




更新於 2023年02月07日07:54 • 發布於 2023年02月06日08:23 • 歪力

雖然先起蕃茄醬迷因,《機動戰士鋼彈:水星的魔女》(機動戦士ガンダム 水星の魔女)仍是去年日本動畫新番的熱門之作,而海外英語版也將由 Crunchyroll 代理發行,只不過在官方公布《水星的魔女》配音選角後,在海外卻意外悄悄掀起了有關蘇萊塔種族與配音選角的話題討論

根據 Crunchyroll 公告,《水星的魔女》女主角「蘇萊塔」的英語配音確定由出演《航海王》夏洛特·普琳一角的 Jill Harris 擔任聲優,而第二女主角「米奧琳涅」的聲優則是 Natalie Van Sistine(《間諜家家酒》約兒‧佛傑的聲優)。

The English dub of Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury episode 1 launches this Sunday, February 5! 🔥
Suletta - @JillHarrisVO
Miorine - @nvansistine
✨ CAST & CREW: https://t.co/yGG77eWPpf pic.twitter.com/WfghYAIkNf

— Crunchyroll (@Crunchyroll) February 1, 2023

然而,在 Crunchyroll 公告張貼後,同樣在《水星的魔女》一劇為「勞達‧尼爾」(古爾同父異母的弟弟)配音的聲優 Nazeeh Tarsha 則是在推特公開發聲,談論到了海外近年來「選角演出」種族平等議題。


We can sit here and argue the merits of "right for the role" vs "auto cast because of ethnicity" but let's also not pretend that the quality provided by minority actors is less than the quality of their peers. Inclusion gives us the ability to tell the stories of our backgrounds.

— Nazeeh H. Tarsha (@NazeehTarsha) February 1, 2023

根據海外討論,蘇蕾塔因為膚色的關係,加上序章艾莉的父親「奈迪姆·薩瑪雅」(Nadim Samaya)的姓氏 Samaya 起源於阿拉伯語、希伯來語和印度文化,因此被部份倡議種族平等的人士認為蘇蕾塔的選角應該由中東和北非(MENA)人士來飾演。

Tarsha 的推文被部份人士支持轉貼,包含《刀劍神域劇場版 -Progressive- 陰沉薄暮的詼諧曲》負責「米特/兔澤深澄」配音的北美聲優 Anairis Quiñones,她對於少數人種無法獲得更多發揮機會的環境感到失望,而她之後則暫時關閉了個人的推特帳號。

If they don't get a MENA voice actor for Suletta, I would be very disappointed. Same for Shaddiq. Damn, there is so much potential for a G Witch dub. I hope it gets announced soon

— Daze3x #1 Xenoblade Enthusiast! (@daze3x) January 9, 2023


然而,所幸該話題僅限於小規模討論,因為更多動畫粉絲關注的是這部作品終於發行海外配音,紛紛向兩位女主角的聲優 Jill Harris 與 Natalie Van Sistine 恭喜道賀,更有粉絲公開留言支持她們的表演工作。


You don’t deserve the hate people are giving you. I’m super happy that you got the part. Please don’t give it away because someone else wants to pretend she work on the dub and thinks this part should have gone to someone else. Much love to you and the rest of the cast 💕💕💕💕💕 pic.twitter.com/pHZRPrCTow

— Let it hit you, steve (@Gekko_Amario) February 2, 2023

I am Japanese and I support you.
Those who are making strange criticisms are arguing the same logic as saying that when dubbing in Japan, black people should use black people even if they can't speak Japanese.
Keep up the good work!

— UKONと言います (@RLukon) February 4, 2023

I read some of the recent backlash over your casting in this series. I am super excited that you get to work on a Gundam series, the franchise that brought me to anime. Your talent is undeniable and I am excited to watch. I will always push for inclusion,

— Warshire1988 (@warshire1988) February 5, 2023

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