式?」就要找付款方式那一行 「付款明細:第一筆現金付款。由於顧客表示要續約,已設立公司帳戶以利每月向顧客銀行帳戶請款。」所以未來的付款方式是銀行帳戶扣款,答案選(C)。

文/Buffy Kao

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