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梅根馬克爾Meghan Markle擁有一個關係相當親密的好友圈,當中包含知名的 Serena Williams 和 Amal Clooney、大學時期的舊識們,還有《無照律師Suits》裡的演員夥伴。 Vogue 帶你一窺皇室成員的朋友圈。
When it comes to friends, Meghan Markle likes to keep hers close. From A-listers Serena Williams ( American professional tennis player) and Amal Clooney to old uni pals and girls from her Suits days, Vogue takes a look at who’s who in the royal’s inner circle.

英國皇室薩塞克斯公爵夫人梅根馬克爾Meghan Markle現在已成為皇室一份子,不過她從未忘記出嫁哈利王子前自己身邊的那群好姊妹,四月皇室寶寶即將誕生,梅根飛往紐約的 The Mark Hotel 空中別墅參加奢華的新生兒派對,派對由名人好友 Serena Williams、Amal Clooney 和大學死黨 Genevieve Hillis 一起舉辦,參與的好友名單還有美國影集《無照律師Suits》的演員 Abigail Spencer 和 時尚設計師 Misha Nonoo,傳言 Misha 就是撮合哈利王子 和 梅根這段良緣的媒人。


The Duchess of Sussex may now be a fully-fledged royal, but she definitely hasn’t forgotten her friends from her pre-Prince Harry days. Last week, she jetted to New York for a lavish baby shower in the penthouse suite of The Mark Hotel, thrown by A-list pals Serena Williams and Amal Clooney, along with university friend Genevieve Hillis. Also in attendance were former Suits co-star Abigail Spencer, and the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s rumoured matchmaker, fashion designer Misha Nonoo.
在各種關於梅根馬克爾Meghan Markle失和的父女關係、皇室人員稱她為「難搞的公爵夫人」的相關報導下,梅根的好友圈一直是她得以依賴的精神支柱。五名女性好友曾以匿名的方式為梅根發聲,反駁皇室的言論,她們指出梅根嫁給哈利王子後並未改變,依舊是原本的她。
從大學老友到名人影星, Vogue 帶你認識英國皇室薩塞克斯公爵夫人梅根馬克爾的姊妹淘! 

Markle’s inner circle have been consistently loyal supporters amid various reports of her strained relationship with her father and press stories of Palace staff branding her “Duchess Difficult”. Earlier this month, five female friends spoke out anonymously in defence of Meg – as they refer to the royal – to counter the rumours and confirm that she hasn’t changed since her marriage to Harry.

From old university friends to celebrity stars, Vogue takes a look at who’s in the Duchess of Sussex’s girl gang.

Amal Clooney
雖然梅根許多摯友都在大西洋彼岸,但英國人權律師艾瑪克隆尼Amal Clooney 是薩塞克斯公爵夫人在英國的好友之一,據說她們是透過一個共同朋友認識。梅根 與哈利王子訂婚之後,克隆尼協助她適應新生活。 據報導, Sussex 夫婦與 Clooney 以及老公喬治庫隆尼 George 去年在科莫湖的別墅避暑 ,而他們的科茲窩度假小屋與 Clooney 在伯克郡的家相距不遠。喬治庫隆尼 George Clooney 日前為梅根挺聲而出,指責皇室在媒體前詆毀、窮追不捨的行為,顯示他們倆家關係匪淺。

While many of Markle’s closest friends are based across the Atlantic, Amal Clooney forms part of the Duchess’s support base in the UK. The pair are believed to have met through a mutual friend, with Clooney helping Markle to settle into her new life following her engagement to Prince Harry. The Sussexes reportedly stayed with Clooney and husband George at their villa by Lake Como last summer, while their Cotswolds bolthole is close to the Clooney’s Berkshire home. The friendship between the two couples was shown when George Clooney recently spoke out in Markle’s defence, suggesting that the royal had been “pursued and vilified” in the media.

Priyanka Chopra
Priyanka 是另一位公爵夫人的演員朋友,琵豔卡·喬普拉Priyanka Chopra 和 梅根在 2016 年初參加 Women in Television 晚宴後結識。不久之後,梅根稱讚這位寶萊塢女星難能可貴,並承認 Priyanka 是一位非常好的朋友。去年五月, Chopra 也是皇室婚禮中的明星座上賓之一;但貌似由於工作之故,她本月並未參加梅根的新生兒派對。而四月即將臨盆的梅根恰巧也無法參加 Chopra 和 Nick Jonas 十二月在印度舉辦的豪華婚禮。

Another of the Duchess’s actress friends, Priyanka Chopra and Markle bonded after meeting at a Women in Television dinner at the start of 2016. Later that year, Markle described the Bollywood star as “unbelievable”, adding that “she has become a really good friend”. While Chopra was among the starry guests at the royal wedding last May, she is believed to have missed Markle’s baby shower this month due to work commitments. Meanwhile, Markle – who is expecting her first baby in April – did not make the trip to India for Chopra and Nick Jonas’s lavish wedding in December.

「強納斯兄弟」小弟Nick Jonas與Priyanka Chopra的印度婚禮,浪漫無極限



Misha Nonoo
傳言 Misha Nonoo 是撮合哈利王子和梅根這段良緣的媒人,她也是梅根閨密圈的另一個重要成員。這位時裝設計師先前透露,她和前女演員 梅根是如何在邁阿密透過共同朋友在共進午餐時認識,之後便一見如故,成為超級好朋友。梅根於 2017 年 9 月在多倫多舉行的 Invictus Games上,與哈利王子首次公開亮相時穿著 Nonoo 設計的的男友襯衫;最近在摩洛哥旅行則穿著黑色羊絨圓領毛衣。雖然 Nonoo 以與 梅根的友誼而聞名,但對皇室來說,她並不陌生。她的前夫 Alexander Gilkes 是 威廉和 哈利王子的朋友,而她與 Beatrice 和尤金妮公主(哈利的堂妹)也十分親近。

Widely considered to be the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s matchmaker, Misha Nonoo is another key member of Markle’s inner circle. The fashion designer previously revealed how she and the former actress were introduced by a mutual friend at a lunch in Miami and “got along like a house on fire”. Markle famously wore Nonoo’s Boyfriend shirt at her first public appearance with Prince Harry at the Invictus Games in Toronto in September 2017, and more recently chose a black cashmere crew-neck jumper by the designer while touring Morocco. Although Nonoo is known for her friendship with Markle, she is no stranger to the royal family. Her ex-husband Alexander Gilkes is a friend of Prince William and Prince Harry, while she is also close to Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie.

Lindsay Roth
西北大學校友 Lindsay Roth 是公爵夫人交情最久的朋友之一,這位電視製片人兼作家在大學一年級時於 Toni Morrison 的文學課上認識梅根。論及她們倆之間的友情,Roth 於 2017 年曾表示:「梅根是我所認識的人中,少數幾個非常慷慨大方又靠得住的朋友。」梅根 2016 年在 Roth 的婚禮上擔任伴娘,而她也可能是 Roth《What Pretty Girls Are Made Off 》書中充滿抱負的女演員的靈感來源。

Fellow Northwestern alumni Lindsay Roth is among the Duchess’s oldest friends. The TV producer and author met Markle in her freshman year at university, while they were both taking a Toni Morrison literature class. Speaking about her friendship with the Duchess in 2017, Roth said: “I don’t know many people who are as generous and supportive as Meg is.” Markle was maid-of-honour at Roth’s wedding in 2016, and may have been the inspiration behind her book What Pretty Girls Are Made Of, which is about an aspiring actress.

Jessica Mulroney
在去年五月的皇室婚禮中,Jessica 是梅根的非官方指派設計師,也是伴娘,毫無疑問是公爵夫人的閨密。 自從梅根為了拍攝《無照律師Suits》於 2011 年遷往多倫多後,她們倆就經常出現在對方的 Instagram 動態中。據說當 梅根和哈利王子的戀情尚未浮出檯面時,他們經常與 Mulroney 和她的電視主持人老公 Ben 待在加拿大,看得出來她們之間的友情相當深厚。Mulroney 的三個孩子—8 歲的雙胞胎 Brian 和 John、5 歲的 Ivy,在皇室婚禮中分別擔任花童和伴娘。Mulroney 現已加入《早安美國》班底,而去年婚禮中梅根所穿的婚紗也出自 Mulroney 之手。

Her unofficial stylist and matron-of-honour in all but name at the royal wedding last May, Jessica Mulroney is undoubtedly one of the Duchess’s closest friends. The pair met after Markle moved to Toronto to film Suits in 2011, often appearing in each other’s Instagram feeds. While her royal romance was still under wraps, Markle and Prince Harry reportedly stayed with Mulroney and her TV-host husband Ben in Canada, demonstrating the level of trust between the two women. The stylist’s three children – twins Brian and John, eight, and Ivy, five – acted as page boys and bridesmaid at the royal wedding; while Mulroney, who now has her own fashion segment on Good Morning America, is believed to have styled the Duchess’s royal tour wardrobe last year.

梅根馬克爾Meghan Markle 婚紗超優雅!Givenchy、Stella McCartney禮服背後你該知道的故事


Serena Williams
據 People 報導,網球天后 Serena Williams 在 2010 年的超級盃與 梅根認識後,就此成為好友。梅根曾在 2016 年在溫布頓網球盃為 Williams 加油;去年夏天,她們還一起觀賞馬球比賽。談到她們怎麼幫助彼此面對媒體的窺探,九月時 Williams 表示:「我們認識彼此好一段時間了,不過最近的我們真的很依賴對方。」公爵夫人去年十月在澳洲時,也穿著 Williams 設計的時尚西裝外套,表達支持。Williams 也寄了一件近期剛推出的 Royal 帽 T 到肯辛頓宮,好姊妹間的甜蜜友情藏不住。
Tennis champion Serena Williams became firm friends with Markle after they met at the Super Bowl in 2010, according to People. The Duchess cheered Williams on at Wimbledon in 2016 and last summer the pair enjoyed a day out at the polo. Speaking about how they have helped one another deal with media scrutiny, Williams said in September: “We have known each other for a long time, but we really are relying on each other a lot lately.” The Duchess showed her support for Williams’s fashion line while in Australia last October, sporting the Boss Blazer, while the tennis star recently designed a Royal Duchess hoodie, which she sent to Kensington Palace.

Abigail Spencer
愛碧嘉史賓塞Abigail Spencer因與 梅根共演《無照律師Suits》而聲名大噪,不過這對朋友早在多年前的一場試鏡中,就已成為好友,而她們的生日恰巧都在 1981 年 8月 4 日。在 2018 年 5 月《今夜娛樂》的訪問中,Spencer 說道:「我們同月同日同年出生,雖然差了幾個小時…她是一位值得信賴的朋友,也是我認識最美好的朋友之一。」身穿 Alessandra Rich 波點洋裝的 Spencer 被評為皇室婚禮中數一數二最佳穿著的賓客。在新生兒派對開始前,她也前往紐約與梅根共進午餐敘舊。 在 Spencer 離開紐約後,Markle 還戴上一頂寫著 Rectify(《矯正人生》) 的棒球帽,這正是 Spencer 參與演出的日舞頻道影集。

While actress Abigail Spencer is known for starring in Suits with the Duchess, the pair first became friends years before that after meeting at an audition. The two women share the same birthday, too – 4 August, 1981 – and in an interview in May 2018 with Entertainment Tonight Spencer said: “We were born on the same day, hours apart, in the same year… she's a trusted friend and one of the most glorious people I have ever met." Spencer, who was among the best-dressed guests at the royal wedding in an Alessandra Rich polka-dot dress, recently enjoyed lunch in New York with Markle ahead of her baby shower. The Duchess even sported a baseball cap branded Rectify, the Sundance drama that Spencer starred in, as she left the city.

Benita Litt
公爵夫人是 Benita 兩個女兒的教母,顯然她與娛樂產業律師轉職為企業家的 Benita Litt 交情深厚。梅根曾於 2016 年發表一則 Instagram 貼文,貼文內有 Litt 和其家人,梅根稱讚擔任婚禮花童的 Rylan 和 Remi 「天使般可愛的乾女兒們」,但貼文現已刪除。Litt 與 公爵夫人對時尚都充滿熱情,她們於 2016 年共創旅行包品牌 Legend of Lido。
As godmother to her two daughters, the Duchess is clearly close to entertainment lawyer turned entrepreneur Benita Litt. Markle shared a now-deleted Instagram post of her and the family in 2016, in which she described Litt’s children Rylan and Remi – who acted as bridesmaids at her wedding – as her “fairy god-daughters”. Litt also appears to share the Duchess’s passion for fashion, co-founding travel bag brand Legend of Lido in 2016.

Meghan Markle梅根馬克爾,從演員到嫁入王室的10年美髮進化史




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