


婚後搭上多位情人 伍茲名譽掃地後找到無條件支持的真愛


更新於 2020年05月15日04:27 • 發布於 2020年05月15日04:27

大家都知道高爾夫球星伍茲(Tiger Woods)曾經發生過舉世震驚的桃色風波,這在當時可是讓伍茲徹底跌落神壇,除了明星地位消失,連代言幾乎都被拔掉。當然這在法律上是不被允許的,但也可以看出他的魅力,以下就來看看老虎過去的招桃花對象。 
前妻是2001年通過介紹老虎伍茲認識了艾琳(Elin Nordegren),這個時候的艾琳只是一位學生,兼職模特兒。而這個時候的伍茲名聲已經在世界上打開,在高爾夫取得了很大的成就。這是一個典型的灰姑娘與王子的故事,在這之後兩人很快墜入了情網。2004年10月5日,老虎伍茲在巴貝多島舉辦了盛大的婚禮迎娶艾琳,當然這之後的故事大家都知道了。

當然除了前妻外,老虎還有相當多的情人,義大利女模費里奧洛(Loredana Ferriolo)就是老虎伍茲最喜歡的女星之一,老虎伍茲在她身上的投資也最多,不過這段感情最終還是以分手告終。

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Danke für 1MIO streams auf Spotify! ❤️

Loredana(@loredana)分享的貼文 於 PST 2019 年 12月 月 20 日 上午 10:53 張貼


另外一位蕾切爾(Rachel Uchitel)是位夜總會的經理,也是老虎伍茲被指控的婚外情情婦之一。在老虎伍茲發生醜聞之後,蕾切爾的名聲也一落千丈,她與老虎伍茲是相識在紐約的夜總會裡。

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Last night at winter junior league ball at the #pierrehotel I got stopped to ask for my hair persons number more than not. Hats off to @albarandolph for hair credit last night. I was the most popular girl in the room with the ladies for sure! Makeup by @ericashimon the only girl I ever use!!! #besthairnightever #ombrehair #nychairstylist #hairextentionsnyc #racheluchitel #nyjl #nycgirl #nycnights #nywb #winterball2017 #newyorkwinterball #nyjuniorleaguewinterball

Rachel Uchitel(@racheluchitelnyc)分享的貼文 於 PST 2017 年 3月 月 5 日 上午 8:05 張貼


此外老虎伍茲在與前妻艾琳離婚後,則是和美女滑雪運動員林賽(Lindsey Vonn)交往過。林賽與老虎伍茲在一起交往了3年,他們在2015年分手,不過這次分手的原因不再是老虎伍茲的出軌,而是由於兩人在運動競賽上的繁忙而沒有太多在一起的時間。

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Our quick getaway is over and it’s back to business! Have a great week everyone! #letsgo #buildthebelief 💃🏼😈💪🏻 also, side note: #happycanadaday 🇨🇦 #supportivegirlfriend 🤷🏼‍♀️

L I N D S E Y • V O N N(@lindseyvonn)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2019 年 7月 月 1 日 上午 5:33 張貼


而現在伍茲身旁的女人是女友艾莉卡(Erica Herman),她是支持伍茲撐過先前那段低潮日子的重要伴侶。艾莉卡2017年開始和伍茲交往,她比伍茲小8歲,原是伍茲旗下餐廳的經理,身分一直相當隱密,伍茲起初也三緘其口。伍茲去年勇奪巡迴錦標賽冠軍(5年來首冠),就跑去擁抱艾莉卡,對外宣告她的地位。

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Just few weeks after his victory at the Masters Tournament, it seems #TigerWoods isn't having the best moment of his as he and his girlfriend, Erica Herman, who is whining a restaurant manager, and The Woods restaurant in Jupiter Florida, have been taken to court for the undue death of an employee, who after working a shift in December had quite an amount of alcohol at the restaurant before losing life in an auto crash. . . The employee, Nicholas Immesberger had a blood alcohol reading of .256, more than three times, according to the suit filed in West Palm Beach, Florida. The lawsuit says Immesberger lost control of his car on the Federal Highway in Martin County and agonized fatal injuries and was confirmed dead at the scene on Dec. 10, 2018. Nicholas was just 24 . . Immesberger was a bartender at The Woods restaurant, and the suit declared that Woods, Herman and other employees were in the know about Immesberger's drinking problem but habitually over-served him during and after work shifts. . . The lawsuit claimed that Woods and Herman were “drinking with him at The Woods bar only a few nights before the fatal crash of December 10, 2018.’’ #TigerWoods #EricaHerman

MediaGuide.NG(@mediaguide.ng)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2019 年 5月 月 15 日 下午 11:41 張貼



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