聯合國大會總辯論25日(當地時間)登場,有巴拉圭新任總統阿布鐸(Mario Abdo Benitez)及馬紹爾群島總統海妮(Hilda C. Heine)為我國發言。瓜地馬拉總統莫拉萊斯(Jimmy Morales)和前兩年一樣,通篇演說未提台灣。
才上任一個月的的巴拉圭新總統阿布鐸(Mario Abdo Benitez)在演說中提到台灣。
「我國支持台灣被納入聯合國體系之合法請求,吾國相信台灣能夠做出重大貢獻,此乃基於聯合國普遍性原則。 」
Mi país apoya la legítima solicitud de Taiwan de ser incluido en el sistema de las Naciones Unidas y cree que este país puede contribuir en gran medida con su trabajo. Todo esto sobre la base del principio de universalidad que caracteriza a esta Organizacion.
馬紹爾群島總統海妮(Hilda Heine)在第73屆聯大總辯論為台灣執言。
Madame President, The Republic of the Marshall Islands supports the recognition of Taiwan's meaningful participation within the UN system, including programs and agencies, such as ICAO, the WHO and UNFCCC. The people of Taiwan deserve equal treatment, and the UN should resolve the serious issue of Taiwan's 23 million people being excluded from the UN system – an issue we believe is not addressed in UN General Assembly Resolution 2758. Taiwan has been implementing the SDGs and has released a voluntary national review. It has the capacity to contribute to a wide range of UN programs relevant to global progress. Diseases like tuberculosis know no boundaries, and Taiwan has brought it's policy framework in line with global efforts. Taiwan has served as a primary partner for my own nation in addressing Non Communicable Diseases, which are now at crisis levels. Blocking Taiwan's participation does not benefit global human welfare.
延伸閱讀:名嘴楊憲宏爆柯文哲赴中有「花名冊」 陳佩琪臉書反嗆「污衊」