

更新於 2022年06月11日15:54 • 發布於 2022年06月10日02:25 • Yi Chang

世紀官司之後,強尼戴普(Johnny Depp)與英搖吉他傳奇人物傑夫貝克(Jeff Beck)上週在英國巡迴表演時透露了他們新專輯的發布新計劃,結果專輯首波單曲就在今日正式發布!新專輯定名為《18》,預計於 7 月 15 日發行,專輯中共收錄 13 首曲目,絕大部分是翻唱。關於專輯名的由來,傑夫貝克於聲明中解釋:「當我開始和強尼玩音樂時,我們年輕時的內心衝勁和創作精力也被點燃了。我們會開玩笑說彷彿再度回到 18 歲,後來也就成了專輯的名稱。」

新歌〈This is a Song for Miss Hedy Lamarr〉由強叔親自創作及演唱,如歌名所示,向已故傳奇女星海蒂拉瑪致敬。歌詞的字裡行間可看到,強叔似乎也默默地藉由這首歌向大家傾吐過去六年受家暴形象纏身的低潮,如今總算等到撥雲見日。



This is a song for Miss Hedy Lamarr
Erased by the same world that made her a star
Spun out of beauty, trapped by its web
She's a perfect cocoon, entwined in gold thread
The beauty a spectacle, the thoughts too pure
The light of her being, her exotic allure
Was torn at the seams for daring to dream
It's so hard to speak when you're frozen in scream


Yes, it's all what it seems
Feels like a dream
Well it's life, and it's death
She began and she ended like baby's breath

I don't believe
I don't believe
Humans anymore
I don't believe
I can't believe
I won't believe
Humans anymore

It's so hard to talk when no one will hear
And everyone stares as you quiver and fear
It's shameful, shameless, painful, painless
This song's for you, Miss Hedy Lamarr
How bright you light those lost white knights
So long ago, so far away
Feels like a dream or a
Cosmic fiasco

I don't believe
I don't believe
I don't believe

Humans anymore
I don't believe
I can't believe
I won't believe
Humans anymore
Not anymore

Stripped of belief
A thief is a thief
Who's gonna stand up
To give you relief
Of all dispossessed
It's so hard to digest
You've no right to sit down
If you're nobody's guest

馬上成為VOGUE LINE好友,獨家超神準星座運勢搶先看!

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  • 甜心卡~🐹🐮🐯🐰🐲💕😻🐶🐕🐈🐱💚💛💜💙🩵