
英文老師深度剖析 學測英文寫作技巧大公開!

English OK
更新於 2022年02月09日07:23 • 發布於 2022年02月09日07:10 • EnglishOK 中學英閱誌
Photo by Yan Krukov from Pexels





happy = delightful = cheerful = pleasant = ecstatic sad = down = sorrowful = depressed = downhearted






(2)圖表寫作:圖表寫作考驗敘述圖表的能力,可藉由固定的句型將內容清楚陳述,如:According to the table/chart/diagram/graph、we can see (that) +子句, 或As can be seen from the chart/diagram/graph/figures,以及figures/statistics shows (that) +子句。在圖表資料中,挑一樣最讓你驚訝、或與你最相關的資料,結合自身經驗的描述更引人入勝。





4“Math classes must be the most boring thing that human beings have ever created.” My mind flies around randomly as I stared into the clock hung above the blackboard with 3 Teacher Ma's eager tone flowing in and out of my ears. Then suddenly, I realized,“Why am I sitting here wasting my time when I could have so much fun from something else?”

1 And so I did, sneaking the cellphone out from my desk, hopping into the modern 3 "Alice's rabbit hole"—YouTube, that is. One by one, video clips ran their time-bars, with me holding the urge to burst into laughter. Entertained, and somewhat proud that my doings had yet to be discovered by the enthusiastic teacher on the stage, I clicked the video titled “You laugh, you lose.”

I was doing fine in the first three minutes as it went, but then there came this old man, who had the strangest laughter I've ever heard in my life, and that was the moment I know my defeat had come. But things did not end easily, as I forgot to remain controlled from this hilarious video. I laughed out loud. A laughter so loud and clear that pretty much everyone turned their focus onto my strange acts. 2 Interrupted by my unusual behavior, Teacher Ma walked over, expecting an explanation from me. It wasn't needed though, as he soon discovered the phone held in my hands.

3 With a stone-cold expression, he grabbed the phone away from my hands. Surprised, I yelled,4“Hey! Give it back!” Then, from out of nowhere, the usually gentle and harmless teacher threw the phone unto the ground with the screen scattered into pieces. He then returned to the stage, looking like as if nothing had happened, leaving us all shocked. 4 "Turn to page 87, everyone." said Teacher Ma. The class continued, but with an eerie silence. 3 And a frozen me.


sneaking透露出在上課中偷偷摸摸拿出手機使用的緊張心情,hopping into表示愉悅且迫不及待,跟後面「Alice's rabbit hole」譬喻結合,說明了要脫離無聊數學課,跳進驚奇世界的期待心情, 兩個動詞完整捕捉主角心情。









1 Have you ever been told to act like a specific way just because of your gender? If your answer is yes, you have been through gender stereotypes. 2It is actually pretty common for people to have these kinds of experiences, and I do, too. 3 As being male in gender, since I was a child, I have been taught to be brave, to put away my tears, and to be certain at making choices. I had a pretty hard time fitting in this kind of gender stereotype. Since I was shy, people often told me to "be a man". I couldn't forget that one time when tears began rolling down my cheeks, a man just yelled at me "Stop acting like a GIRL!" As a result, this gender stereotype forced me to always remind myself to act braver in front of other people.

4 My guess is that the stereotype for men to act bravely probably came from the structure of a family in the past. In the past, men were supposed to earn money, and women were expected to stay at home and take care of the family. 5 Hence, men had to be brave so that they could protect their family. Nowadays, women and men are treated equally. They can both go to work and be the breadwinners of the family. 5 Nevertheless, people still expect men to be brave in any condition. To eliminate this kind of gender stereotype, it is important for people to realize that they can't expect a person to be brave just because he is a "man". Also, being depressed and lacking confidence aren't just traits of women. 6 Instead of asking a man to "act like a man" or having fixed expectations for women, people should remember that a person's personality doesn't rely on his/her gender.



2.It is + a. + for人+ to +原形動詞

用It is開頭來描述一個狀況,再如例句加上個人經驗(and I do, too),自然地將自己及讀者連結在一起。


排比讓語氣有越來越強調的感覺。除了排比,長句與短句的交錯使用,也能創造出快慢交錯的節奏感。長句短句在第一篇範文中頻繁出現,如:I laughed out loud. A laughter so loud and clear that pretty much everyone turned their focus onto my strange acts.

4.My guess is that +句子

可帶出自己對一個議題的意見,跟In my opinion、In my point of view或From my viewpoint/perspective意思相似,不同的地方是,它和It seems to me that+句子,都是表達比較婉轉、客觀的看法。



6.Instead of + N./Ving

instead of的句型能協助重點的強調,在論對錯是非的文章中,此句型能幫你點出重點。

看了這麼多寫作技巧及範例,是否也覺得手癢想動筆寫寫看呢?寫作是各項功夫的總和,想要寫好一篇英文作文並不是一蹴可幾,而是要靠日常的努力與練習慢慢累積,看到好文章、好句子、好用法,千萬別猶豫,趕緊記在自己的筆記本裡。先試著模仿寫出類似的好句子,熟練後,就能內化成為自己能運用自如的技巧了! Don't doubt it! Yes, you can write, too!


延伸閱讀》活用基本句型 英文寫作不卡關
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