


《黑暗騎士》男星染新冠肺炎過世 前007發文悼故友

NOWnews 今日新聞

更新於 2020年04月07日05:54 • 發布於 2020年04月07日05:18 • 娛樂中心 / 綜合報導

2019新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)爆發至今奪走許多名人性命,曾演出電影《異形2》、《黑暗騎士:黎明昇起》的美國男星傑班奈迪克(Jay Benedict),台灣時間昨(7日)晚傳出染疫病逝,享壽68歲。


傑班奈迪克的經紀公司在聲明中表示:「非常遺憾地宣布,由於感染新冠肺炎引起併發症,我們親愛的傑班奈迪克在4月4日過世。」他的好友、前「007龐德」皮爾斯布洛斯南(Pierce Brosnan)在社群貼出合照追悼40年故友。




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My dearest friend Jay Benedict, brother in this life, has passed on, slipped the mortal coils this day… we were friends for so many years, forty years and change. This is a photo taken last May outside the stage door of the Lyric theatre on Shaftesbury Avenue London …the stage door was tucked in right next door to the Old Windmill Theatre. Jay and I played brothers in a Franco Zeffirelli production of Filumena … He played Ricardo the shirt maker, I played Michele the plumber. We were on that Lyric stage for the best part of year….Life was so much fun with Jay, on stage and off, we laughed a lot at the world around us, at our selves, saw the funny side of life always. He was a courageous man of handsome life force, that shone its light in every room he walked into, down every road he traveled, he shared his joyful radiance of kinship with all who knew him, a fine mind of intellect and compassion, he gave of himself in every way to the craft of acting, but above all else, he gave us all his great love of life, himself. My deepest sympathies and condolences go out to his beloved wife Phoebe, his sons Leo and Freddie, my dearest God sons, peace be with you all dear hearts. Uncle Pierce

Pierce Brosnan(@piercebrosnanofficial)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2020 年 4月 月 4 日 下午 2:47 張貼

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