




更新於 2018年11月13日02:19 • 發布於 2018年11月13日00:28 • TangBao

漫威之父史丹李(Stan Lee)台灣時間今(13)日清晨驚傳在洛杉磯醫院逝世,享壽 95 歲。

根據外電報導,史丹李於美國時間 12 日早上在洛杉磯一家醫院過世。消息傳出,漫威暨迪士尼官方旋即發表聲明,對此表達悲傷,感激與致敬。

Today, we pause and reflect with great sadness on the passing of Stan Lee: https://t.co/J0cwgdn677 pic.twitter.com/eOBdZAqdZ0

— Marvel Entertainment (@Marvel) November 12, 2018



— stan lee (@TheRealStanLee) November 12, 2018

史丹李全名「Stanley Martin Lieber」,他在 1941 年 5 月《美國隊長》第三卷漫畫(Captain America Comics #3)繪製收錄章節「Captain America Foils the Traitor's Revenge」,成為他的創作起點。日後,史丹李結合諸多藝術家,陸續打造漫威宇宙多名超級英雄,舉凡《鋼鐵人》、《蜘蛛人》、《驚奇四超人》、《雷神索爾》等,各個都是膾炙人口的經典要角。

史丹李不僅自己創作,更常在自家作品串場,從漫畫、電影一路到遊戲,每個地方都能找到他的身影,多年來早就變成眾所皆知的彩蛋,看到漫威,先找史丹李。他在流行文化不只是一名創作者,更成為一種符號,讓玩具大廠 FUNKO POP! 系列為其推了一系列角色公仔。


史丹李在 PS4 遊戲《漫威蜘蛛人》的串場。(圖片出處:Twitter)
史丹李在 PS4 遊戲《漫威蜘蛛人》的串場。(圖片出處:Twitter)




「美國隊長」Chris Evans

There will never be another Stan Lee. For decades he provided both young and old with adventure, escape, comfort, confidence, inspiration, strength, friendship and joy. He exuded love and kindness and will leave an indelible mark on so, so, so many lives. Excelsior!!

— Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans) November 12, 2018

「金鋼狼」Hugh Jackman

We’ve lost a creative genius. Stan Lee was a pioneering force in the superhero universe. I’m proud to have been a small part of his legacy and …. to have helped bring one of his characters to life. #StanLee #Wolverine pic.twitter.com/iOdefi7iYz

— Hugh Jackman (@RealHughJackman) November 12, 2018

「浩克」Mark Ruffalo

Sad, sad day. Rest In Power, Uncle Stan. You have made the world a better place through the power of modern mythology and your love of this messy business of being human… pic.twitter.com/x6yZ6ClNSX

— Mark Ruffalo (@MarkRuffalo) November 12, 2018

「死侍」Ryan Reynolds

Damn… RIP Stan. Thanks for everything. pic.twitter.com/TMAaDJSOhh

— Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) November 12, 2018

神盾局長「尼克福瑞」Samuel L. Jackson

Thank you @TheRealStanLee for the escape from this world & great joy inhabiting the ones you created!! You made so many believe in the good, the heroic, the villainous, the exciting, most of all, you were giving & gracious to us all. RIP

— Samuel L. Jackson (@SamuelLJackson) November 12, 2018

《驚奇四超人》「銀色衝浪手」Doug Jones

What can I say about the loss of a visionary who created one of my favorite characters I've ever played? Stan Lee's fun-loving wit, charm, and poetic legacy will keep him alive for generations to come. My heart hurts, and he will be sorely missed.#StanLee #RIP @TheRealStanLee pic.twitter.com/EPST2GkNTu

— Doug Jones (@actordougjones) November 12, 2018

《星際異攻隊》「葛摩菈」Zoe Saldana

Today we lost one of the greats. @TheRealStanLee, you were a inspiration and superhero to us all. Thank you for contributing so much- and giving us all something to aspire to! 💚
#ripstanlee pic.twitter.com/GzFhwgU0WA

— Zoe Saldana (@zoesaldana) November 12, 2018

以及漫威影業總裁 Kevin Feige

No one has had more of an impact on my career and everything we do at Marvel Studios than Stan Lee. Stan leaves an extraordinary legacy that will outlive us all. Our thoughts are with his daughter, his family, and his millions of fans. #ThankYouStan #Excelsior!

— Kevin Feige (@Kevfeige) November 12, 2018



“Stan Lee was as extraordinary as the characters he created. A super hero in his own right to Marvel fans around the world, Stan had the power to inspire, to entertain, and to connect." –Bob Igerhttps://t.co/pLTKx1R0dF pic.twitter.com/Uj9fqHpZXg

— Disney (@Disney) November 12, 2018


Today, we lost a real-life superhero. Stan Lee, thank you for everything. pic.twitter.com/zH6YIlslnx

— The Academy (@TheAcademy) November 12, 2018


Rest in Peace, dear Stan Lee. We are grateful for your imagination. Excelsior! pic.twitter.com/6yync2zwul

— Golden Globe Awards (@goldenglobes) November 12, 2018

以及 DC 漫畫

He changed the way we look at heroes, and modern comics will always bear his indelible mark. His infectious enthusiasm reminded us why we all fell in love with these stories in the first place. Excelsior, Stan.

— DC (@DCComics) November 12, 2018

漫威在聲明最後感性寫道 :「每當你打開漫威漫畫,史丹李都會在那裡。」(Every time you open a Marvel comic, Stan will be there.)


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留言 2

  • 莊君瑋
  • Alex cole
    以後的彩蛋少了一個最大的重點了😢 Rip