




更新於 07月24日15:50 • 發布於 07月23日09:09 • Willy.En

不得不說這幾年市場上男性包包的款式越來越有趣,不管是經典款或是全新設計的新奇包款,各大品牌都漸漸拓寬了大家的包款配件選擇性!想到新奇的包款設計你可能會想到 Loewe,近年 Loewe 透過創意總監 Jonathan Anderson 藝術、童趣的設計風格無疑成為精品界的文青擔當,成功將這個工藝取向的西班牙品牌玩出新的境界,但其實除了許多玩味設計的包款外,Loewe 還是有許多經典不敗的款式,相當適合想初次嘗試精品包卻又不知從何下手的男性們,這次編輯就與大家淺談 Loewe 的包款歷史,並簡易評測對比不同的經典包款,讓大家靠櫃前能有個清晰方向,輕易選擇心目中的完美款式,看下去吧!

BERLIN, GERMANY - JUNE 05: Erik Scholz wearing Jil Sander white logo shirt, Loewe brown leather small Puzzle bag, Rolex Oyster Datejuste watch and Christian Wijants blue parachute pants on June 05, 2023 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Jeremy Moeller/Getty Images)
BERLIN, GERMANY - JUNE 05: Erik Scholz wearing Jil Sander white logo shirt, Loewe brown leather small Puzzle bag, Rolex Oyster Datejuste watch and Christian Wijants blue parachute pants on June 05, 2023 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Jeremy Moeller/Getty Images)
PARIS, FRANCE - JANUARY 20: Kevin Wang (R) wears black and white tweed coat, jeans, black Loewe bag, outside Loewe, during the Menswear Fall/Winter 2024/2025 as part of  Paris Fashion Week on January 20, 2024 in Paris, France. (Photo by Claudio Lavenia/Getty Images)
PARIS, FRANCE - JANUARY 20: Kevin Wang ® wears black and white tweed coat, jeans, black Loewe bag, outside Loewe, during the Menswear Fall/Winter 2024/2025 as part of Paris Fashion Week on January 20, 2024 in Paris, France. (Photo by Claudio Lavenia/Getty Images)

Loewe 購包指南 1:原本就是以皮件起家!

Loewe 的故事始於 1846 年,由當時一群皮革工匠創立於馬德里,而一名德國工匠 Enrique Loewe Roessberg 加入工坊後才將公司命名為「Loewe」。起初品牌僅以手工製作皮夾、煙草盒等小型皮革產品在當地小有名氣,但隨著高品質的工藝技術逐漸贏得聲譽,之後更被指定為皇家官方供應商,是直至成立超過一世紀後的 1965 年,品牌才推出第一組成衣系列。

Loewe購包指南 2:繁瑣步驟展現工藝的極致追求

剛剛提到 Loewe 原本就是以小型皮件起家,那也不難想像品牌對於精緻手工藝和細節的極致追求,Loewe 每款包款都會經歷從皮革切割、邊膠處理到最後測試等 6 大道工序,對於皮料的選擇更是嚴格審核,幾乎是以千分之四的標準在選皮,等於1000 張皮革 Loewe 只會選出當中 4 張最好的皮來製作包包,選完之後還要經由雷射機械精確計算出切割位置,進而减少皮革浪費,而黏接邊緣會使用專業機器以不同形式的刷具進行上邊膠,至於更精細的部位則會由工匠採用傳統的西班牙 Guisopo 手工上邊膠法完成,就是這些繁複的工序,才能讓每款包款品質都維持在一定的水準!

Loewe 購包指南 3:「Puzzle」時髦有辨識度,「Cubi」日常休閒必備

講完 Loewe 的品牌簡史以及對高品質工藝的追求,接下來我們回到正題,以品牌旗下最熱門的兩款男款包款來做個簡易分享!

講到 Loewe 的熱門包款不得不提到「Puzzle Bag」了!Puzzle Bag 是由品牌創意總監 Jonathan Anderson 於 2015 年推出的包款,要知道以往 Loewe 的包款設計上還是趨於保守,品牌推出Puzzle 這個外型「微幼稚」的包款,在當時相當於宣告品牌的新世代來臨!「Puzzle Bag」外型如同其名,是由數個皮革拼圖組合而成的結構,這種非方正規矩的造型相當有辨識度,包款也有多種攜帶方式,包括肩背、斜挎和手提,從正式的商務場合或是休閒日常生活都能輕鬆駕馭。

PARIS, FRANCE - MARCH 01: A guest wears cropped trench coat, blue puzzle bag, denim jeans outside Loewe during the Womenswear Fall/Winter 2024/2025 as part of  Paris Fashion Week on March 01, 2024 in Paris, France. (Photo by Christian Vierig/Getty Images)
PARIS, FRANCE - MARCH 01: A guest wears cropped trench coat, blue puzzle bag, denim jeans outside Loewe during the Womenswear Fall/Winter 2024/2025 as part of Paris Fashion Week on March 01, 2024 in Paris, France. (Photo by Christian Vierig/Getty Images)
PARIS, FRANCE - JANUARY 21: A guest wears a black zipper long wool coat, black shiny leather laces ankle boots, a khaki matte leather Puzzle handbag from Loewe , outside Loewe, during Paris Fashion Week - Menswear Fall-Winter 2023-2024, on January 21, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Edward Berthelot/Getty Images)
PARIS, FRANCE - JANUARY 21: A guest wears a black zipper long wool coat, black shiny leather laces ankle boots, a khaki matte leather Puzzle handbag from Loewe , outside Loewe, during Paris Fashion Week - Menswear Fall-Winter 2023-2024, on January 21, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Edward Berthelot/Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JUNE 18: A guest is seen wearing black sunglasses, a white necklace, a white tank top, a white and black printed short-sleeved shirt, brown trousers and brown Hermes leather sandals outside Etro show during the Milan Fashion Week - Menswear Spring/Summer 2024 on June 18, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Valentina Frugiuele/Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JUNE 18: A guest is seen wearing black sunglasses, a white necklace, a white tank top, a white and black printed short-sleeved shirt, brown trousers and brown Hermes leather sandals outside Etro show during the Milan Fashion Week - Menswear Spring/Summer 2024 on June 18, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Valentina Frugiuele/Getty Images)

另一款編輯要拿來簡單對比的是「Cubi Crossbody Bag」,與「Puzzle Bag」相比「Cubi Crossbody Bag」更強調實用性,容量足夠又超級柔軟,對於懶惰的男性們,日常用品也都絕對夠裝,外型方面也更簡約主義,其簡潔的線條、柔和的曲線以及精緻細節也是包款能成為經典的重要原因,而低調無繁複 Logo 圖案的外觀相當適合喜愛「Clean Fit」美學的男士們,相信「Cubi Crossbody Bag」包款絕對能成為衣櫃裡最百搭食實用的單品之一!

PARIS, FRANCE - JUNE 22: Abdulla Al Abdulla wears cream and grey printed Loewe short sleeves shirt, green Loewe bag, blue jeans, brown and cream Loewe sunglasses, outside Loewe, during the Haute Menswear Spring/Summer 2025 as part of  Paris Fashion Week on June 22, 2024 in Paris, France. (Photo by Claudio Lavenia/Getty Images)
PARIS, FRANCE - JUNE 22: Abdulla Al Abdulla wears cream and grey printed Loewe short sleeves shirt, green Loewe bag, blue jeans, brown and cream Loewe sunglasses, outside Loewe, during the Haute Menswear Spring/Summer 2025 as part of Paris Fashion Week on June 22, 2024 in Paris, France. (Photo by Claudio Lavenia/Getty Images)
PARIS, FRANCE - JANUARY 20: Deon Hinton wears a brown wildleather jacket and a Loewe handbag by Loewe Show during the Menswear Fall/Winter 2024/2025 as part of  Paris Fashion Week on January 20, 2024 in Paris, France. (Photo by Jeremy Moeller/Getty Images)
PARIS, FRANCE - JANUARY 20: Deon Hinton wears a brown wildleather jacket and a Loewe handbag by Loewe Show during the Menswear Fall/Winter 2024/2025 as part of Paris Fashion Week on January 20, 2024 in Paris, France. (Photo by Jeremy Moeller/Getty Images)

簡言之「Cubi Crossbody Bag」更為簡約、輕便,更符合日常休閒情境,適合重視實用性的人;而 「Puzzle Bag 」則適合需要展示個人品味的場合,大家可以根據不同的使用需求和個人喜好,選擇適合自己的包款。

PARIS, FRANCE - JUNE 22: A guest wears black sunglasses, orange blue yellow and gray pattern/print Hermes scarf, a cream t-shirt, a light brown blazer jacket, dark brown loose pants, orange brown Loewe puzzle Camel leather bag, outside Hermes, during the Paris Fashion Week Menswear Spring/Summer 2025 on June 22, 2024 in Paris, France. (Photo by Edward Berthelot/Getty Images)
PARIS, FRANCE - JUNE 22: A guest wears black sunglasses, orange blue yellow and gray pattern/print Hermes scarf, a cream t-shirt, a light brown blazer jacket, dark brown loose pants, orange brown Loewe puzzle Camel leather bag, outside Hermes, during the Paris Fashion Week Menswear Spring/Summer 2025 on June 22, 2024 in Paris, France. (Photo by Edward Berthelot/Getty Images)

Loewe購包指南 4:其他寶藏包款

介紹完 Loewe 最熱門的兩大男款包款,不知道大家對於包款選擇有沒有進一步的想法了?但其實 Loewe 還有許多較為冷門的寶藏包款,相當適合不想撞包的大家!

1. Convertible Backpack

Convertible Backpack 可以輕鬆轉換為手提包或肩背包,外觀簡約大方,採用高品質的皮革和帆布材質,既堅固耐用,又具備現代感。內部空間寬敞,配有多個隔層,方便整理和存放物品,適合那些需要在工作與休閒之間切換的現代都市人。

2. XL Puzzle Fold Tote

XL Puzzle Fold Tote 是 Loewe 最新推出的大容量托特包,標誌性的幾何設計元素非常具有辨識度,背法也非常多樣,可肩背、手提,隨意折疊起來還可作為手拿包,時尚與功能皆可兼得!

PARIS, FRANCE - JUNE 22: A guest wears black sunglasses, a bright blue oversized button up long sleeve shirt, a bright blue knit wool sweater, light blue baggy Loewe pants, shiny navy blue Loewe puzzle tote leather bag, light brown loafer moccasin leather shoes, outside Loewe, during the Paris Fashion Week Menswear Spring/Summer 2025 on June 22, 2024 in Paris, France. (Photo by Edward Berthelot/Getty Images)
PARIS, FRANCE - JUNE 22: A guest wears black sunglasses, a bright blue oversized button up long sleeve shirt, a bright blue knit wool sweater, light blue baggy Loewe pants, shiny navy blue Loewe puzzle tote leather bag, light brown loafer moccasin leather shoes, outside Loewe, during the Paris Fashion Week Menswear Spring/Summer 2025 on June 22, 2024 in Paris, France. (Photo by Edward Berthelot/Getty Images)

3. Military Messenger Bag

Military Messenger Bag 以軍事風格為靈感,透過皮革與帆布材質的混搭質感滿分,調節的肩帶設計,適合適合長時間使用,想要更為陽剛氣質的包款可選擇這款。


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