In traditional Japan, there is a saying in fuzzy zones in nature, between light and dark, sea and mountain, where weird things are most likely to be encountered. Twilight is one of the moments.
Twilight, the atmosphere filled with the ambiguity that we often see between people caused by a variety of reasons. It is captured by Chang-Wu’s new album “Twilight” along with a lot more of eerinesses in life, just like “Strange Stories from Liao Zhai” in the modern era and society that we could all possibly be living in for quite a while…
落葉 看死亡
袂記tsih 驚惶 就袂記得
不只一種的死亡 的面路
風勢很大 雲嘛相爭走
柑仔色的天 像血流
孤 鳥咧相紲 展翼感覺親像欲戰爭
閣 忽然無聲 無息萬般 的寂靜
親像墓壙的鳥鼠 吵鬧又帶著敵意
精神 袂當關機 只賰喘氣 嘛沒反省 的選擇
直喉的聲 軁入全身 皮膚乾去 的罰則
身軀袂振動 凊汗變成蟲 像動物
One two three four five and six
Come and play with me
A game called hide and seek
One two three four five and six
Run and run and I’ll get ya
巷仔口 的野狗 綴人哭 佇遐吼 趕袂走
倒照影 有人徛 看門窗 照無啥 欲問sia̋ng
電火化去 彼是啥物 一種壓力 無地安神
叫無反應 半信半疑 行去佗位 哪會無去
這一切太過離經 按怎進行 欲盡磅
彼哭聲親像歹去 尖利音頻 挵心臟
“毋是我 毋是我 是欲揣sia̋ng 毋是我 "
看毋捌 活的死的 徛佇四界 不止一个
已 經毋知過偌久
看時間 才知影 過無久
過一分鐘 閣一分鐘 攏無意義
因 為 唯一無變 天猶紅
起跤欲行 烏影 竟然 同齊 融合 分散 親像 刀子 咧割
佇半暝感覺比起 這个時陣 較安心
佇同時感覺自己 親像拜桌 的三牲
死亡 猶閣較袂殘忍
One two three four five and six
Come and play with me
A game called hide and seek
One two three four five and six
Run and run and I’ll get ya
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