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After the commencement ceremony, college-bound students have opportunities to engage in a variety of summer activities. One option is getting an internship, which provides valuable hands-on experience and allows them to network with industry professionals. Alternatively, students can also volunteer at charities, where they can contribute to meaningful causes. Lastly, some students might choose to take a gap year to gain some practical work experience and develop new professional skills.
commencement 開始
動詞為「commence」代表 「開始」,畢業後開始面對下個階段或未來,故
graduation為「畢業」, 而「畢業典禮」通常會用「 commencement ceremony」。
注意另外多益高頻單字commerce 「商業」,拼法和發音都類似易混淆。
After months of delay, the construction crew was ready to commence work on the building project. 在經歷數個月的延宕後,這新建案終於準備好要啟動了。
The company planned a product launch event to celebrate the commencement of its latest innovation. 公司策劃了一個大型的產品發表活動來慶祝他們開始最新的創新。
The rise of digital platforms has greatly expanded global commerce and trade.
「Intern」是動詞也是名詞,「Internship」指實習的「職位」或「位置」,學生會先選擇去企業實習,系所和相關企業也有短期實習位置,如會計事務所提供商學院實習名額,讓學生累積職場經驗,部分亦提供薪資。「intern」也是「實習生」,勞勃狄尼洛主演的「高年級實習生」片名就是 The Intern。
John received a job offer from the company after completing his internship last summer.
He interned at a research lab, assisting with experiments and data collection
相似詞:學徒「apprentice」,跟著師傅學習技能,大家所熟知川普的實境節目「誰是接班人」的名稱也就是 The Apprentice.
Jim decided to attend evening classes while working as an apprentice during the day at a fashion design studio.
Jim 決定晚上上課,白天在服裝設計工作室當學徒。
volunteer 志工
「volunteer」「志工」可做動詞或名詞, 字根「vol-」 有「will、 wish」「意志、願望」之意,如 voluntary「自願的」,volition「意志力」。除了實習,有些人選擇和自己興趣相符或關心的議題當志工,志工通常不支薪,卻也是貢獻和服務社會的好機會,如環保志工、社會福利志工等。
The volunteer coordinator is responsible for recruiting and training new volunteers.
network 建立人脈
「network」是動詞,無論是實習或當義工,都是建立人脈的機會, 「networking 」是名詞,和network「網路」是類似的概念,也就是建立人際網絡。
The international conference provides a platform for researchers to network with other scientists and exchange ideas.
- The alumni association organized a event where graduates could share career insights.
- The apprenticeship program __ in order to assist our students in connecting their educational knowledge with practical skills.
(B)will establish
(C)has established
(D)was established
1.正解(C),本題為文法題, 句意為「校友會安排了社交活動讓校友可以分享他們職場經驗。」在event名詞前面可以是名詞或形容詞,「network」 當名詞為「網絡」與本句不相符, (B)的-ed雖然是形容詞,但有被動的性質也不合,「networking」才是建立人脈的名詞。
2. 正解(D),本題為文法題,句意為「為了讓學生可以將學校所學的知識和實務技能做結合,我們設立學徒學習課程。」,主詞為program「課程」,動詞是 establish 「建立」, program不能主動建立而是被建立,要選擇被動性是,這裡只有(D)符合, (c)的現在完成式,並非被動。
文/徐碧霞 Valerie