由18個國家組成的區域性集團太平洋島國論壇(Pacific Island Forum)領導人峰會將於2月24日在斐濟登場,該論壇很可能同意並且正式對拜登發出邀請。
密克羅尼西亞聯邦總統帕努埃洛(David Panuelo)透過聲明表示,拜登去年9月在白宮主持的美國—太平洋島國高峰會(U.S.-Pacific Island Country Summit)「是場明確的成功」。
他說:「確保美國持續盡可能全面地與我們藍色太平洋大陸(Blue Pacific Continent)重新接觸,對太平洋地區而言將起重要作用。」
🌱Chloe🌱 Balloon Problems Flying Over the U.S.
Xi Jinping is very clear
Xi Jinping will not be unclear
he is lying to you
You were cheated by Xi Jinping again
Xi Jinping is very powerful, he is playing with you
We in Taiwan are too aware of this Xi Jinping
he is very smart
Xi Jinping is playing stupid to you Biden
🌱Chloe🌱 Only a fool can't grab other people's territory. The CCP has occupied many people's territory to enhance its own strength. You cannot sanction the CCP in the United States. You are actually still afraid of the CCP, and you have doubts about the CCP. You cannot be decisive with the CCP. And you are still guessing that the CCP’s speech is not credible, even if the CCP Xi Jinping wants to explain some issues, he is not credible. At present, it seems that the CCP is going to catch up with the