



English OK

更新於 2021年11月22日06:59 • 發布於 2021年06月28日05:50 • EnglishOK 中學英閱誌
Image by Alexandra_Koch from Pixabay


Scientists have long worried about a coronavirus variant that's more dangerous than the original virus in three key ways: It would be more transmissible, result in more serious illness, and evade protection from existing vaccines.

1. variant (n.)(adj.) 變化


variant的名詞變化variety是形容「變化」的意思,多用在 a variety of 的片語使用,後面也是加上可數名詞,同義詞有various,指的是「各種不同的」。

There are many colas on the market now, all variants on the original drink.

2. transmissible (adj.) 可傳播的

多用在病毒傳播的說法,因此transmissible disease就是形容「可傳染性的疾病」。而動詞transmit指的是「傳播」,也可以用於形容訊號傳播。

The information is transmitted electronically to the central computer.

3. evade (v.) 逃避、逃離、躲避


She’s trying to evade my questions.

He was convicted of evading taxes.

The data today says that this variant gets a full checked box for more infectious, probably gets a checked box for more serious, and at least gets a partial checked box for immune evasion.

4. gets a full checked box符合條件

在這裡的說法是來自於表單項目確認的作法,我們會在清單中的項目前加上一個空格□,若是符合該項目的條件,就會在空格中打勾(check),意思是符合條件。句子就是在描述三種病毒特性,有符合就是checked box(已打勾的空格☑)。

5. infectious (adj.) 有傳染力的

和第二個單字transmissible是相似的形容詞,來自於動詞infect,infect sb with sth (讓某人感染某種疾病)的用法。infection (n.) 有感染的意思,字尾加上「-tion」為名詞變化,而加上「-tious」則是形容詞變化。

6. immune (adj.) 有免疫力的

immune system就是免疫系統的英文,immunity (n.) 則是免疫力的意思,這兩個說法可以交替使用。immunization (n.) 是免疫接種的意思,指的是接種疫苗後對於特定病毒產生免疫力的意思。

Public Health England analyses have found that two doses of Pfizer's vaccine are still 96% effective at preventing hospitalizations — and 88% effective at preventing symptomatic COVID-19 — from Delta cases.
(英國公眾健康分析指出,接種兩劑的輝瑞疫苗在預防因變種病毒而住院的方面仍有 96% 的保護力,而對於預防因病毒而產生症狀的情況則有88%的效率。)

7. hospitalization (n.) 住院治療


8. symptomatic (adj.)有症狀的

單字來自於symptom (n.) 症狀的可數名詞,「-atic」是形容詞變化。基本上「-tic」是常見的形容詞字尾,為了方便發音,前面有時會加上一個母音節,如字尾m結尾經常會加上a再加「-tic」形容詞字尾。


Most consumers are familiar with bar codes. Those black-and white stripes appear on almost every product purchased. Often the codes are scanned at the checkout counter, causing the item name and its price to appear on_(1) _ the cash register screen and the receipt. This gives a record to the consumer and helps store management monitor inventory.

Many delivery services use bar codes to track the progress of each envelope, package, or crate in transit. Every item (2) a bar code, which is read at a number of points from the moment it leaves the sender’s hands to the moment the recipient accepts the delivery.

An interesting use for the bar code has been developed by a scientist who works with bees. The scientist attached bar codes to the backs of individual bees in order to (3) them and to follow their movements. Laser scanners at the entrance of the hive read the bar codes to monitor how long each bee had been gone from the hive. By keeping (4) of individual bees, scientists hope to learn more about honey production. Knowing how far bees travel to gather pollen and how many trips they make back to the hive could eventually help beekeepers predict honey yields.

  1. (A) so
    (B) either
    (C) each
    (D) both

  2. (A) having been issued
    (B) issuing
    (C) is issued
    (D) to issue

  3. (A) identify
    (B) mention
    (C) contradict
    (D) speculate

  4. (A) tracking
    (B) to track
    (C) tracked
    (D) track


1. 正解(D)。語意為「通常條碼會在結帳區被掃瞄,商品的名稱和價格就 _ 會出現在收銀台螢幕和收據上。」這邊要考的是雙連接詞用語,因為後面使用and的概念,代表兩者皆要,因此應該要選(D) Both a and b的用法。

2. 正解(C)。語意為「每個商品_有一個條碼,從離開寄件人手中到收件人接受交付的每一刻,條碼都會在多個點被讀取。」這裡要考的是文法的基本概念,因為句子並沒有一個動詞,所以只能選有完整動詞的選項,如此一來答案只能選(C)。

3. 正解(A)。語意為「這名科學家將條碼附在每隻蜜蜂的背上,目的是為了要_他們並且追蹤他們的行動。」這裡首先要注意in order to這個片語,用法是表目的的不定詞片語,因此後面只能加上原型動詞。而從語意來判斷,前面提到蜜蜂背上都有一組條碼,目的是為了要辨認出不同的蜜蜂並且追蹤行動,因此答案應該要選(A)。

4. 正解(D)。語意為「藉由維持_ 個別的蜜蜂,科學家希望可以更了解蜂蜜的製造過程。」這裡要考的是片語keep track of,追蹤的意思,因此答案應該要選(D)。

文/Buffy Kao

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