




發布於 2020年08月24日04:00



美籍前男友Jon在公開信開頭即表示,「嗨!我是Jon,你們可能已經透過新聞了解我,沒錯,Eve Ai(艾怡良)是我的前女友。」 (Hi. Im Jon. You probably saw me already on the news and yes, Eve Ai is my ex.)文字間隱約透露自己多次登上台灣花邊新聞的無奈。


「我們的故事其實是複雜的;但很不幸的是,我們沒辦法在這個時間點去做到最好的我們。我們都努力過了。」(Our story is a complicated one. Unfortunately we could not make it work at this point. It was not for lack of trying.)文字間透露著兩人性格的差異,以及在分手前雙方的多次嘗試。


公開信也表示,兩人間的關係在多次嘗試後還是未果,而Jon了解到或許分開才是對雙方最好的做法,進而選擇離開。(When I reached this realization I decided that it was best for us to move on.)





(Just as Eve fell in love with me, I fell in love with Taiwan. While some like to say that I moved for Eve. I can say that I am staying for Taiwan, a great country, the fantastic people I meet and the excellent friends I make along the way.)





Hi. Im Jon. You probably saw me already on the news and yes, Eve Ai is my ex.

Our story is a complicated one. Unfortunately we could not make it work at this point. It was not for lack of trying.

I feel we loved each other as much as we each were able to. When someone is struggling, sometimes, even the truest love and the best intentions are not enough. When I reached this realization I decided that it was best for us to move on. At least for now.

Just as Eve fell in love with me, I fell in love with Taiwan. While some like to say that I moved for Eve. I can say that I am staying for Taiwan, a great country, the fantastic people I meet and the excellent friends I make along the way.

Sometimes things dont work out how you want them to. However, every book has more than one chapter.

The next chapter in my book is about finding the truest companion for me while positively impacting and supporting my friends, colleagues and cross-border relations as I travel globally. You will see more about this in the coming months.



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