Rent Subsidy「租金補貼」
Su described the new scheme as a "significant" policy toward achieving "housing justice" thanks to significantly relaxed eligibility criteria and increased subsidies for young singles, newlywed couples, families with young children, and socially and economically disadvantaged families. (ICRT)
relaxed eligibility criteria是「放寬資格標準」的意思。relax最常見的解釋為「放鬆」,但是在政策上,可以用來形容「放寬(措施)」的意思,本句採用過去分詞表達形容詞的用法。
A good massage will relax your tired muscles.
Two weeks after the policerelaxed security at the airports, there was a bomb attack.
You might be eligible for a grant.
Only people over 18 are eligible to vote.
increased subsidies解釋為「增加補助」。increase就是「增加」的意思,相反詞是decrease「減少」,主要差別在於字首的差異,「in-」指的是「往上增加」,而「de-」則有「往下降」的涵意。
The government is planning to abolish subsidies to farmers.
The refugees live in subsidized housing provided by the authorities.
The cost of the project has increased significantly since it began.
Travel Subsidy「旅遊補助」
Individual travelers could be granted a subsidy of NT$800 per room per night for staying at a designated hotel on Sundays to Thursdays.
be granted a subsidy of解釋為「 給予…補助」。grant當動詞時,如同give有「給予」的意思,加上介系詞of則表達為「…的補助」。grant當名詞時是「補助津貼」,搭配的動詞可以使用award或是give,加上不定詞to接原型動詞則能表達補助的目的。
They granted her an entry visa.
He was granted asylum.
They awarded her a grant to study abroad for one year.
除此之外, take…for granted「視…為理所當然」也是生活常見的用語,多益測驗也常會出現。
I didn't realize that Melanie hadn't been to college - I suppose I just took it for granted.
designated hotel代表「指定旅店」。動詞designate就是「指定」的意思,採用被動語氣時,可以用介系詞來表達「被指定擔任…職位、身分」,加上不定詞to則表達指派來的目的。而酒後要找代駕,英文就是designated driver「指定駕駛」。
Traditionally, the president designates his or her successor.
Thompson has been designated as/to be team captain.
She has been designated to organize the meeting.
1. Once the berries are harvested, Green Fields Farms washes and packages the fruit for to retail stores.
(A) distribute
(B) distributed
(C) distribution
(D) distributional
2. Although measures have been introduced to discourage the use of mobile telephones inside the opera house, effectiveness remains limited.
(A) they
(B) their
(C) them
(D) theirs
3. When their first tests failed, the engineers at OKM Corporation agreed it was to try using different materials.
(A) time
(B) end
(C) moment
(D) turn
1. 正解(C)。句意為「莓果採收後,Green Fields Farms會清洗並包裝水果,然後分發到零售店。」空格前方使用介系詞for,因此後面只能接名詞或是動名詞,以表目的性,故(C)為正確答案。
2. 正解(B)。句意為「儘管已採取措施阻止觀眾在歌劇院內使用電話,但其效果仍然有限。」本題要考名詞前方接形容詞的用法,(B) their是所有格形容詞,故為正確答案。
3. 正解(A)。句意為「當他們第一次檢測失敗時,OKM 公司的工程師同意是時候嘗試使用不同的材料了。」本題要考一個常用的說法it is time to…+V「是時候…(做某件事情)」,故(A)為正確答案。
文/Buffy Kao
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