《水行俠》(Aquaman) 的初步評論正式出爐!社群媒體上也逐漸湧入已經看過這部 DCEU 最新作品的相關評論。結果如何?絕大部分的觀眾,都給予這部溫子仁 (James Wan) 導演的超級英雄電影處女作相當正面的評價,以下節錄外媒的一些重點評論。
IGN 直播節目主持人 Tom Jorgensen 給予本片非常正面的評價,將《水行俠》形容為:
「繼《黑暗騎士》(The Dark Knight) 以來最棒的 DC 改編電影。溫子仁呈現出一部活靈活現且充滿情感的史詩鉅作,帶來了絢麗的海底視效、刺激的動作場面,以及許多笑料。華納兄弟真的應該將整個 DC 擴展宇宙的發展都交給溫子仁來指揮,因為他已經證明了自己的能耐。」
#Aquaman is the best DC movie since The Dark Knight.@creepypuppet delivers a swashbuckling epic full of big emotion, gorgeous undersea visuals, exciting action, and lots of laughs.
WB should be handing the DCEU reins to James Wan, he's proven he can, ahem, right the ship. pic.twitter.com/4hjxdmNLDf
— Tom Jorgensen (@Tom_Jorgensen) November 26, 2018
Slashfilm 編輯 Peter Sciretta 認為這部電影「超乎他的期待」,並表示:
「《水行俠》就像一部漫威電影宇宙初期的作品,好的那種!『輕鬆幽默、不過於嚴肅』則是全片的精華所在。黑蝠鱝 (Black Manta) 是一位傑出的反派,漫畫粉絲們絕對會喜歡這位角色;本片也充滿了一些驚豔的動作場面以及鏡頭,第三段的決戰出乎意料地具有野心,同時也沒有陷入傳統漫改電影的老哏情況。
而至於我不太喜歡的部分──應該是來自溫子仁採用並延續之前,由查克史奈德 (Zack Snyder) 執導《正義聯盟》時的設定,像是選角以及男女主角:摩莫亞與赫德之間的互動……等。」
Third act battle that doesn’t devolve into the typical comic book movie blah trap, and is surprisingly ambitious. A lot of the aspects I didn’t like can probably be traced back to decisions Snyder made that were inherited by Wan (casting, chemistry between Heard/Mamoa…etc).
— Peter Sciretta (@slashfilm) November 26, 2018
Gizmodo 網站的 Germain Lussier 則表示:
對我們來說這是僅次於《神力女超人》(Wonder Woman),目前第二棒的 DCEU 作品。」
Aquaman is a big, fun, wild ride. It’s unabashedly melodramatic and over the top with the largest, most ambitious sense of scale imaginable. Parts of it are kind of bad but they are not the majority and, oddly, still fit in with the cartoony tone. 2nd best DCU movie. YEEEAAHH! pic.twitter.com/3GLlK3uQJ3
— Germain Lussier (@GermainLussier) November 26, 2018
Fandango 的編輯 Erik Davis 則補充:
「《水行俠》是目前整個 DCEU 系列中,最有企圖心的作品。這是視覺效果驚人的作品,整體風格華麗、瘋狂,充滿馬不停蹄的動作場面,以及許多值得一看的樂趣。
#Aquaman is the most ambitious DC movie to date — a big, sprawling visual spectacle that is gorgeous, crazy, stuffed with terrific action, and a lot of fun to watch. James Wan, in my opinion, is the true star – he elevates the material, makes it entertaining and conquers it. pic.twitter.com/gDFjiAWICA
— Erik Davis (@ErikDavis) November 26, 2018
Gamespot 總編 Mike Rougeau 將《水行俠》形容為:
「……雖有點瑕疵,但依然有趣,傑森摩莫亞 (Jason Momoa) 以及派崔克威爾森 (Patrick Wilson) 絕對是全片的亮點。更重要的是,這部電影真的有夠瘋狂。我完全沒有預料到這部電影的規模會如此龐大且瘋狂,絕對會去二刷。」
Saw #Aquaman before thanksgiving and had a week to think about it. It's flawed, but fun. Momoa and Patrick Wilson are absolute gems. Most of all, the movie is just flat out insane. I can't believe how big, creative, and crazy it gets. Gotta see it again! pic.twitter.com/m2oRbHVtu9
— Mike Rougeau (@RogueCheddar) November 26, 2018
Comicbook.com 的 Brandon Davis 寫到:
There were moments where I felt #Aquaman might be running a little long but it has SO much to unpack in building its own isolated world.
Huge, epic, unique, and stylish action-sequences balance the heavy exposition.
Movie isn't out yet but I want more from Wan, Momoa, & co.
— Brandon Davis (@BrandonDavisBD) November 26, 2018
Ben Mekler
編劇兼導演 Ben Mekler 則表示,溫子仁成功帶來一部海底版的《星際大戰》(Star Wars) 電影。
「《水行俠》超越了所有 DC 粉絲期望看到的作品。本片充滿了刺激的動作場面、驚人的海底世界觀建構、引人入勝的配樂,而水行俠他甚至還把牡蠣當成踢踏舞鞋來穿,再加上傑森摩莫亞帶來的演出。DC 真的成功搞定了這部電影。DCEU 將會延續下去!」
#Aquaman is everything DC fans have been hoping for and more. Rollicking action, an amazing sense of world-building, spellbinding musical numbers in which Aquaman wears clams as tap shoes, and a command performance from Jason Momoa. DC has really righted the ship. The DCEU lives!
— Ben Mekler (@benmekler) November 26, 2018
洛杉磯影評人協會副總 Ashley Menzel 寫道:
「《水行俠》在低俗的幽默與動作場面中找到了完美的平衡點。溫子仁展現出他身為導演的技巧,並壯麗地在 DC 系列留下了一個記號;傑森摩莫亞完美展現出他的魅力,並讓水行俠成功與包含神力女超人在內的其他成功角色一同成為觀眾的焦點。」
#Aquaman is over the top fun! A perfect balance of cheesy humor & action. James Wan shows his skill as a director & puts his mark on DC in a big way. Momoa is perfectly charming & brings Aquaman out of the shadows to stand alongside the greats like #WonderWoman @aquamanmovie pic.twitter.com/ySM7Tn8nkl
— Ashley Menzel (@AshleyGMenzel) November 26, 2018
Geeks of Color
Geeks of Color 網站編輯 Andrew J. Salazar 表示:
「第二好的 DC 電影,僅次於《神力女超人》。《水行俠》充滿大量令人目眩神迷的特效。有許多令我喜愛的內容,也有一些讓我冷感的內容。後者的問題在 DC 接下來的作品中可能將有所改進,而本片也是到目前為止最歡樂的 DC 電影。」
I guess I can react to #Aquaman now. 2nd best DC movie behind WW (no shade this is an a accomplishment) with lots of killer visuals. Lots of stuff I liked and some stuff I was very lukewarm on. The latter could possibly be improved on latter down the series. Most upbeat DC film.
— Andrew J. Salazar (@yokis101) November 26, 2018
Legion of Leia
Legion of Leia 網站的創辦人 Jenna Busch 如此提到:
「《水行俠》真的太驚人了!從傑森摩莫亞飾演的亞瑟庫瑞 (Arthur Curry),到片中驚人的視覺特效,以及所有觀眾都能享受到的樂趣,《水行俠》完全達到了我的期待,而我也等不及要去看第二遍了!正式上映之後,我會給各位更多細節。」
#Aquaman was an absolute blast, from the charm of Momoa's Arthur Curry, to the spectacular visuals to the fun that it was clear that everyone was having. It was exactly what I was hoping for and I can't wait to see it again! I'll give you more details when I'm allowed! pic.twitter.com/FyeczAJJIJ
— Jenna Busch (@JennaBusch) November 26, 2018
Cinemablend 編輯 Eric Eisenberg 表示:
「我很興奮終於能夠向各位分享我到底有多喜歡《水行俠》!這是一場酷炫的冒險之旅,建立在許多令人嘆為觀止的動作場面上;本片也有著傑出的英雄成長曲線,再加上傑森摩莫亞的演出,《水行俠》帶來了十分有趣的世界觀營造,而視覺效果也非常驚人。這對 DCEU 來說是很棒的一步。」
Excited I can now say how much I enjoyed #Aquaman! It's a cool adventure built on some tremendous action sequences and set pieces, with a great hero arc/performance from Jason Momoa as the glue. There's fun world building, and it looks wonderful. A great step for the DCEU. pic.twitter.com/Z5iPdilMIR
— Eric Eisenberg (@eeisenberg) November 26, 2018
《水行俠》將於 12 月 12 日上映。
翻譯:凱拉特/編校:神搜企編中心 資料來源:EW