



Cheers 快樂工作人

發布於 2019年02月23日02:00 • 李念庭



《Business Insider》整理9位矽谷名人,最想和青春期自己說的話:

1. 微軟創辦人比爾.蓋茲(Bill Gates):「聰明並不是單一面向的,它並沒有當時我想的那麼重要。」

Smartness is not single dimensional and not quite as important as I thought it was back then.

2. 臉書營運長雪柔‧桑德柏格(Sheryl Sandberg):「找到你愛的工作,相信自己能成就任何事。人生中,沒有無須曲折就能直抵終點的路。」

Find work you love. Believe you can do anything. There is no straight path to where you are going.

3.Twitter 聯合創始人傑克‧多西(Jack Dorsey):「擁有健康的生活,會讓我更有創意、思考得更周全。」

A healthier lifestyle ultimately makes me more creative and allows me to think more cohesively.

4.臉書創辦人兼執行長馬克‧祖克柏(Mark Zuckerberg):「每個人都會犯錯。人們耗費大量時間,專注於如何預防錯誤、避免懊悔,但事實上,我們都不該努力地把所有事情做對。」

You're going to make mistakes no matter what you do. People spend a lot of time focusing on not making mistakes or regretting them but you shouldn't strive to be right about everything.

5. 蘋果執行長提姆‧庫克(Tim Cook):「快樂永遠都在路上。」

The joy is in the journey.

6.Y Combinator執行長山姆‧奧特曼(Sam Altman):「不論你的選擇是什麼,與他人建立聯繫,確保身邊被聰明的人圍繞。」

No matter what you choose, build stuff and be around smart people.

7.Asana共同創辦人賈斯汀‧ 羅森斯坦(Justin Rosenstein):「問題浮現、計畫失敗。當事情不如所願時,也別感到灰心。」

Problems happen. Plans fail. Don't be disheartened when things don't go as you'd hoped.

8.維珍集團理查德‧布蘭森(Richard Branson):「與眾不同是你最大的資產,會幫助你走向成功。」

Being different is your biggest asset and will help you succeed.

9.The Muse執行長兼共同創辦人卡特琳‧敏秀(Kathryn Minshew):「NO經常代表事情的起點。」

"No" is often just the starting point.



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