

English OK
更新於 2023年04月10日05:47 • 發布於 2023年04月10日05:47 • EnglishOK 中學英閱誌



Each airline sets its baggage allowance policy. Therefore, it’s essential to check the baggage allowance for checked bags and carry-on bags. You will need to pay extra fees if your luggage exceeds the limits. In addition, if you can’t locate your luggage in the baggage claim area, you should immediately file a missing luggage report with the airline.

baggage allowance 行李限制

allow「允許」為動詞,allowance 當名詞有兩個常用的重要解釋,第一個是permitted amount or quantity「容許範圍」,換言之,也就是一種「限制」limit。也就是航空公司針對不同的航線、班機和票價制定行李大小、尺寸、重量,甚至是能夠攜帶的物品等限制。

For detailed information on the free baggage allowance policy, please go to our official website.


allowance 的另個重要意思是「津貼,零佣金」,同義字還有stipend、payment、pocket money。但allowance特別是在描述「(經過某人同意而給予的)金錢」,如父母給子女、公司給出差的員工, 或政府提供公費留學生的經費。

Some companies provide allowances to employees to cover their work-related expenses such as transportation, lodging, and so on.

checked bags 托運行李

一般人看到check一字會想到「檢查」,而在機場checked bags指的是「托運的行李」,而carry-on/hand bags則是「手提行李」。因此在航空公司櫃台常會聽到人員問Do you have any luggage to check in? 「你有行李要托運嗎?」

此外,在登機時,有些行李因為尺寸或特殊用途,例如娃娃車、輪椅等,無法放置於座位附近,因此會需要gate check「機艙門口寄掛行李」,這些物件則被稱為gate-checked bags。

Travelers with carry-on bags or items that can’t fit under their seats or overhead bins will be asked to gate-check their bags.

baggage claim行李提領

baggage claim「行李提領」是在機場一定會看到的標示,claim在TOEIC測驗中是個高頻出現的單字,而且一字多義,在機場的場合常解釋為「認領,拿取」,可以當動詞和名詞使用。

此外,claim 也有「索取,索賠」的意思,常用在保險理賠(insurance claim),有些航空公司可能會有遺失行李理賠(lost baggage insurance claim)的相關政策。而正式申請理賠,通常我們可以用動詞 file。

You might file a claim with the airline if your luggage is lost.

Please submit your claim for travel expense reimbursement to the Accounting department.


Loxel Technology claims that its latest laptop is the lightest and the slimmest one currently available on the market.
(Loxel 科技公司宣稱他們最新的筆電是目前市場上最輕最薄的。)


Passengers can report lost items or ___ items they have found in the airport.
(A) claim
(B) claiming
(C) claimed
(D) to claim

2. When I dine out with friends, we usually split the _.
(A) claim
(B) check
(C) allowance
(D) tag


1. 正解為(A)。句意為「旅客可以在機場申報遺失物或取回失物。」本題為文法題,要選擇適合的詞性或動詞形式,由於助動詞後面要接原形動詞如report,而 or是對等連結詞,所以claim的形式需要和report一樣,故(A)為正確答案。

2. 正解為(B)。句意為「當我和朋友出去吃飯時,我們通常都平分帳單。」本題為單字題,check在美式英語有「帳單」的意思,所以結帳時可以直接說 Check, please.,而split the check解釋為「平分帳單」,故(B)為正確答案。


文/徐碧霞 Valerie
