


時尚圈又地震!GIVENCHY 首位女性設計師Clare Waight Keller 宣布離職 梅根王妃婚紗就是出自她手...


更新於 2020年04月10日17:55 • 發布於 2020年04月10日17:52 • Wendy Chou


時尚圈再度大地震,GIVENCHY 設計師位子換人坐!曾為梅根王妃設計婚紗的設計師Clare Waight Keller,在任職三年後宣布離職。Clare 是GIVENCHY 首位女性創意總監,也曾為CHLOE 工作六年,2018年為Meghan Markle設計簡約的平肩婚紗是她的代表作。


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LVMH CEO Sidney Toledano 透過 GIVENCHY 官方Instagram 發表聲明,感謝Clare 過去三年來的貢獻,在她的率領之下,品牌得以延續紀凡希先生的精神,並且在句尾附上一個大大的黑色愛心,展現最優雅的「分手」情。

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A post shared by GIVENCHY (@givenchyofficial) on Apr 10, 2020 at 7:06am PDT

而Clare 也在個人IG上 寫下感言,她特別向幕後英雄致謝:「你們的才華和奉獻將永遠存留在我的記憶中。」更一一指出,不只設計團隊,從產品端到零售端的全球工作夥伴們,都是她想感謝的對象。

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From the heart ♥️ After three truly wonderful years, the time has come to close my chapter at Givenchy. As the first woman to be the Artistic Director of this legendary Maison, I feel honoured to have been given the opportunity to cherish its legacy and bring it new life. Focusing on a world based on Haute Couture has been one of the highlights of my professional journey. I have shared so many incredible moments with the brilliant Givenchy ateliers and design teams : your exceptional talent and dedication will forever remain in my memories. My heartfelt thanks go out to each of the unsung heroes and heroines behind the scenes, for their contribution from product to communications and retail, and every global team member, partner and supplier in between. Without all of you, I could not have brought my vision for Givenchy to life in such a beautiful way. I am now looking forward to embarking on the next episode. Love and creativity remain central to what I do, and who I am, as does a heartfelt belief in kindness, and the courage to be true to your art. See you soon, and most importantly, stay safe ❤️ Love, Clare

A post shared by Clare Waight Keller (@clarewaightkeller) on Apr 10, 2020 at 7:05am PDT

月前發表的2020秋冬系列就是Clare 的告別作,雖然雙方都未透漏繼任人選,以及Clare 個人去向,但字裡行字間充滿愛與溫暖,我們相信很快就會再見的,正如同她所言:「我們下次見,還有最重要的,保持安全(See you soon, and most importantly, stay safe ❤️)


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