


臺北市立美術館 2023年申請展徵件 開放報名!


更新於 2023年03月06日03:23 • 發布於 2023年03月03日16:00 • 臺北市立美術館/非池中藝術網編輯整理








1. 個人藝術創作者:須具中華民國國籍或持有效之中華民國居留證(亦得以內政部移民署核發就業金卡代之)。

2. 共同創作藝術團體:成員須二分之一(含)以上具中華民國國籍。


1. 五年內(107年1月1日至111年12月31日止)通過本館評審之申請展獲選者。

2. 各級機關、學校社團聯展或畢業展。

3. 由策展人策劃之主題展。


1. 申請流程:一律採線上作業,請至申請展網站(https://ea.TFAM.museum) 登錄會員及報名。

2. 申請時間:自112年3月1日零時起至112年4月30日下午五時止。


1. 為增強展出之專業對話、經費運用及集體推廣效益,由本館安排展覽展期及展場。

2. 展期原則安排於113年下半年,本館保留展期及展場調整權利。


1. 創作形式、內容、媒材不拘;惟所提展覽計畫須適合本館指定空間(展場平面圖如附件一)。

2. 獲選者須依原送審之展覽計畫執行;如有更動須另提書面計畫,徵得本館同意後實施。


1. 基本資料(含最高學歷、展歷、獲獎紀錄等)。

2. 展覽計畫(含創作理念、作品展示計畫、空間規劃圖;如為發展中計畫須附詳細創作計畫書)。

3. 作品資料(含名稱、媒材、尺寸、創作年代):

‧ 靜態圖檔:jpg格式,單張圖檔低於1MB。

‧ 影音多媒體:精簡版(3分鐘為限),限用mp3/mp4播放格式。影片完整版另可透過Vimeo/YouTube網路空間,將連結登錄至報名網站。

4. 參考資料(含作品靜態圖檔、影音多媒體等,本項視申請者需要提供)。

※ 須完成以上1至3項始視為完成報名程序。


1. 依本年度送件申請之媒材類項及數量比例,聘請各類委員組成評審委員會,評審以通過4案為原則,並視情況得列候補若干名。

2. 本館預計於112年6月底前於本館網站公布評審結果並寄發通知書函予獲選者,獲選者與本館簽訂合約。

九. 展覽須知:

1. 獲選者由本館提供上限新臺幣40萬元之展覽製作費(包括文宣、翻譯、木作、油漆、運輸、保險、佈卸展人力等支出)。

2. 上列項目原則由本館年度廠商執行;不足經費得由獲選者向臺北市政府文化局以外單位申請補助。

3. 展覽專輯由本館提供上限新臺幣10萬元之印製費。

4. 佈展須知詳如附件二

‧ 電話:(02)25957656轉206展覽規劃組

‧ 館址:臺北市中山區中山北路三段181號

‧ 網址:https://www.tfam.museum





Taipei Fine Arts Museum (TFAM) Guidelines for 2023 Call for Exhibition Proposals

I. Objectives: To encourage contemporary art creative endeavors, improve overall exhibition practice, and present diverse and innovative qualities of art.

II. Eligibility:

1. Solo artist: Must be a citizen of the Republic of China (Taiwan) or holder of the Republic of China Resident Certificate (or holder of the Taiwan Employment Gold Card issued by the National Immigration Agency of the Ministry of the Interior).

Art group: Half or more than half of the members of each applying group must be citizens of the Republic of China (Taiwan).

III. Ineligibility:

1. Anyone who had previously submitted an exhibition proposal that was selected by TFAMrsquos jury committee in the past 5 years (between January 1st, 2018 and December 31st, 2022).

2. Group exhibitions or graduation exhibitions by institutions and school clubs of all levels.

3. Curated thematic exhibitions

IV. Submission:

1. Submission process: All proposals must be submitted online. Please first register as a member on the Call for Exhibition Proposals website (https://ea.TFAM.museum) and then proceed with the online submission.

2. Submission Deadline: Proposals are accepted starting at 12 orsquoclock midnight of March 1st, 2023 and ending at 5 orsquoclock in the afternoon of April 30th, 2023 (Taiwan Time).

V. Exhibition Period, Exhibition Venue Arrangement

1. For better professional communication, fund utilization, and overall marketing effectiveness of the exhibition, exhibition dates and venue will be arranged by TFAM.

2. In principle, the exhibition period will be arranged in the second half of 2024. TFAM reserves the right to adjust the exhibition period and venue if necessary.

VI. Exhibition Proposal:

1. Proposals are open to all creative formats, content, and art media. The exhibition proposal must be suitable for the museumrsquos designated space. Please refer to Appendix 1 for the exhibition floor plan.

2. The selected exhibition proposals must be executed according to the original proposals submitted for review. Any changes would require the submission of a separate written proposal and can only proceed after approval is received from TFAM.

VII. Information Required for Online Submission (cannot attach more than a total of 300 MB of files)

1. Basic information (including the highest level of education completed, exhibition experience, awards received, etc.)

2. Exhibition proposal (including creative concept, artwork display plan, and space design drawing if the proposed project is still in development, a detailed project proposal must be submitted).

3. Artwork information (including artwork title, medium, dimensions, and year created)

01. Still Image ndash in JPG file format, each individual image must be less than 1MB in file size.

02. Audio-visual Multimedia ndash Lite Version (maximum duration of 3 minutes), in mp3/mp4 file format only. A full version of the video may be uploaded to Vimeo/YouTube, with the link provided on the online application form.

4. Reference Material (This is optional and may include still images, audio-visual multimedia, etc.)

It is necessary to complete items 1 to 3 listed above, in order for the proposal submission to be considered eligible.

VIII. Review:

1. A review committee will be formed with jurors of each category commissioned based on the ratio between the categories of media and the number of entries received for the year, and in principle, 4 proposals will be selected by the committee. Depending on the circumstances, a waitlist may be created with several proposals listed.

2. TFAM intends to announce the review results on the museumrsquos website by the end of June 2023, and notification letters stating the results will also be sent out to the selected applicants. A contract shall be signed between the selected applicants and TFAM.

IX. Exhibition Notices:

1. TFAM will provide a maximum of NT$400,000 for the exhibition production fee (including expenses for publicity, carpentry, painting, transportation, insurance, workers required for exhibition installation and dismantlement, etc.) In principle, the items listed above shall be executed by companies/manufacturers contracted with the museum for the year. In case of a funding shortage, the selectees may apply for subsidies from departments other than the Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government.

2. TFAM will provide a maximum of NT$100,000 for exhibition catalog printing and production.

3. Please see Appendix 2 for other exhibition installation notices.

Exhibition Department (886-2) 25957656 Ext. 206

TFAM Address: No. 181, Section 3, Zhongshan North Road, Taipei City, Taiwan



Appendix 1: Taipei Fine Arts Museum (TFAM) Call for Exhibitions Venue Floor Plan


Appendix 2: TFAM Installation Notices for Selected Exhibition Proposals

臺北市立美術館 2023年申請展徵件 Call For Exhibitions 開放報名。圖/2023年申請展徵件提供


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