
梅根崔娜發EP 新聞稿好鹹濕引戰!網:看完泌尿道發炎

更新於 2019年02月19日06:46 • 發布於 2019年02月19日06:00 • Daniel C.

梅根崔娜(Meghan Trainor)於今年2月初發行全新EP《THE LOVE TRAIN》,在情人節前給粉絲們滿滿的6首甜蜜情歌。但奇怪的是,專輯發行的官方新聞稿似乎為了搭配情人節的到來,字裡行間充滿了色情含義的語句,立即引發網友們的論戰,甚至有人直呼:「好不舒服」、「看完好像自己的泌尿道發炎」而新聞稿寫手更是直接回嗆:「這就是我寫的!」事件愈演愈烈。

許多網友可能不知道,梅根在這張專輯裡的情歌創作靈感,來自於她童星出身的新婚丈夫達洛薩巴拉(Daryl Sabara,主演《小鬼大間諜》),兩人於去年聖誕節假期,同時也是梅根25歲生日當天完成終身大事,而梅根在今年2月推出新婚後最新迷你專輯《THE LOVE TRAIN》,並搶先在情人節前釋出。



但專輯的新聞稿卻是這樣寫:「我們知道,你想要聽梅根崔娜和她的新婚丈夫的洞房花燭趣事,那你就一定會喜歡這首適合做愛時聽的歌曲〈ALL THE WAYS〉。就連告示牌聽完這首歌都『濕』了,直說〈ALL THE WAYS〉『又是一首非常有趣,可以隨之起舞的歌曲,一聽就讓人愛上。』你說,告示牌會騙你嗎?」、「你想要就可以得到這些情歌,婊子,點這裡線上收聽。」(完整官方原文新聞稿在下面)



但這份新聞稿的寫手顯然不以為意,她是美國知名深夜秀的撰稿人員Caroline Goldfarb。在這幾天,她收到許多網友們的惡意批評和攻擊,甚至揚言要把她綁在電椅上電擊,對此她都一笑置之。「許多人厭惡我為梅根崔娜寫的專輯發行新聞稿,認為我是一個『沒有任何寫作經驗的12歲發情小屁孩』。很好笑的是,我是一個28歲發情的寫手,並且對寫作有著『一些』經驗。」


梅根崔娜最新EP《THE LOVE TRAIN》完整原文新聞稿

“Valentine’s Day is around the corner, and whether you’re planning on smashing bae’s junk to smithereens or making out with a pint of Phish Food, you need some fresh Valentine’s Day bops to get you in the mood for L♡VE. And MEGHAN TRAINOR has got you covered with her new EP, THE LOVE TRAIN [Epic Records.]

“You know you want it. And you can freakin’ get it b*tch. On all digital platforms right HERE.

“Meghan’s seducing your ears this V-Day, and you know she knows a thing or two about romance. Unless your phone’s been broken for a hot minute, you know that Meghan just got married to the ginger from Spy Kids, and trust when we say, girl is feeling the love. She took a break from her busy schedule to record some fire tracks in Los Angeles alongside frequent collaborators and producers Andrew Wells [5SOS, Fall Out Boy, Jason Mraz], J KASH (Maroon 5, Charlie Puth, Kesha) and Tyler Johnson [Harry Styles, CAM].

“We know you want to hear songs about all the hot newlywed sex Meghan and Daryl Sa-BAE-ra are having (did you see what we did there?). Which is why you’ll love the banging’ single “All The Ways.” Billboard was wet for “All The Ways,” calling it “another fun, danceable track to fall in love with.” And would Billboard lie to you, girl?

“But perhaps the piece de resistance (that’s French for “Wig Snatch”) is “Marry Me,” a romantic acoustic guitar and ukulele-tinged Awww Fest which delivers all the feels (and then more feels). Meghan wrote the song thirty days after meeting Daryl, and it was so good that she walked down the aisle to it. We know, it’s a little bit #Vomworthy, but also, am I chopping onions right now or are those tears rolling down my face? I’m not crying, you’re crying.

“And as always, our Grammy-Winning, Diamond Single-having QUEEN didn’t just come to play — she came to slay. She’s serving vocals on the passionate, Celine Dion-esque power ballad “After You.” Plus, Meghan’s serving your insatiable thirst for dance-ready bops with the upbeat banger that is “Foolish.” It slaps so hard you’ll be stanning for days. “As if all the PDA, including foot massages, butterfly kisses and piggy back rides aren’t cringe worthy enough,” says her brother and videographer Ryan… “I’ve got to film it all!”

“Choo choo betch! The Love Train is leaving the station and you better get on board.

“Be on the lookout for more surprises very soon as she prepares for a landmark 2019.”

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