
Jolin、陳奕迅暖心合唱〈Fight as One〉,感謝守護前線醫護人員

更新於 2020年04月04日15:54 • 發布於 2020年04月03日10:21 • Daniel Ku

繼張學友的〈等風雨經過〉後,陳奕迅和Jolin也利用歌聲為努力防疫的人員打氣,這首〈Fight as One〉以英文演唱,傳達世界一體,抗疫不分國界和種族的意念,如同歌詞所說的「We're fighting for a better place to be」你我共同努力是為了更美好的將來。


[蔡依林在IG和臉書上寫著:「謝謝仍在各個角落,堅守崗位,守護著你我的前線醫護人員,謝謝你們」。陳奕迅則寫下:「Love will keep us together~我們加油!」並在IG上寫:「烏雲總會散去。沒有什麼能阻擋我們的愛,以及我們對彼此的仁慈和友好。」








〈Fight as One〉歌詞

It's a crowded street and there's no one there

Everyone is living in fear

With all the playgrounds I hear no laughters 

Everyone has left in tears

Will there be hope when we wake up tomorrow? 

If you believe that love is what we need 

Will there be light when we're done with sorrows? 

If you believe we need to fight together as one

It’s a fight we cannot lose 

It’s a fight for you and me

 A fight for everyone, no matter where you're from I

t’s alright we will not lose it’s alright for you and me 

We're fighting for a better place to be

It's really not that bad if you think about it 

For once the world has come together 

Could've been much worse, you think about it 

At least we're not fighting one another

There must be hope when we wake up tomorrow 
When you believe that love is what we need 

There must be light when we're done with sorrows 

When you believe we need to fight together as one

It’s a fight we cannot lose it’s a fight for you and me 

A fight for everyone, no matter where you're from

 It’s alright we will not lose it’s alright for you and me

 We're fighting for a better place to be 

It’s a fight we cannot lose it’s a fight for you and me 

Everyone, no matter where you're from

 It’s alright we will not lose 

It’s alright for you and me 

We're fighting for a better place to be

We’ll fight together……as ONE.



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