NBA明星賽將由Stephen Curry與Sabrina Ionescu進一場三分球對決,兩大知名射手PK,誰能獲勝,球星們看法不一,當然也有人沒放過開Curry玩笑的機會。
2/17 (六) 08:00 名人賽 / 10:00 新秀挑戰賽
2/18 (日) 09:00 技術挑戰 / 三分球 / 灌籃大賽
Stephen Curry and Sabrina Ionescu will go head-to-head in the first NBA vs. WNBA 3-point challenge during #StateFarmSaturday on TNT at #NBAAllStar 2024!— NBA (@NBA) January 30, 2024
Klay Thompson認為Ionescu能獲勝,他說去年這位WNBA射手就創造紀錄,而Draymond Green力挺隊友,「能成為有史以來最偉大的是有原因的,這絕對是讓人興奮的事情,當然Stephen正在獲勝的路上!」
"I got the Bay Area's finest… "
Klay Thompson's pick is in for the Sabrina vs. Steph 👀
(via @NBA)— Ball Don’t Lie (@Balldontlie) February 13, 2024
Draymond makes his pick 👀
Stephen Curry and Sabrina Ionescu will go head-to-head in the first-ever NBA vs. WNBA 3-point Challenge… #StateFarmSaturday (2/17) on TNT after #Starry3PT.— NBA (@NBA) February 13, 2024
Kyrie Irving也投Ionescu一票,他說:「我沒有任何不敬!大哥,但同時人家創造紀錄,她是來捍衛紀錄的,你將來到競爭舞台上,看看你是否能贏,這會很有趣!」
Kyrie Irving makes his prediction for Stephen vs. Sabrina 👀
Don't miss the first-ever NBA vs. WNBA 3-point challenge on Saturday, Feb. 17 on TNT after #Starry3PT. #StateFarmSaturday— NBA (@NBA) February 12, 2024
Kevin Durant一開始認為Curry能贏,後來Curry稱他老在煽風點火,他又氣噗噗改支持Ionescu,後來又改變主意。
“I’m going Steph. I said Steph first… He called me an instigator so I went with Sabrina, but I’ll go back to Steph… You know how I like to switch”
Kevin Durant makes his pick for Steph Curry and Sabrina Ionescu’s three-point showdown 😂
(via @NBA)— ClutchPoints (@ClutchPoints) February 12, 2024
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